The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1595

"It has nothing to do with the level or where it is. I have seen the real "evil god" here. Not a god like our boss, but a god from another world with real power. "

"That "God of Miracles" Mr. Rope? "

Even though Haruhime was trapped in the fence, she had heard about the otherworldly gods in Orario.

And there are incidental tidbits like movies and elixirs.

"it's him."

Aisha curled her body together.

"What kind of "God of Miracles" is that? I think it's almost "Reaper"! I paid so much attention to the way I spoke, and I was almost killed by the other party... Really, I made such a beautiful and beautiful movie, but I was so violent. "

"It's a fierce god..."

During the time Chun Ji stayed in Fengyue Street, she also saw many male gods who were nostalgic for Fengyue place through the window.

Except for their handsome appearance, they can't tell any difference from those adventurers. I heard from a girl in the same brothel that some male gods would even secretly use their family members' funds for pleasure.

So the fox girl couldn't imagine what it would be like to be able to scare the strong Miss Aisha to such a degree.

Probably, it looks very vicious, right?

Santiao Nai Chunji asked again.

"Chun, Haruhime also heard that many people talked about the "movie". If Miss Aisha has seen it, what kind of thing is it? "

"Huh? Are you interested in that thing?"

Aisha looked up and smiled.

"That's right, the plot of that thing must be to the taste of a girl like you. Next time I will ask for a vacation and take you to see it. Compared with hearing the news from my mouth, it is better to see it with my own eyes." , isn't it?"


"There's no need to thank you for such a small thing."

Aisha rested for a while, then got up from the floor.

Her expression slowly became serious.

"The next thing is my personal warning. Tonight, Chun Ji, don't run around, let alone go out. It doesn't matter whether you pick up the guests successfully or not. The important thing is that you must not go to the temple of Goddess Ishtar. Where is Goddess Ishtar I am planning to receive the God of Lopez, and I am very worried that something bad will happen."

Aisha has no ability to predict, this is her instinct.

The god from another world gave her a very unusual feeling.

Violent temper, arrogant personality, according to the fact that even the number one goddess Freya in Orari can be ignored as trash, if the old problem of Goddess Istar is committed, it may lead to an unmanageable situation.

Aisha Belka felt a little uneasy about the meeting of the two gods.

But she didn't dare to speak out to Ishtar, who was in high spirits.

There was such an experience in the past. After she made a mistake, she was mercilessly "charmed" by the God of Beauty, and then punished. Aisha didn't want the feeling of falling into hell again.

"The concubine, the concubine knows."

Chun Ji was taken aback by Aisha's tone, and responded honestly.

Aisha breathed a sigh of relief and turned to leave.

But before leaving, she turned around and said.

"Stop crying in secret, the cub will eventually face a cruel world, Chun Ji, be strong."


After Aisha Belka left, You Kao became quiet again.

Sanjo Naoji stared blankly at the scenery outside the window, not knowing what to do, she ate the biscuits until the rain outside the window gradually stopped and dusk fell.

Happy Street's opening hours are approaching.

The whores wake up one by one, some are putting on makeup, and some are turning on magic stone lamps full of psychedelic colors, waiting for the guests to come to their door.

And those adventurers and gods, regardless of the puddles on the road that had just rained, poured into the Happy Street one after another.

There was a lot of voices.

As a saying goes, the joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, Chun Ji only thinks they are noisy.

At the beginning of the night, when Chun Ji was in a melancholy mood, the black-haired god of another world stepped into this pink land located in the southern part of the city.

Chapter 40 The Ability God in the Brothel, Buying the Girl

On the main road of "Happy Street", the magic stone lights exude a dreamy color.

Elves, orcs, little people, humans, Amazons, all kinds of women are smiling and inviting guests. The adventurer is like visiting a market, after seeing the whore, he goes up to discuss the price, and after the two parties have reached an agreement, they go to the inside of the brothel. Slightly more high-end brothels are full of male gods, and some gods even have quarrels over a position.

This is Olalie's inner world, a place to vent her desires.

Walking on the road in such a block, Luo Pei felt quite novel looking at the kitsch scenery on both sides.

In nearly tens of thousands of years of experience, he has never been to such a place.

It's not just a question of cleanliness.

Since Luo Pei became a godslayer, his strength has soared all the way. No matter which world he will become the highest existence, women don't need to come to this place to find him.

A look or a word from him will make his subordinates think carefully. If he was really too lazy to recruit girls by himself, the servants would send the most beautiful and pure girls for Luo Pei to enjoy without his ordering.

Therefore, demons have never had anything to do with this kind of low-level desire consumption.

"Ah! Isn't that the God of Miracles?"

"Where, where?"

"Really. It's the God of Miracles, that kind of big man would come to Happy Street..."

Some women recognized Luo Pei's appearance, and they discussed it for a while.

Some daring girls even leaned forward and asked with a charming smile.

"Would you like to buy me? Mr. Luo Pei."

"Her skills are not good, come and buy me, Master Luo Pei!"

Luo Pei rubbed his eyebrows and sighed helplessly.

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