The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1568

"Tell me."

The old god was silent for a while, carefully looked around, and only after making sure that there was no one around, he opened his mouth in a low voice.

"I don't know if you've ever heard of... a monster that understands human language and possesses reason in the maze?"

Chapter 24: Heretics who are disqualified in the world

A labyrinth, also known as a dungeon.

This self-conscious realm full of monsters is the cradle of growth for adventurers in this world and the root of all misfortunes.

The monsters produced from the living maze accounted for 99% of the total number of monsters in the entire world. They never decayed, and they would grow quickly after being killed.

In any adventurer's mind, a maze has a different definition.

But the only thing I have no opinion on is that the maze is the enemy of all intelligent creatures.

Those ferocious, bloodthirsty, and incomprehensible monsters will bring disasters. While being taken away, they also take away the lives of countless adventurers.

The moment Rope spoke to Uranus, he almost thought that he was going to say "Have you heard of Amway?", but in the end the monster who knew people pulled him back from the unrealistic and interesting delusion.

The black-haired youth narrowed his eyes.

Uranus continued.

"Perhaps you don't know much about the labyrinth of this world. It is synonymous with the self-awareness of the hateful will that produces ferocious monsters. Long ago, before the gods descended, this world was tortured and slaughtered by monsters , It was not until the birth of an adventurer that there was a turning point, and there was the current Olalie."

"Well... go on."

Lopez, who recalled the plot, already knew what Uranus was going to say.

"But even in this maze, there seems to be a last ray of light."

Uranus sighed.

"Not so long ago, as seen by the gods, the immutable labyrinth of Orario was transformed. Sentient, unthiring to kill, and tormented children were born. They were unmistakably monsters, but But they suffer from the double persecution of the maze and adventurers. They yearn for peace, but because of the prejudice of the world, they can only hide in the maze..."

"I, or as we call them, 'Heretics'. "

Heretics, as the name suggests, are children who are not accepted by either party.

It was born by the labyrinth, but other monsters in the labyrinth don't think it is a compatriot, and chase it down like prey. Because it is a monster, it is a matter of course that it is hated by adventurers, and even killed without reason.

Just like a loophole in the system, this kind of children who shouldn't exist are constantly being born, and today, they have already reached a considerable scale.

They huddled between the hidden interlayers of the dungeon, struggling to survive.

"What do you want to ask me?"

Luo Pei pondered his index fingertips, lowered his head and asked.

"Uranus, you are one of the main gods served by humans in this world, and you also have your own family and children. Now you are talking about those monsters that take the lives of adventurers in such a sad tone. What are you planning to do? "

"I am a god, a god with unlimited lifespan."

Uranus said calmly.

"In my opinion, those heretical children who are confused and have washed away their monster characteristics also need to be saved. If even God can't treat them equally, then who else can save them?"

Although Uranus looks serious and full of majesty, he is indeed a loving old god.

He can ignore those heretics, stand aloft, and maintain the constant fighting relationship between adventurers and monsters.

But when Uranus heard those heretics crying for help, he still took the risk of ruining his reputation after being exposed, and firmly protected those poor children.

"Please, Mr. Luo Pei!"

Uranus bowed again.

"I have seen your work, the kind of cross-age entertainment, I have to say that it is very novel and attractive enough to attract the audience. And most importantly, this kind of intuitive picture performance and emotional rendering can be done normally. Saying things that can't be done... like Lorne, the main character in your movie, people even accepted him as a monster-colored ghost."

"So that's it. You don't want to use my unrestrained power to open up those heretics' paradise, but you want to solve their survival problems more fundamentally and let the mortals in this world accept them."

Hearing this, Uranus nodded.


He said bitterly.

"Growing under the wings of others is not a long-term solution. For those children, the best way is to let this bright world tolerate them. I have tried for many years, including the monster festival held by the Ganesha Familia, and Other means, but the effect is not obvious..."

"So after you watched that movie, you plan to let me use this form of entertainment to subtly change people's views on heretics... Well, it is indeed a very effective method."

What can change the fixed thinking of the masses is to let the masses consider whether their ideas are right or not.

And movies, which can easily create topicality, are the best choice.

Think about it, if Luo Pei made a movie with heretics as the protagonists, focusing on describing the entanglements between the identity of heretics and the bright world, exaggerating the tragic color, and letting the masses think in their shoes, then the situation will definitely be different.

These are easy for Luo Pei, who is a double master of writing and technology.

"What do you think? Mr. Rope."

Uranus asked.

"I am willing to use the power of the Adventurer's Guild to help you achieve your entertainment goals in this world. Maybe you don't care about this little thing after the power is deployed, but the channels of the Adventurer's Guild are all over the kingdom of the world. With our help, it will be more convenient for you."

"Your little effort is the salvation of those poor children in the dawn of tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Uranus quietly waited for Rope's answer.

It didn't take long for the black-haired youth to think.

It was indeed a very simple matter, and he didn't even need to worry too much about it.

Instead, he will gain a channel that can spread things like "movies" to the whole world, and gain the power of "happiness" while relaxing.

"I'm withholding my answer for now."

"why is that?"

"The reason is very simple, because I will soon go to the maze."

Rope laughed.

"Just use my eyes to confirm with my own eyes during the outing, what kind of "heresy" you are talking about, and whether it is worthwhile to trouble me to help. I will give you the specific answer after returning from the maze this time, Uranus. "

Uranus was a little bit unwilling to get a positive answer from the God of Miracles.

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