The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1657

"Is there no third sentence?"

The black-haired youth didn't move at all, those chains automatically bound the god of death, and the strange and filthy power made "the god of death" Thanatos instinctively feel a future that was more dangerous than "returning to the heaven".

Cold sweat began to break out on his forehead, and he shouted hastily.

"Master God of Miracles, please calm down! I am willing to provide everything I know about what happened in the maze!"


At the end of the third sentence, "Death" Thanatos successfully aroused Rope's curiosity.

Thanatos heaved a sigh of relief that the death that would allow the god of death to perish forever did not come.

Hearing the secret of the labyrinth, Aisi flew out immediately, intending to intercede for the strange god.

She stared at Thanatos, and in her heart she had some confirmation of Thanatos' identity as the Lord God of the "Dark Faction", but she was more concerned about "everything that happened in the labyrinth".

Judging from Jian Ji's feelings, the maze is too unusual these days.

Green magic stones, unheard of new monsters, female animal trainers, gems that breed unique monsters, activities of dark factions, fallen and filthy fairies, these things seem to be unconnected, but there seems to be a faint thread connecting them. Everything is involved.


Aisi stepped forward and carefully tugged on Rope's cuff.

"You don't need to be like this, just tell me if you have anything to say, Ais."

Looking at the blond girl, Luo Pei's expression immediately melted like ice and snow, making Thanatos, who was still immersed in the majesty of the demon, a little unresponsive, and even wondered if Luo Pei was scaring him just now.

"Teacher, I want to know what happened in the maze."


Lopez moved his fingers again, and the chains on Thanatos turned into dark spots of light flying all over the sky and dissipated.

"For my lovely student's sake, these three sentences of yours have successfully convinced me."

"Thank you for your generosity and kindness."

Thanatos kept coughing and rubbing his strangled neck.

But the pain was unbearable, and he didn't hesitate to tell the secret, but just lamented the unfavorable time.

"Because I was not in charge, I can only know a little about the specific anomalies that occurred in the maze. Everything started as a "27th floor nightmare". During that large-scale murder of vicious adventurers, Olalie was hiding " City Destroyer appeared. "

city ​​destroyer.

Whether it is the Heretics, Ais and Refia, or Rope, this is the first time they have heard this term.

It's just that unlike other people who listened attentively to the lecture, Luo Pei's expression was indifferent as if he was listening to an opera, and there was no disturbance in his heart.

He has seen so many gods, demon kings, brave men, and evil things. Just hearing the name, a mere "city destroyer" feels rustic, and he is not worthy of evil spirits.

Not paying attention to Rope's expression, Thanatos continued.

"He found me with the help of the dark faction, and wanted to cooperate with me..."City Destroyer" not only manipulates almost all the remaining dark factions, but also has the help of the "Fallen Fairy". "

"Fallen spirits...they?"

"That's right, they should exist in clusters."

Ai Si took a breath, thinking of the fairy she met when she escaped death.

That kind of monster that can make a super-standard "LV.6" adventurer like myself feel stress and pain is not a single existence.

"Whether it's the new monsters in the maze, or a series of other events, there are "city destroyers" behind them. And regarding you, the Loki family "Sword Princess" Ais Wallenstein seems to be a very important part of the plan, and they unanimously call you "Arya". "

"Who is the city destroyer?" Ace asked anxiously.

"I really don't know that."

Thanatos shrugged.

"Don't worry, I don't have the courage to lie in front of this ferocious alien god. He pays great attention to hiding his identity. I can only be sure that he is also a god like me."

"...Only these? What identity do you play?"

"Me? I'm just a guy looking for fun like everyone else. Now the focus is on my child's artificial maze..."

It was a fresh and mysterious term again. Before Ais was ready to ask carefully, Lopei, who knew about the "artificial maze", was bored.

"Don't say any more."

Rope waved his hand.

"Take us to your man-made maze, and we will confirm the "Fallen Fairy" in the maze with our own eyes. Then you can go and fulfill your commitment. Thanatos, one thing you need to pay attention to is that your life is still not safe with me. If things are not done satisfactorily, or if there is an opportunity for me to change my mind, you and your family will still die. "

"Occasionally it's good to feel death yourself, but before you completely get tired of the lower realm, let's forget it..."

Thanatos sighed.

Afterwards, Rey continued to arrange the relocation of the heretics, and Lopez, Ais, and Refia embarked on the road to the man-made labyrinth.

The faint howling of the phoenix came from the cave, which seemed to be mixed with the hallucinatory voice that made Ais feel headache, calling the name of "Arya" sadly.

The girl covered her forehead with a headache, but looked at the back of the straight black-haired young man in front of her, and her heart, which was puzzled by the sudden news, became stable.

In front of her is her chosen lover, her most respected teacher.

It is also the strongest god in the world who symbolizes miracles.

As long as he is there, no matter what kind of conspiracy or abnormality, Ai Si has the confidence to deal with it, just like the teacher's dazzling light like the dawn dispelling the darkness.

Chapter 78: Those Without Honor Are Not Worthy to Speak Before Demons

Once a genius was born on this land.

He is extremely clever, and his craftsmanship is superb. He can come up with all inventions at his fingertips, and there is nothing he can't do.

If there is any human being who is closest to the essence of the "God of Craftsman" in the long history, it must belong to this talented craftsman. Only in terms of craftsmanship, his technology no longer belongs to the world.

The man has no doubt that he is on the top, until he seeks the end of the world and comes to the maze of all strange things.

Then the artisan's pride crumbled.

After all, human beings are just an inferior race. Their imagination, creativity, and executive power are nothing compared to the labyrinth that has the same root as the world consciousness. The man looked at the colorful maze, and while being deeply intoxicated by the mystery, he also let out a cry of collapse.

So far, the genius craftsman has an obsession that he can't let go of in his life.

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