The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1626

"My power is also time!"

"Do you think you can match me?"

Such a rhetorical question made Xanos go crazy, but he couldn't refute it.

Yog sighed.

"Don't be too entangled, Xanos, I have paid the price too. My incarnation, Avgomon, will give in to your power. This is a theorem that no one can change."

"Oh? Should I thank you for your charity?"

Xanos sneered.

"A conspiracy is always entwined with another conspiracy. All the ancient gods have been deceived by your detached attitude! After all, you are an evil god born of "chaos", and no matter how grand the decoration is, it cannot be changed! "

"I'm not here today to argue with you."

Yog said

"At this moment, I am not pure Avgomon, but also mixed with my original will. Xanos, I need you to help me."

"Don't think about it!"

The mist figure stretched out its hand, and countless regular chains bound Yog.

"Your incarnation, Avgomon, is powerless in front of me. I will tear you to pieces! You dare to despise me and call me a lesson!"

"What's the point? You annihilate my incarnation at this moment, and the me at the previous moment still exists and can appear completely. Your power is just a time record to move forward. In front of my incarnation mixed with my own consciousness at this moment, Your timing trick is not up to par."

With a brilliant aurora, Xanos' regular chain metal shattered.

Yog Sothoth abandoned the incarnation of "now", plucked the string of time, and summoned "past" simultaneously.

Xanos has never been calm, symbolizing his angry heart.

But on the one hand, the feeling of wanting to be close to Yog-Sothoth and time is like a shadow, making this powerful ancient god almost sick.

As he himself said, it is difficult for Xanos to simply be called an "ancient god".

It is more like he has become something between "Avatar of Yog Sothoth" and "Old God", still possessing power, but unable to gain freedom of mind.

"The keys to "Order Power" are divided into three. The "crown" is in the hands of Nodens, and the "rules" are stored in the center of order, both of which are difficult to obtain. But the last "reconciliation" is not anywhere in the multiverse. I hope you can help me find it, Xanos. "

"Do you think that as an ancient god, I will honestly do things according to your orders? You must be too confident!"

"you will."

Yog said with certainty.

"I know your current situation best. After countless hours of baptism, the foundation of your order is slowly crumbling. Xanos, you are no longer just an ancient god."


The mist figure hummed softly.

Yugo continued.

"But even so, you are the serpent's child with natural rights. My "chaotic" nature makes it difficult for me to gain access to the key to order, so you must find it for me. "

What a shame.

An ancient god, at the beck and call of the One who made all things one.

Xanos regretted his greed back then. If he hadn't overreached himself to touch the river of time, he would still be a noble son of the snake at this moment, not a pitiful wretch hiding in the kingdom of God to compete with his own soul.

He had to obey Yog Sothoth's order.

"...I must know what you want to use "reconciliation" for? "

"Deleting traces of unnecessary existence from future time allows the truth to be hidden."

With a simple sentence, the mist phantom made waves again.

"It seems that there is a huge conspiracy led by you in the series of actions of Nyarlathotep..."

"You don't need to know this, you just need to find the location of "harmony". "

As long as he has "reconciliation", Yog-Sothoth can hide even Azathoth's horrific event of being united with his soul and giving birth to the fourth god, so that Rope has a chance to be fully born.

Xanos was silent for a long time, and finally the fog figure slowly dissipated.

Yog Sothoth didn't need to hear the answer, she already knew what Xanos would choose.

This is an irresistible destiny.

The kingdom of God around Xanos dissipated like an ink painting, and Yog returned to the barren and ruined landscape before.

And she herself has returned to the appearance of a girl with white hair and blue eyes.

Smelling the pungent smell from the wind and sand, Yog-Sothoth smiled slightly, and continued to move forward, traveling around the world.

The walls etched with the emblem of Xanos weathered in an instant, and this world no longer retained any traces of the ancient gods.

Only the verdant green shade that never fades along the way proves that the supreme being who pleases the world has come here, and issued an order here that has a far-reaching impact on the multiverse.

Everything is floating in the long river of time.

Chapter Fifty-Eighth The Moon God in Pursuit of Redemption, the Demon in Charge of Miracles

Rope would agree to Artemis' request, and Uranus and other gods were very happy.

Now the situation in Orario is changing rapidly. The two leading families, Freya and Loki, have not clearly expressed their views on "heretics". Various ideas are fermenting in the labyrinth city. With the Hermes family constantly guiding and dredging and controlling public opinion, the emotions of the people are still very complicated.

On the one hand, there are heretical monsters who possess human intelligence and are indistinguishable from human beings, and on the other hand, there is a bloody feud with monsters that has lasted for thousands of years in the world. This cannot be relieved for a while.

Coupled with the removal of the seal of Andaris, the labyrinth began to throb. The Adventurer's Guild needed to dispatch its family members to suppress it and prevent the monsters from coming to the surface. The atmosphere in Olalie became more and more serious.

At this point in time, Luo Pei, who stood at the center of the incident, was willing to leave, which undoubtedly helped the gods of Orario a lot.

In the early morning, beside the small river outside the maze city.

Artemis held down the short skirt, squatted down and filled the water bottle with water, wanting to use it as a backup thirst quencher on the road.

Orario is very far away from the seal of Andaris, even if he wants to ride some flying beasts, it will take several days.

But when the kettle was half filled, Artemis realized that he was no longer his original body.

The Orion spear at her waist trembled, reminding her of her identity as a thought body residing in the spear.

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