The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1672

About the "Lord of Tindalos" Mhithrha (Mhithrha) I did not find a detailed introduction, only one or two sentences about its dissatisfaction with the traditional evil god sequence and Yog Sothoth's dispute, there is this Cthulhu myth translation Friends of the version can contact me in the comment area.

Chapter 87 The battle between dimensions and time, the goddess of time records reappears

War is like a storm. One moment it was calm, but the next moment it was already trapped in a prison that could not be extricated.

In the vast and almost endless dark void of the multiverse, it is not surprising to encounter disputes and battles at any time and place. I am afraid this is also the last time that everything is clearly observable after it is ruled in order, and the original chaos and uncertainty. Good scenery.

The nothingness of nothing.

Luo Pei's spiritual phantom bloomed with brilliance, and moved an undetectable distance to the rear.

Where he was originally, an empty shell-like silhouette was left, and was torn into pieces by the sharp teeth of the beast that came from nowhere in an instant.

'oh? '

Mhitra raised his head and stared at the dark blue demon god with interest.

‘Isn’t it your first time fighting a true god? Unexpectedly, I thought it would be impossible for a high-level demigod like you to have the experience of fighting a true god...'

The voice of the soul was uninterrupted. Facing Rope's counterattack, the Lord of Tindalos walked out of the energy vortex that could annihilate a world with ease, with scarlet long swords appearing from all directions.

'It is the power of "war", which is really rare. '

Mhitra snickered.

'My child, I am more and more curious about you. It looks like something interesting happened to this boring multiverse during my wounded slumber, and I'll drain your memory bit by bit. '

'Don't you think you talk too much? '

"Then please forgive a god who has been out of touch with the real space for too long..."

The temptation of each other came to an end in the blink of an eye.

The brilliant two strands of divine power collided together, shining in the void at an indescribable speed.

The attack from the high-dimensional space of the lord of Tindalos made Luo Pei frown. He still lacks detailed cognition and coping experience for this kind of power that expands the divinity of "space" to the extreme.

— Chaos. Entropy.

——Divinity. Time regulation.

After using the two super-powerful spells, Rope, relying on the instinctive reaction of perception, stretched out his four arms and grabbed Mhitra who was poking out of the dark void. At the same time, the hexapods continue to exude the power of "time", trying to restrain Mhitra's strange and illusory form by virtue of the indivisibility of time and space.

The violent flashes of war roared.

After the red annihilation effect passed, the huge space quake caused signs of instability in the surrounding void.

After a terrifying scream, Mhitra turned into bright fluorescent particles and dissipated.

'An increase in entropy? ! '

In the darkness in the distance, another Mhitra appeared.

There is wonder in its cruel beast eyes.

Slowly, one, two, three... ten identical Lords of Tindalos appeared in front of Luo Pei.

With the same ability to manipulate time and dimensions as Yog Sothoth, Mhitra projects himself at different times onto the battlefield at this moment.

Each has the full power of the avatar, which is one of the many thorny problems of the time divinity.

‘Aren’t you a demigod of order? '

‘Impossible, the smell on him is so strong that it makes me sick. '

'The demigod of order can use the magic of chaos, what are Yog Sothoth and Nyarlathotep planning? '

‘Anything is fine, kill him quickly! He smells of Yog-Sothoth, and we're not ready for eternal war with that guy. '

‘Revenge is more important and everything else can be ignored. '

Strangely, the void, which could not transmit sound, was filled with the screams of beasts one after another.

Rope calmly observed each Mhitra and locked them one after another.

The battle with the incarnation of God should not be underestimated just because the other party seems injured and incomplete, it is undoubtedly asking for a dead end, only careful observation and analysis can open the way to victory from the fog.

This is true of Felak, and so is Mhitra this time.

All the premise of fighting is intelligence and countermeasures.

Luo Pei drew tens of thousands of scarlet divine powers with one hand, pulling the void of the battlefield out of a terrifying abyss in an arc. Among the tens of thousands of red rays of light, each of them has different variations of divine arts. Although the divine power paid was a little small, such a vast amount was enough to cover everything.

The Mhitras stepped on the void and ran wildly on all fours.

The distance of several worlds seemed to them to be non-existent. After merging and separating several times, the ten monsters completely bypassed Rope's attack, appeared in front of the dark blue demon god and then disappeared.

All this happened as briefly as if no time wasted.

Luo Pei waited intently, his limbs and arms respectively grasping the attack piercing from the high-dimensional space, despite the violent damage of the power of time devouring, his attention was still focused on his back.

Finally, he waited for that moment.

At the moment when the real Lord of Tindalos poked out the beast's head, Rope's six-legged tentacles outlined wonderful traces, which was the first use of a divine technique based on the divinity of "dark matter".

——Divinity. Black hole singularity.

An incomparable miniature black hole blooms behind Rope.

It seems that the Lord of Tindalos did not expect that its attack through the dimensions would be seen through by a mere high-level demigod, and he could only choose to return to the high-dimensional space to avoid the edge for a while.

But Rope's attack still tore off a considerable amount of divine power from Mhitra's body.

The vicious dog silhouettes around him disappeared, and Luo Pei's spiritual eyes stared coldly at the reappearing Mhitra, who also looked back coldly.

'You are really special, demigod...'

Mhitra opened his bloody mouth, gnawed on his clone, and repaired his injuries by devouring the same time.

'Your divinity of "time"...isn't it simply sublimated by yourself? From Yog Sothoth... No wonder I can judge my dimensional magic without the divinity of space. '

‘You are no match for me, Your Majesty Mhitra. Compared to you, the "God of Technology" Felak puts a little more pressure on me. '

Rope's white mask outlined a ferocious smile.

‘Why don’t you let everyone relax a bit, how about annihilating the avatar under my hands? '

"Even if you are forgotten by time, it doesn't mean you can despise me, little guy..."

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