The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1659

"Why don't you always say that you are using my strength to deal with your parents?" Luo Pei asked, "If it has something to do with that black dragon, what is the difference between your original plan to deal with the family and relying on my strength?" ?”

Refia pricked up her ears and listened.

The opportunity to listen to Miss Aisi's past and her true heart doesn't come along all the time.

Although the elf girl was confused by what she heard, she still tried to write it down for her favorite Ai Si.

The blond girl stopped in her tracks and pursed her lips.

"Maybe it's confusion... or obsession? I have always been motivated to move forward. If I use the teacher's hand, it seems that I have been wasting my efforts all these years. It is enough to flatter the teacher..."

"Sword Princess" Ess Wallenstein has her own pride.

Loving her teacher and acting on her teacher's strength are two different things.

Ai Si can accept Luo Pei's guidance with great gratitude, because being able to learn is her self-proof. If she completely relies on the teacher, a stubborn girl cannot do this.

"It looks like you need to upgrade to "LV.7" quickly. "

Rope said with a smile.

Ace's eyes widened immediately upon hearing this.

"Has the teacher thought of a new training method?"

After entering "LV.6", even if they are studying the way of swordsmanship every day, tireless training and adventurers, the degree of sophistication is pitiful, and sometimes even updating data does not make any progress.

Aisi knew that her speed was already fast, but she still wanted to be faster and stronger.

"I'm still thinking about it, but I almost have a rough idea..."

Rope wasn't just thinking about getting his lovely student to break through the ranks, but about getting her out of the confines of God's gift.

In the eyes of this world, God's gift is beneficial and harmless, but Luo Pei doesn't like this kind of power that will be sealed when the god disappears. Even if Loki is good, it always feels weird in the eyes of the evil god who is used to freedom.

"We have arrived, Lord God of Miracles."

Thanatos spoke.

"This is the fifty-ninth floor, where the fairy spirits I know are located. If you are lucky, you should encounter more than one."

The door of the man-made maze opened slowly, revealing the appearance of the real maze.

The hearts of Aisi and Refia suddenly twitched.

This is where they had their narrow escape, and it was also the floor of the labyrinth where they saw the "filthy fairy" for the first time.

Chapter 79 Burning flames, brilliance, and swords

The scene in front of me is a kingdom of dense forests, with green trees and vines growing.

Looking down, the entire floor space is densely populated with tall forests, and the ground is covered with green grasslands and colorful and eye-catching flowers. On the floor wall of the confined space, green walls stand in the distance in all directions, and countless flower buds of different sizes hang from it.

Probably recalling the experience of the near-death experience, Refia clenched her staff tightly and hid behind Lopez, as if the tall back of the God of Miracles could give her a sense of security.

Aisi also tightly grasped the hilt of the black blade at her waist.


She cast a positive look at Luo Pei, this is the floor where she encountered the "filthy fairy".

Even after suffering the crisis like before, the blond girl still didn't have any derived fear when she faced it again, only the momentum of going forward.

Rope nodded, then to Thanatos.

"Your task is initially completed, remember the price you promised to pay. I am not a patient person, so you should not want to see me lose patience, Thanatos."

"Don't worry, when I go back to deal with Barga's injury, I will immediately pay the price for our previous actions..."

Thanatos smiled wryly.

The god of death really did not expect that just an unintentional act of catching monsters in the past would cause such a big disaster today. If they can still make up for it, they will all die for no reason because of this matter.

Originally, Thanatos was optimistic about the arrival of the god of another world because of the entertainment brought by Rope.

But after this incident, he personally experienced the violence and arrogance of the Ability God, and Thanatos had a different view from the gods of Orario.

Possessing the power that the gods of the heavens can't resist even if they break the seal, is the arrival of such a god from another world really good news to this world?

If one day Ability God gets tired of this world, then...

Although Thanatos can be classified as a group of "evil gods" according to Orari's division, he also regards entertainment as a vital spiritual food just like Orari's gods. Right now, he is even more worried about the possibility of Luo Pei destroying the world.

"Then I won't bother you and the two ladies."

After Thanatos returned to the man-made maze, Lopez, Ais, and Refia walked into the fifty-ninth floor of the maze.

But the style here seems to be different from other floors, those plants do not seem to be driven by the direct birth of the will of the labyrinth, and they will not dodge or avoid the arrival of Rope, just like ordinary plants.

Knowing that there are fairy spirits here, Luo Pei didn't pay much attention, but just let an invisible force float in front of him, destroying all the vines and trees blocking the way.

Soon, Luo Pei's sensitive hearing caught the sound.

It was a high-pitched sound, like chewing something, and then something cracked, and something trembled from time to time.

Aisi also heard this voice, and put on a guarded look.

"Teacher, this the thing that fought me."

"Don't worry, let's talk about it later."

Luo Pei lifted the cover of the vines and came to the center of the floor.

The woods disappeared and became a vast space of gray earth.

There are countless larval and piranha monsters in the wild land.

A disgusting horde of monsters surrounded a female monster with a huge plant lower body. When those monsters gave the colorful magic stones in her mouth to the female monster, she opened the big greedy mouth of the piranha, bit it into pieces, and then the dedicated monsters and larvae turned into dust and disappeared.

The fallen fairy has always used this method to strengthen herself. The countless magic stones and the aptitude of her own race have allowed her to climb to an unheard of level.

It's no wonder that Aisi can't deal with such an enemy.

Such an enemy, perhaps a whole team of first-level adventurers who are well-equipped and well-coordinated, are qualified to challenge.

"That's right, it's really a fairy..."

After reconfirming the face of the enemy that day, Aisi was still slightly surprised.

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