The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1628

"If you had a chance to do it all over again, Artemis, would you change?"

"I don't know how to change..."

Artemis' eyes were red, and it could be seen how hard this strong goddess had made to suppress her grief.

"It's just... It shouldn't be as serious as before... The children should not be bound by my preferences, and they should have their wonderful lives."

"The splendor of life is nothing more than meeting and parting. Maybe things will turn around in the end."

Artemis was drowning in grief, and could no longer hear Rope's last words clearly.

The black-haired young man's spiritual vision directly crossed the distant space and landed on the dark and corrupted ruins.

Maybe the monsters couldn't freely digest the divine power of Artemis, or maybe there were still remnants of the seal of the ancient great elf. The monster that seemed like a fusion of a scorpion and a dragon still stayed in the deepest part of the tomb.

The divine power of the moon emanating faintly distorts the daytime, making the strange scene of the sun and the moon appear in the sky.

In the crystal on the monster's forehead, the devoured body of Artemis closed its eyes and fell asleep, surrounded by the corpses of young girls.

Rope hates tragedy.

Especially the tragedies associated with him.

Withdrawing his spirit vision, the black-haired young man looked at the Moon Goddess beside him again, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 59 Not only to get people, but also to get hearts

After a few days of travel, even the most beautiful scenery has become a fleeting moment, and the taste is too boring.

Fortunately, along the way, Artemis and Luo Pei chatted one after another, otherwise, Luo Pei would have directly reached the destination through space transfer.

Two winged monsters landed, fanning a yellow leaf.

Rope and Artemis came to this place where Andaris took away their vitality.

Everything is barren as far as the eye can see, but it is not the kind of yellow sand brought by the weathering of time, but collapsed like decay, the trees are twisted into strange shapes, and the jungle does not hear birds and insects.

As a high-level demigod of the evil god system, Luo Pei was naturally used to seeing this kind of corrupt scenery. As long as he wants to, he can easily create such a scenery.

But this is the first time Artemis has seen it.

She squatted down and gently grabbed a handful of soil, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed gently, a smell of rotting wood and grass rushed straight to her forehead.

"...We have to speed up, Mr. Luo Pei."

Artemis tightened the straps that bound the Orion's Spear around her body.

"Andaris is constantly drawing the vitality of the earth, if he wants to absorb all of it. The seals of the ancient great elves will no longer have any effect. At that time, the world will have to face a terrifying monster with divine power and majesty. .”

"Don't worry, since I'm here with you, I'm sure to deal with him."

"However, I already feel my divine power fermenting. If he pulls the "bow and arrow" away..."

"Then let him draw the bow and arrow."

Listening to the black-haired young man's confident speech, Artemis really wanted to remind the other party to pay attention to Andaris, who had obtained the power of a god, but considering the strong power possessed by the other party, he opened his mouth and finally fell silent. Word.

Rope watched Artemis wordlessly let go of the two mounts and let them fly back to Olalie, and then asked.

"Miss Artemis, you really just want to settle the matter of Andaris right now, even if it costs you your life and puts you in a deep sleep for tens of thousands of years?"


The goddess of the moon looked up at the purple sky.

"Whether you use your power to crush Andaris, or you use this Orion spear to kill it, you must destroy me. Otherwise, Andaris, who absorbs divine power, will regenerate infinitely. Every moon In the high hanging night, it will be even stronger..."

"What if I have a way to kill that monster and let Miss Artemis survive?"

Rope said.

Artemis turned her head and showed an illusory smile to Rope.

"...Thank you for your kindness, Your Excellency Luo Pei. I think this resurrection will be a lesson for me. It will tell me not to be blindly arrogant, and to cherish the lives of my children even more."

The goddess of the moon declined the kindness of the demon god.

Just like the words that Artemis has been talking about, this action is not only for saving the world, but also for the "salvation" of his own soul.

The Moon Goddess could not forget the girls of the Familia, and always believed that her death was at fault for them.

"After chatting for so many days, you still call me "Lord Rope", which makes me feel very sad. "

Rope walked up to Artemis and picked up a handful of dirt from the ground.

When Luo Pei let go of his palm and let the soil fall to the ground, an incredible scene happened.

In this corrupt place where the vitality of the land was extracted, a sapling grew out of the soil, stretched its branches and leaves, and grew into a towering tree in less than a moment.

What surprised Artemis even more was that the grown trees seemed to be unaffected by the power of Andaris, and even eroded the surrounding soil to make them normal.

"In this world, the death of life is like a seed separated from the trunk, which will take root elsewhere and become another tree. This "reincarnation" is the only consolation your gods have for the passing of your children. But that was "another tree" after all, not the original one. "

Artemis listened quietly to Rope's words.

How could she not know about it.

But so what?

Even the God of Death in the heavens is only in charge of ordering the souls of mortals. Even the gods have to abide by the rules that violate the common sense of life and death, such as resurrection from death. Otherwise, why would the gods fall into a deep sleep that lasted for thousands or ten thousand years when they were killed? Is it really the cultivation of power disappearing?

The gods of this world, they were also born inside the world, so they naturally have to abide by the rules of the world.

"Artemis, do you want to revive all your family girls?"

He listened quietly, but couldn't calm down after these words.

The black-haired young man's indifferent question made the Moon Goddess' eyes widen and her pupils tremble continuously.

She could swear that she heard correctly, but the words in Luo Pei's mouth made her unbelievable.

"The resurrection you mentioned, do you mean...?"

"It's the one you imagined."

Rope said.

"If your family's corpse is still intact, no, even if it is incomplete, as long as there is a medium, I can resurrect her intact. In this world, death is just a dream for them."

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