The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1615

"Thank you, Lord Jianji, and thank you, Lord God."

Perhaps because she felt that what she did was disgraceful, Lilyluka didn't talk too much, so she just planned to leave.

When passing by Sword Princess, Lilyluka pulled up her hood. Aisi's golden face and clear eyes made her feel infinitely inferior.

But when passing by Rope, Lily Luca raised her head slightly and took a look.

She recognized this god of arts and miracles that was rumored outside, and it was different from other people who just heard about it. Lilyluka's understanding meant that she had met once before. At the entrance of the dungeon that day, she was absent-minded and bumped into her companion who was walking with the God of Miracles.

Staring at this incomparably handsome appearance, the corner of the god's mouth was smiling slightly.

This is God.

Even after knowing her despicable deeds, she just smiled and looked at her equally.

"...Thank you, God of Miracles."

Lililuka thanked again in a voice that only Luo Pei could hear, and then quickly left with her backpack on her back.

Luo Pei kept watching the little human girl to the end before asking Ais.

"What does Ace think of that girl just now?"

"My nature shouldn't be bad, but for some reason, I always feel resentful."

Ace said.

"Su Mo's family... I heard from Loki that that family is the family that values ​​money the most. I'm afraid the reason for this has something to do with what happened to that girl just now."

"God of Dionysus "Divine Wine". "

Luo Pei stroked his chin, then smiled.

"I'm looking forward to the taste of divine wine. Let's see if I, a guy who has always been indifferent to alcoholic beverages, can feel the beauty of wine."

"Unfortunately, it seems that the Somo Familia stopped selling real spirit wine a long time ago. Loki complained about it."

"Haha, then I have to take a sip."

After the episode, Ace and Rope resume their date.

It wasn't until dusk gradually approached that the two returned to the Loki family.

By the time the mischievous goddess who slept through the day scratched her hair and walked into the living room, the sight of Ace and Lopez side by side made her mouth grow wide.

Loki ran over crying and hugged Aisi.

"No! Ai Sitan is our family's treasure! Don't let Luo Pei take it away!"


Feeling helpless, the blond girl tapped Loki's head lightly.

Although her strength was well controlled, Loki was having a headache after sleeping with a hangover during the day. Under the influence of physics and alcohol, she kept rolling on the ground.

"Are you sober now?"

Lopez fanned the wind with his hands to dissipate the smell of alcohol from Loki.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you are awake or not, there will be no mistakes."

The red-haired goddess sat cross-legged on the ground, looking up at the black-haired youth.

"I don't know why Luo Pei came to me at this time? Let me tell you in advance, if you plan to force Ai Si to convert, I will die!"

Such an attitude of her own master god made Ai Si feel a little helpless and shy.

"Sorry, teacher, I made you laugh..."

"The Loki family is no longer a simple family to Ais. This place is more like her home. How could I say the words to make Ais convert."

Lopez pulled Loki up from the ground, and handed over the finished film of "The Daughter of the Sea" to the goddess with short red hair.

"Your business is here. It just so happens that your Loki family has been short of money recently. Come and help me arrange the movie screening. I will let you take 10% of the profit."

"10%?" Loki smacked his mouth: "Aren't you too stingy? Which one of us will go with who? I was the first to receive you when you came to Olalie, and I will run errands for you. If you don't give Is the 50% said in the past?"

"Why, not satisfied?"

Rope laughed.

"You must know that the movie ticket money for "Love Between God and Man" is still flowing into my pocket. Since Loki doesn't want it..."

"No, no, no! I'm just kidding."

The goddess quickly grabbed the original film of Luo Pei and held it in her chest.

"The last expedition not only didn't make any money, but lost a lot, plus I had to buy your "elixir of youth" from Luo Pei. Right now, I can't wait to break a Farley into two halves. How can I dislike it? It's just a suggestion, just a suggestion, it doesn't matter if Luo Pei listens or not..."

"Then I'll leave it to you. A screening will be arranged tomorrow night at the latest."

"I will handle it!"

After dealing with Loki, Rope chatted with Ais for a while before going out to find the Hermes family.

When Hermes heard that there was such an interesting thing, he agreed to sell the handheld and large game consoles without asking the price.

Everything is well arranged, just waiting for tomorrow's opening.

Chapter 51 Everyone is a Creator

The next day, at the entrance of Olalie's Hermes shop.

The God of Commerce and Travel stood on a high platform built of wooden boxes and shouted loudly with a bright smile on his face.

"Don't miss it when you pass by! The most dazzling treasure in the history of Orario! Produced by the god of miracles from another world, it is an artifact and magic prop that allows anyone to become the creator! When you are tired of adventures in the dungeon, Choosing to be the Creator will be your best choice to relieve boredom!"

The people who came and went seemed to have gotten used to Hermes' style, and they were not too surprised except for the thought "What the hell is this grandson doing?"

Although they are all eager to buy tickets for the new movie released today, seeing more and more people gather in front of the high platform of Hermes, they can't help but become interested, wanting to see what is sold in the Hermes gourd. What kind of medicine is it, or what is the shining treasure named after the God of Miracles.

Is everyone a creator?

What a big breath!

This is the case with Refia of the Loki Familia.

With the pre-booked movie tickets, she didn't have to queue up with ordinary adventurers to buy them. She separated the dense crowd like Moses divided the sea and came to Hermes.

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