The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1611

Lyu shook her head.

"I'm just giving my opinion according to your instructions, and your thoughts are your own business."

"Since Mr. Rope doesn't care about the criticisms of those adventurers, why doesn't Mr. Rope put both on sale? Can't? Or didn't you think of it?"

Xier asked curiously.

"Well, there's nothing you can't..."

Luo Pei scratched his face and said rather embarrassingly.

"...Maybe some strange persistence is at work."

He wanted to taste the feeling of being amazed by the gods when something came out.

After all, there is an upper limit to surprise. Two similar but different things are released at the same time, which cannot satisfy Luo Pei's interest in looking at bumpkins in amazement.

"You're a sucker for oddities."

"Okay, okay, I see, let's sell it together."

Rope spread his hands.

"And then? Is there anything you want to say about the game?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Xier raised her right hand high, like a primary school student rushing to answer in class.

"Lord Luo Pei, this game of yours is indeed a new experience that we have never seen before, but I always feel... well, that kind of feeling lonely while playing? Even with Lyu by my side, I still feel a little lonely."

Indeed, the game "Minecraft" is good no matter what, but the single-player mode has the problem of easily causing loneliness...

You are the only one moving in the whole spacious world, which sounds very refreshing, but accompanied by the soft music, a sense of loneliness will soon arise spontaneously.

"So, Mr. Luo Pei, can you let us play together? For example...for example...on the same screen, both of us can control it?"

Xi'er doesn't understand the ins and outs of those video games, so she can only speak in such a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

Rope understood what she wanted.


"Online means that I can play with everyone?"

"That's right."

"That's online!"

"This is really necessary..."

Rope pondered, then said.

"I will ask His Majesty Yog about the online connection. Well, it is still very helpful to find some outsiders to experience the new game."

Various thoughts such as "server setup" and "online games" popped up in his mind, which made Luo Pei want to go to Yog Sothoth immediately.

But Xier's expectant eyes pulled him away.

Luo Pei raised his hand and dangled the handheld in front of the girl. And Xier looked like a cat attracted by a cat teaser, her eyes followed.

The black-haired youth laughed.

"Does Seele want this?"

"I, I want it very much!"

Xier subconsciously touched the purse at her waist.

"Please Mr. Luo Pei, you can sell it to me and Lyu in advance. As long as your price is not too exaggerated, I am willing to buy it immediately..."

"No need, I'll give it to you."

Luo Pei threw the handheld and controller to Seele.

"I'm going to be busy with business, it's been a few hours, you guys hurry up and go home with these things."

"Thank you Lord Rope!"

Xier was jumping happily, and when Lyu turned around, she suddenly leaned forward and kissed Luo Pei's cheek on tiptoe.



Seele kept her eyes closed, her fingers sticking up in front of her mouth.

Afterwards, the two girls hugged their harvest of the day and happily left the beach that was covered by hallucinations.

Luo Pei shook his head, lamented his youth, and walked in the direction of Yog.

"Are you done?"

"That's right."

Luo Pei sat beside the beautiful girl with white hair.

"It's just that I have to ask His Majesty Yog to set up the server..."

"Hehe, regardless of this matter, today's work is over."

Yog lay on his side, his dark blue eyes reflected Rope's figure.

"As for you, Luo Pei, how long do you plan to make me wait? Could it be that you have lost interest in women?"

Lopena couldn't understand Yog's meaning.

With a solemn expression, he stood up and unbuttoned his collar.

"In this case, let me be rude and come to ask His Majesty Yog for advice."

The stars reflect the earth, and Rope begins to explore hard on the road of time and space.

Soon, Rey, who came back with half a coconut as a pillow, was also forced to join the "battle" between the supreme evil god and the high demigod.

Chapter 49: All Evil Gods Control Hegemony

What does it feel like to be knocked to the bone and absorb the marrow?

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