The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1642

Of course Hestia could only forgive him.

"You all play me for a fool..."

The Kitchen Goddess' cheeks puffed up.

Lopez scratched his face, walked to Hestia's side, and held her shoulder intimately.

Hestia seemed to be angry, and slapped away with one hand.

"Who are you looking for, but you have your eyes on Artemis! You must have deceived her who is not in the world with your rhetoric, right? I know! Luo Pei, you are a novelty seeker! Virgin control! Sentimental!"

"That Hestia, I actually took the initiative..."

Artemis wanted to say something nice for Rope weakly, but was interrupted by Hestia who was very angry.

"Artemis, you don't understand!" Hestia said with his hands on his hips, "With the way this guy in front of you is proficient in people's hearts, every step he takes must have counted your reaction! It's like a web woven by a spider monster Same, wait until you are firmly entangled before feasting!"

"What about you, Hestia?"


A rhetorical question from the Moon Goddess left Hestia speechless.

After a long while, she held back a sentence.

"I can't escape... That's right! This guy has very terrifying power, I can't resist and I can only accept my fate!"

"So Hestia, you don't love Rope?"

Artemis tilted her head and said in a slightly natural tone.

"I like Luo Pei very seriously. If you don't like it, I don't think Luo Pei will use strong means to keep you by my side."


— Fatal blow.

Rope smiled and looked at Hestia who was pushed into a logical corner by Artemis.

Seeing that the Goddess of Kitchen Fire was going to be unable to hold on, under the persecution of Artemis, she wanted to say "I like it too" and other frustrated words that overturned her foreword.

Finally, under the gaze of Artemis, Hestia lost all strength.

"Okay, okay, I'm just jealous! I really like Rope, are you satisfied..."

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two had calmed down and turned into embarrassment, Luo Pei felt that it was time to make a joke.

Like a scumbag, he hugged Hestia and Artemis left and right.

Hestia pushed it a few times, and turned his face away angrily when he found that he couldn't push it away.

Artemis, on the other hand, was shrouded in Rope's rosemary and masculine scent, and his head was a little dizzy.

"Since it's all like this, why don't we go have a drink together? Artemis and Hestia are both hungry, aren't they? If there is any problem, let's solve it at the wine table. By the way, I will also take out the If I haven’t drank the exquisite wine from another world, I’ll be apologizing to Hestia and Artemis for my injustice.”

A few words and even persuading brought the fight to the next level, calmly making his own responsibilities trivial, and trivial things, showing the demon god's speech skills and scumbag nature.

Hestia couldn't resist Lopez, and looked at the face of her long-lost god friend again.

Forget doesn't itch if there are too many lice, and it's not the first day that Hestia knows Rope's character. The object is her familiar god friend, or that Artemis, and the Goddess of Kitchen Fire can only convince herself to admit it .

"...I want the best one."

She mumbled a request.

Rope smiled.

"It will definitely satisfy you."

When he embraced the two goddesses, envious others, and shocked the eyes of the gods in the heavens, a pair of girls walking from the corner of the Avenue of Adventurers made Luo Pei's self-satisfied smile a little stiff.

A pink main-tone dress, and a forest elf, Refia, with orange hair.

It's rare to dress up, and her legs are still covered with black trousers that O'Leary rarely sees, Esther Wallenstein.

Just as Rope saw them, they also saw the gestures of Rope and the two goddesses.

Refia sensed Ais's instant excitement, and Lily's radar alarm rang continuously; Artemis also knew a blonde girl who had an unusual relationship with Rope; Covering his face, he let out a weary sigh.

The world was filled with forgiveness in an instant.

Chapter 68 Ace’s Labyrinth of Suspicions, "God of War" Released

"Plenty Mistress" is also overcrowded today. Those who were tired from playing the New Moon Festival, those who were hungry for supper, and those who were adventurous usually went to the tavern to brag and chat. The crowd was so full that they occupied almost all the seats of the "Herb Mistress".

It was because of Luo Pei's sake that Xi'er asked them to form a table in Xi'er's room.

However, this can be regarded as a second-floor private seat in disguise.

Originally, the public tavern "The Mistress of Abundance" did not have such treatment.

On the round table, the atmosphere was a little frozen.

The two goddesses have returned to normal, but they can't let go of their messy minds. Ai Si's expression also changed from the original slight surprise to the usual indifference.

The focus is on the forest fairy girl beside Aisi.

Refia looked at Rope with a funny attitude that wanted to glare but didn't dare, successfully making the black-haired youth laugh.

What's so bad about this pretty goblin girl liking at such a young age? Happens to have the idea of ​​engaging in lilies.

Moreover, the object of choice is the genuine, natural and straight girl Aisi. It is estimated that the feelings in Refia's heart that she herself is not yet clear will run aground before sailing.

Luo Pei took out a bottle of beautifully decorated wine out of thin air, put it on the table, and broke the silence.

"Hestia, where are Chun Ji and those people?" He asked, "Didn't you plan to come to the "Mistress of Abundance" together? "

"Maybe they won't be able to wait for me for a long time. They should finish eating and go shopping first."

Hestia said.

"The tavern tonight was unexpectedly crowded. If Miss Foroy hadn't given us her room, I would have chosen another time to come."

"Is this tavern famous?" Artemis asked curiously.

She has just arrived in Olalie, and many local conditions are not as familiar as Hestia, who has not been in the lower world for a few days.

Having the opportunity to express herself, Goddess Loli puffed up her chest and smiled.

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