The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1621

"I' help me..."

Hearing this, the progress of the white figure stopped.

Pushing aside the jungle of shrubs, Yog Sothoth, the "one of all things", appeared in front of Artemis with his beautiful appearance.

The goddess of chastity finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She desperately pushed the two broken spears to the white-haired girl's feet, and said weakly.

"Please... take this gun to Oraris and give it to Hephaestus... say that Andaris has lifted the seal and obtained the divine power of Artemis..."

After saying this, Artemis fell into a coma.

Fluorescence was shining all over her body, her body turned from solid to empty, and her missing body was about to dissipate.

Yog watched the goddess of purity slowly dissipate without emotion, and turned his gaze to the broken spear.

She spanned the past, present, and future, and has seen boundless and vast landscapes, among which there are countless powerful weapons made by real gods, and some weapons can even destroy several worlds with a single wave. God's spear is nothing in the eyes of the All-One.

What Yog cares about is the fluctuation at the break of the spear.

"The divine power of war fluctuates?"

Yog picked up the butt of the gun.

"This is the power of Rope, how could it appear on this spear?"

The white-haired girl's eyes sparkled, and she understood all the causes and consequences in the blink of an eye, as well as the connection between the goddess lying on the ground and Luo Pei.

"Hehe, so that's how it is, an established event on the road of time bifurcation..."

Yog dropped his spear and looked at Artemis.

"Since this matter has something to do with little Luo Pei, I can't just watch you disappear like this."

Without any action, the strings of time are played beautifully.

Using the one-billionth of the great power of the One Who Turns All Things into One, the dissipation of Artemis' thought body was instantly prevented, and it was restored like a time reversal, and the spear of Orion attached to the goddess of purity was also healed again.

The moonlight was still bright, and Yog sat by the tree root and closed his eyes quietly.

Artemis slowly woke up.

The first thing she did when she got up was the surprise that she still existed.

Orion's fracture, she who lost her support was originally supporting by her will, and after the entrustment, the thought body should return to the body imprisoned by Andaris.

But at this moment, standing here with a clear mind, even the strength of the body has fully recovered.

"This is……"

Artemis was taken aback when he saw the white-haired girl in front of him, and then saw the Orion spear in the white-haired girl's hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

"you're awake?"

Yog opened his blue eyes, and handed over the spear in his hand.

Artemis took the spear and held it in her arms, as if she had regained the chance of redemption.

"thanks for your help!"

Artemis bowed his head.

"Although I don't know how you fixed Orion, thank you very much!"

Then the goddess of the moon had some doubts again, and asked with a tilted head.

"You should be a goddess too... I don't think I've seen you in the heavens?"

"My identity has nothing to do with you, and you don't have to thank me for my help."

Yog said lightly, and raised his white jade-like palm, holding a scarlet surge of ferocious divine power in his hand.

"Your fate has something to do with my friend, and your path shouldn't stop here. Go and do what you should do."

Artemis is not the kind of woman who pesters endlessly, she nodded and stopped asking about the identity of the mysterious white-haired girl.

"My lady goddess, I would like to ask you to do me a favor."

Artemis said respectfully.

"The monster Andaris broke the seal of the great elves back then, reappeared in the world, and... and obtained my body and the power of God. I will go to Oraris now to find out who can use Orion. I hope you can help me notify other countries and prepare for it during this period.”

"That has nothing to do with me."

"how come……"

Artemis was a little anxious.

"Andaris has obtained my power, if you don't step up and affect the will of the labyrinth dungeon..."

"I said, it has nothing to do with me."

Saying that, Yog showed a smile.

That smile was brighter than the stars and the full moon in the sky, making Artemis a little lost.

"However, I can recommend you to find someone. Even if that person doesn't use the garbage in your hand, he may be able to solve your troubled problems."

"who is it?"

"Right now, in the city you call Orario, named "God of Arts and Miracles" Rope. "

Artemis frowned now.

The gods are restricted in the lower realm and cannot use divine power.

And she had never heard of a god named "Rope" in the heavens.

But the miraculous goddess in front of her saved her life, allowed her redemption to continue to be realized, and repaired the broken Orion's spear, so Artemis nodded in approval of the white-haired girl's statement.

"I will go to the God of Miracles!"

After speaking, the goddess of the moon bid farewell to Yog, left the big pit that was smashed out by Orion's gun, and walked towards the labyrinth city of Orario.

In any case, she must settle her mistakes and find redemption for the children who died tragically under Andaris.

Even if it is to take Artemis' life, let her die and sleep for tens of thousands of years!

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