The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1619

Any accusation of the prince seems to add dust to the pure love, making the audience feel guilty.

If a rational monster really appeared in front of them, like the little mermaid in the movie, would they really stick to their current views?

The sharp questions pointed directly at the heart of the audience.

Chapter 53: Demons Only Judge Results

The movie ended quickly, and the theater fell silent.

The happy ending that the audience was looking forward to did not come.

The king will not tolerate a prince who is deluded by monsters, and the prince will not abandon the one he loves.

In the end, after waiting for the prince to try his best to send the little mermaid back to the sea, he himself fell on the shore because of the injuries he suffered while protecting the little mermaid. The little mermaid was very sad, and asked the sea god to exchange her life for the life of the prince.

The setting sun shines on the beautiful coast, watching the little mermaid turn into foam, some goddesses with weak lacrimal glands are already crying.

The movie ends with melodious and tragic music.

This is undoubtedly a tragedy, but Rope's technique turns the tragedy into a means of eulogizing love. Although the audience regretted that the two could not live happily, they all felt relieved and felt the true thoughts revealed under the surface of the movie.

"Fortunately, it's just a fiction..."

The adventurer clutched his heart and shouted joy.

It’s not their fault. Although they sympathize with and appreciate what happened to the Little Mermaid, it’s hard for them to empathize rationally.

Mermaids are monsters. Many adventurers sitting here have encountered such monsters when they arrived at Ju Cang Waterfall. Some adventurer companions even died from this creature that charms humans with its singing.

After watching the movie at this moment, it is really difficult to express this mixed feeling of disgust and love in words.

"Why does the God of Miracle want to make this kind of movie?"

"The plot is indeed very impactful and unique, but using monsters as the heroine..."

"My former teammate was killed by a monster at Ju Cang Waterfall. It's really hard to imagine what would happen if a monster with human intelligence appeared. I'm not saying I don't sympathize with the two protagonists in the movie, it's just... ..."

Messy conversation, accompanied by the curtain call of the movie, Luo Pei stepped onto the stage.

Same as last time, the black-haired youth brought the heroine of the movie, Mary. The girl had never seen so many humans and gods before, and it was inevitable that she would feel a little stage fright when she experienced such a big scene. She carefully hid behind Luo Pei, and looked curiously at the crowd in the auditorium with her two eyes.

The adventurers were finally completely relieved when they saw the heroine's healthy legs.

It seems that the heroine in the movie is just a picture created by the magic of the god of miracles, not really a mermaid. They were also worried about what would happen if Rope did lead a mermaid.

"You can tell by looking at everyone's appearance, they must be very satisfied with my performance."

Luo Pei said with a smile, the sound naturally spread to every corner of the large theater.

"Some people may be curious, where was such a beautiful scene shot? In fact, it is not far from Olalie, and it is about half a day's journey outside the city. If you have ideas and leisure, you can go for a visit."

After Luo Pei finished speaking, there were applause one after another, and many gods wanted to monitor the magnificent scenery on the lake with their own eyes.

"I don't know if anyone still remembers. When I announced the movie last time, I said that just like the eternal life sold at that time, every movie in the future will have surprises waiting for you. After watching "The Daughter of the Sea", Presumably you also want to swim in the ocean like fish."

Rope received.

"Maybe there is a elixir that can achieve a similar effect, but it is temporary after all. Tonight I will draw five lucky viewers to personally give them the ability to breathe freely in water forever."

Breathe in water.

Although this kind of elixir is quite rare, it is not something that cannot be bought in Orario.

The eternity that Cope spoke of was unusual.

The elixir has a time limit, and there will always be variables in the dangerous maze. It is impossible for adventurers to be prepared all the time. With the method of underwater breathing, it is just like every adventurer will choose. Like "abnormal resistance", it adds a little chips to the survival of life under accidents.

The applause sounded, and everyone was looking forward to being able to draw themselves, but before the applause fell, the god of miracles on the stage threw a depth bomb.

"Just like fictional plays, movies are also fictional, and everyone knows that."

Luo Pei said slowly, his eyes swept over every audience present.

‘But there is a film that takes what actually happened and artistically renders it before your eyes. Every plot of it is worthy of scrutiny and everyone's deep thinking..."

With just a few words, some smart gods' expressions changed, and they began to think deeply.

Freya, who was sitting in the best position, narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at Mari next to Rope.

The goddess has the ability to see through the souls of others, and the girl who follows the God of Miracles has a very different soul from ordinary humans or adventurers.

Like a white lotus born out of filth.

Feels a bit like a labyrinth monster.

"Please let me introduce this girl next to me."

Rope said.

"Her name is Mari. As you can see in the movie, she is the monster of the labyrinth, a mermaid who lives in the giant waterfall."

When Luo Pei's voice fell, the theater was boiling.

And Mary also changed her real body in front of everyone as Luo Pei said.

The combination of a fishtail and a girl, Mari was in the floating bubble formed by Rope, holding Rope's clothes pitifully with both hands.

"What? Really a mermaid?"

"Monster... How could a monster have immediate intelligence? It's impossible!"

"Master God of Miracle, you must be joking, right? This is also part of your show, right?"

Compared to the silence of the gods, adventurers seem to find it much harder to accept.

The history of monsters and adventurers fighting each other has been difficult to find a starting point. The grievances between the two have reached a certain extreme. It does not mean that bringing out a monster with intelligence can shake hands and make peace.

It is also for this reason that Uranus and Ganesha have not dared to disclose the existence of heretics. They can only slowly and subtly change the thoughts of the residents of Orario.

"Many people will be surprised, very surprised, why monsters have human reason."

Lopez touched Mari's head and said.

"Just like your doubts, the labyrinth also has doubts. Mari, who was born as an unstable factor, and her companions became heretics of the labyrinth, and lived there in difficulty. As a monster, she was hunted down by adventurers. Heretics are rejected by monsters. After I know this, I plan to help them."

"The purpose of making this movie is also the same. I want you to understand that not all monsters are existences that deserve to be killed. There are already awakened ones among them, longing for the sun, eager to integrate into you, and being recognized by the current society and society. Accepted by all."

"I hope that after these words, all adventurers and gods can think carefully about where they should place heretics."

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