The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1647

Listening to Lilyluka's answer, the adventurers looked at each other and sneered.

"Ants come here from time to time. I advise you to think about whether to be eaten up bit by bit, or to hand over money to survive. You are a member of the Suma family, and we will never do anything. As long as you are willing to use Your money forgives your past, and we let you go."

"Don't be kidding! Lily really doesn't have that much money. Lily's family is the Sumo family. Since you all know it, you should also know why the Sumo family has "deposits"! "

"Yes, then I'm sorry."

The red-haired adventurer stepped forward, raised the sword with the scabbard and beat him up.

Although Lilyluka, as a family member, had much higher physical fitness than ordinary people, she couldn't bear such a violent storm. One of his legs was broken, and his internal organs were damaged and he vomited blood.

"Just put it here like this, and the ants will come over soon."

"Well, let's search and find out if there is any good stuff on the guy, and then we can exchange money to drink..."

With swollen and blue eyes, Lilyluka stared at the adventurers who were eating up her property like wolves, and her hatred almost turned into flower seedlings.

Her hatred was not aimed at those three people, and she also understood that she was somewhat to blame.

Lilyluka hated all the adventurers who were gifted by the gods and distorted their lives and ways of living.

"help me……"

While looking at the adventurer with hateful eyes, Lilyluka let out a cry for help.

"Lily doesn't want to me, Lily really doesn't want to die..."

"Tsk, really tenacious."

"Kick her into the hole, it's a relief to let her die quickly."


Just as the three adventurers were about to deal with the dying Lilyluka, a slight wind blew from the end of the tunnel.

The adventurers pressed their eyes that were blown by the wind, and when they opened them again, a young man in a noble black robe was standing quietly.

——The god of miracles from a faraway world!


Don’t ignore the alternating heat and cold of the air conditioner just because it’s summer. Pharyngitis is so painful, and it’s more intractable and uncomfortable than tonsil inflammation. When you have a low-grade fever, there’s a desert in your throat...

Chapter 71: The Horror Demon God Who Separated His Bone and Bone, and the Cause and Effect Surrounding the Sword Fairy

Lilyluka turned her head with difficulty, and saw the black-haired youth who suddenly appeared.

The little human girls had never seen such gorgeous and noble costumes.

Under the faint light of the labyrinth tunnel, the texture of the black robe seemed to be composed of scales. The neatly trimmed clothes were tightly attached to the young man's body, making Luo Pei look slender and tall. The long sleeves, chest, and hem of the robe are embellished with fine golden chains, and several black crystal-carved evil emblems hang from it, in the shape of a "two-faced tree".

Looking at the familiar handsome face again, Lili suddenly realized who was standing in front of her.

It's just that the God of Miracle at this moment is more dazzling than when he was walking with "Sword Maiden" Ess Wallenstein in the alley, exuding dazzling brilliance.

"The god of miracles?"

The two adventurers were sweating profusely, their expressions flustered.

The red-haired adventurer was in a state of confusion.

"Why are you here..."


Luo Pei chuckled and walked all the way, every step the solid rocky ground turned into soft grass, just like the will of the labyrinth appeases the demon in a bad mood.

"I remember the entanglement between you and the girl in front of you that day has come to an end, and it was revealed under my own eyes. Why did I still see such a scene in the maze? Have you forgotten the answer to me at that time? ?”

"Because, because..."

The two adventurers were cornered by the seemingly gentle question of the black-haired youth.

The cruelty and danger of the "God of another world", these two people may understand better than ordinary people.

Not only did they meet for the first time in the alley, but when Luo Pei showed his supernatural power and killed the "Beauty God" Istar, the two adventurers spent their time on Happy Street. The scarlet beam of light rising vertically, the inhuman oppression only reached the depths of the soul, making them unable to straighten their knees.

"We just... we just wanted to make sense of the loss."

One of them laughed and knelt down on the ground.

"Master God of Miracles, look, when a thief stole your belongings, and we happen to know the identity of the thief, isn't it human nature to want to recover the loss from the thief?"

In fact, they don't just want to recover their losses.

They're also eyeing Lily's hoard.

This kind of guy who does dirty theft work will definitely have a lot of money stored, and use the righteous name of the theft to go black and eat black, and maybe even make a small fortune.

This is also an important reason why Lililuka only asked for help from the beginning to the end, without questioning.

Because she knew that the starting point of all mistakes was Lily herself.

"We are leaving now, please forgive me. My lord, I swear we will never have anything to do with this girl again, please be merciful, please forgive us this time, we are really just fascinated for a while... ..."

With a sincere attitude of admitting his mistakes, Luo Pei's slightly displeased mood was lightened a bit.

The black-haired youth nodded and said nothing.

The two adventurers gratefully pulled up their red-haired companions and were about to leave here.

Unexpectedly, the red-haired adventurer threw off the friendly pull of his teammate.

"Are you kidding me! I fought all day in the maze with all my strength, and all the magic stones were on that brat. You let me just leave like this? She has to hand over all the magic stones!"

He was extremely dissatisfied with his words, and said to Luo Pei with a lack of respect.

"For the gods of another world, it is natural to exchange work for rewards. This matter..."

Rope raised his hand and gestured to stop the chatter of the red-haired adventurer.

He didn't like being questioned and disturbed by ignorant fools about the things he'd decided to do.

The black-haired young man stopped smiling, and without looking at the adventurers, he strode past them.

Before the two adventurers wanted to apologize; before the red-haired adventurer went to take away Lily Luka's backpack; they both felt a terrible pain in their bodies.

The wailing is stuck in the throat, and the inexplicable fear that the soul has no place to rest surrounds the cave.

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