The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1613

On the way, I ran into Aisi Wallenstein head-on.

Since he killed Istar last time, he hasn't seen Aisi for a while.

"Isn't Ais planning to come to me in this direction?"


The blond girl didn't evade, she nodded frankly.

The two walked side by side.

"Teacher, did something big happen that night?" Ais looked at Luo Pei worriedly, "Although Loki didn't want to tell us anything, it shouldn't be as simple as sending God Istar back to the heaven, right? "

"It's really not that simple."

Rope said in a relaxed tone.

"Because she pissed me off, so I killed her outright."

"Totally... kill?"

"The gods will return to the heavens when they die in the lower realm, and they will fall into resurrection when they die in a complete state. However, I didn't give Ista a chance to return to the heavens and resurrection, and directly obliterated her forever."

Lopez squinted at Aisi.

"How? Are you scared?"

It was obviously a terrifying move to kill a god, but Aisi didn't feel scared at all.

The blond girl couldn't forget Rope's care for her and the warmth in that unchanging smile.

"Teacher, you should have your own reasons, right? After all, you are from another world..."

"Haha, you can really excuse me. But I'm glad you think so."

Rope smiled lightly.

"How's your sword skills going?"

"I'm familiar with it about 70% to 80%. Because of the training of Lefia and Riveria, I have made great progress in "Fingering Slash", but "Returning Lightning" is a bit unfamiliar. "

"Those two people don't know thunder attribute magic?"

"No." Aisi shook her head: "The lightning magic of the two of them is too weak to reach the amount of repayment."

"I see."

Rope thought for a moment and said.

"Then come back to me in two days, and I will train your Thunder Return and test your other sword skills."

"May I?"

"You have called me the teacher for so long, and you still ask such words?"

With a thought, the black-haired young man took Ais's hand casually.

Although Ai Si was a little surprised and unaccustomed to the opposite sex holding hands, she didn't struggle.

"I'm going to send Rocky the movie to be released right now, and ask her to help with the preparations. Since I met you on the way, let's go later?"


Ace tilted her head.

"Teacher, is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, it's just a date."


The girl knew the meaning of this term, but she was not used to it appearing in Luo Pei's mouth.

She was also faintly aware of her own intentions, but more, she respected and yearned for Luo Pei as a teacher.

Aisi looked at the bustling street in the distance, and then at the dazzling black-haired god beside her, her face flushed slightly.


The two changed their way and walked on the busiest commercial street in the center of Orario.

Many people recognized Ace and Lopez and greeted them with a smile, and some even gave gifts to show their appreciation. This is where the magical atmosphere of Orario lies, the harmonious coexistence of residents and adventurers.

"Ais, why are you so thirsty for power?"

Lopez held the blond girl's hand and asked as if chatting.

This question made Ai Si's palms clenched a little, and after a long silence, she still answered her teacher well.

"Because, some past."

Ace said with a gloomy look.

"My mother and my father are all because of the black dragon... so I really want to be an adventurer, relying on the strength of myself and my family to conquer the black dragon."

"Can this count as revenge?"

"I don't know, it's just... what I got at this moment shouldn't be summed up in pure revenge..."

Alice stopped suddenly.

Lopez followed Aisi's line of sight, and in the dark alley beside the road, several men were beating the girl.

That curled up on the ground, holding his head in his hands, he could only see the short flaxen hair clearly.

But that petite body is the most distinctive feature of the little people.

Ais looked at Luo Pei solicitingly, and Luo Pei said with a smile.

"You don't need to ask for my opinion. Since acting chivalrously can make you happy, just go ahead and do it. I will support Aisi's choice at any time."

The blond girl nodded happily, and walked towards the bullying scene.

Rope followed suit.

Chapter 50 Ready to go, the thief girl trapped in the wine cellar

There is no relationship between hustle and bustle and darkness.

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