The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1604

The old god was speechless.

Looking at the scene that suddenly seemed to be chatting, Uranus wondered if he really couldn't keep up with the times.

This is the kind of god that has died at a real price and cannot be resurrected.

As a result, none of them seemed to have a sense of crisis.

No, maybe I really saw it through...

The will of the demon god is irresistible, so conforming to his will is the best way to allow the world and the gods to exist safely. For the billions of mortals living in this world, the dignity of the God of the Upper Realm is not worth mentioning.

Only the strong deserve to talk about dignity, and the weak do not have that opportunity.

The gods of Orario are weak.

Thinking of this, Uranus got up and walked to Rope.

"This old man will try to eliminate the impact of this matter." Uranos bowed deeply: "Please don't forget the happiness you got in Olali, Lord Luo Pei, and still hope that the plan between us has not changed."

"Don't tell me that."

Rope said with a smile.

"Things are just complicated by you."

"Is that so... probably so."

Uranus sighed.

"Let's put this matter aside for the time being. Your Excellency Luo Pei, have you thought about how to deal with it after killing Istar? Happy Street is an important part of Orario. It cannot be left to be buried like this. It must be properly managed. It will not let the environment inside the city fall into chaos."


Luo Pei suddenly felt something was wrong.

He looked into the old god's eyes, pointed at himself and asked.

"Could it be that you plan to let me take over Istar's Happy Street?"

"Aren't you satisfied?" Uranus said: "If you can become the king of Fengyue Street, it will also help to dilute what you have done. It is beneficial to the spread of your entertainment culture."

"I do not want it!"

The god of arts and miracles, the god slayer, how elegant and compelling these titles sound.

And the King of Fun Street and Lord of Whores?

Luo Pei felt embarrassed just thinking about these titles.

"Hey, I hope you can be a little more responsible. We can't find a suitable family member to take over Istar's property..."

"Isn't Freya quite suitable?"

Beauty, who was pouring herself a glass of wine to quench her thirst, choked when she heard this.

The silver-haired goddess elegantly wiped the red wine from the corner of her mouth, and looked at Luo Pei with a strange expression.

"...Master Luo Pei, I finally know what kind of eyes you look at me? In your eyes, do I and a whore match like that?"

if not?

Although it sounds like Freya's act of looking for a man is very elegant, and she moves according to her heart.

But in fact, in Luo Pei's eyes, she is just a high-level whore.

After that, although Freya refused for a while, but after talking about the benefits of Happy Street, the beauty god finally did not refuse and accepted it well.

——Who would have trouble with money?

The hustle and bustle of the city has returned to calm.

The turbulent undercurrent can't change the truth that everyone should sleep.

When Aisha brought Chun Ji to Istar's palace, only Rope and Hestia were left present, and Freya who was watching in the palace to receive the inheritance in the future.

"Luo, Mr. Luo Pei?"

Chun Ji was quite frightened by the mighty adventurers and gods just now.

Aisha didn't tell her what happened, but the fox's sense of danger made her tremble when she walked.

Seeing the face of a familiar person at this moment, Chun Ji felt relieved.

"Chun Ji, you are free. From now on, you are no longer a family member of Istar, but a family member of the goddess in front of you, Hestia."

"Wait, Rope!"

Hestia came to his senses and looked at his lover in surprise.

"Shouldn't it be, you made such a big fuss today just to snatch Ista's family members from me?"

"Well, the process is a bit tortuous, but the starting point is indeed this. Didn't I say it? I want to find excellent family members for you."

Hestia held her head, squatted down and screamed inwardly.

She received this love truthfully.

But Goddess of Kitchen Fire clearly realized one thing.

Her lover, "God of Another World" Rope, must be the most incomprehensible guy in the world!

Chapter 45 The storm fades away, the beauty of the Most High

The news of the death of the goddess Ishtar did not escape the ears of Olali adventurers.

But the news they got was only at the level of "repatriation to heaven".

After all, the news of killing a god completely is too shocking. In addition to Uranus' decision and discussion, most of the gods chose to keep their mouths shut and stopped talking about Istar.

And those few adventurers who knew the truth either had a close relationship with Luo Pei, or didn't want to get angry, so they all buried this secret in their hearts.

For a while, except for the news that Olali's Fengyue Street was under the jurisdiction of Freya, the whole city was calm.

Adventurers are also well-informed.

The incident of the gods being repatriated to the heavens has been happening repeatedly in the past years, and it cannot be news at all. Some gods may be repatriated just by being hungry, which is too normal to be normal.

It's just that the only thing they don't understand is why the repatriation of a god to the heavens will cause the horror of the starry sky being broken.

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