The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1566

"Since I have become your lover, Luo Pei, then I will take responsibility and be in charge of the house!"

"Well, as long as Hestia is happy."

It's useless for him to ask for money, since Hestia likes it, let Hestia play with it.

Luo Pei looked at the time on his watch, and it was almost approaching the scheduled time agreed with Rocky.

"Then as agreed, I'll be going out these few days, Hestia."


Goddess Loli was slightly taken aback.

"What's the deal? Did Rope tell me about going out?"

"Did you forget last night?"

Rope laughed.

"Could it be that you flew up to the clouds and couldn't hear anything?"

Hestia blushed suddenly.

"I, I just forgot a little bit, that's the one... you're planning to go to the dungeon, right?"

"Well, that's right."

Rope nodded.

"Let's go to the dungeon with the Loki family. "Maze City" Orari, I've been here for so long but I haven't seen what the dungeon looks like. Isn't it unreasonable? "

you do not say.

The theme of this world is dungeons, but I haven't been to a dungeon since Rope came.

So now, taking the opportunity of being accompanied by Loki's family, he plans to go sightseeing in the dungeon.

Hestia looked suspiciously at Rope's face.

"I always feel that you and Loki, the family of the poor-breasted goddess, are getting closer and closer. Is it my illusion?"

Loli Goddess is pure and pure, but she is also quite jealous.

After becoming Luo Pei's lover, she instinctively noticed that there was something wrong with Luo Pei being so active.

"It's just a normal exchange."

Luo Pei smiled without leaving a trace.

"The people who came to Olalie to receive me back then were the Loki family members. They also have a role in filming. Isn't it natural to go in? Besides, I have plans to find a family member for you when I go out this time."


"That's right, family."

"Great! Love you, Rope!"

So, after bidding farewell to Hestia, Rope walked onto the street of Orario and headed towards the Loki family.

Chapter 23: The girls in the tavern, the monsters in the maze

Today's Olalie is rarely liberated from the scorching sun, and the sky covered with dark clouds is dripping with light rain.

Rope let the slight rain hit him without covering himself, just sniffing the air with a fragrant earthy smell, walking on the medieval streets of Olalie.

On both sides of the road, there are merchants who do business even when it rains, and adventurers who stop taking risks.

Of course, the group of idle gods who have nothing to do are also indispensable.

They are all immersed in the two heated topics brought by Rope, some are arguing about "the love between God and man", while others are full of longing for "the elixir of youth".

When they saw the black-haired young man passing by in the rain, they nodded and smiled without exception, paying respect to the former "God of another world" and now the "God of miracles and arts" recognized by the gods.

"Rope! Your entertainment can't be over in one go, right? You must inform everyone of a new work! We are all looking forward to it."

"Yes, yes! Let's make Olalie more lively!"

Facing the yelling of the gods, Luo Pei smiled and waved.

"I'm writing, you just need to have expectations."

A new script has been conceived in his mind.

"With your words, I can rest assured. I have watched that "Love Between God and Man" more than ten times..."

A good work of art does not fade over time.

The gods all have eyes for appreciating beauty, and they can even get different feelings every time they taste it.

It was drizzling, and Luo Pei walked through the alley, passing by the slightly famous tavern "The Mistress of Abundance". Because of the rainy weather, the tavern became a little more lively.

"Master God of Miracles?"

From the side door of the tavern, a girl with gray hair poked her head out and called out to Luo Pei who was walking forward.

He turned his head and watched Xi'er carefully avoiding puddles and coming to him.

"You...where are you going?"

"Just call me Rope, I'm not very interested in those false names."

Luo Pei looked Xier up and down a few times.

The girl's face was a little red, and she no longer had the vigor she had when she first saw her, and there was an unspeakable secret between her brows.

"Is there something wrong with coming out in the rain?"


Xi'er smiled and sent the things in her hands.

"It's raining outside, I think your hair and clothes are getting wet, so I want to give you this, it should be able to help you. It can also be regarded as a thank you for bringing us and Olalie such a wonderful story."

As she said that, the girl handed over the cloak made of the fur of an unknown creature in her hand, and it could be seen at a glance that it had the effect of preventing rain.

Rope laughed.

He shook his head, and gathered the water vapor into a ribbon under the surprised eyes of the girl. Not only did his whole body look brand new, but the gathered water flowed obediently in his palm.

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