The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1675

The process of devouring the future was interrupted by the "Lord of Tindalos" Mhitra, and was robbed by the true god for a while. It is inevitable that the timeline that has been sorted out is a little messy.

By the time Luo Pei restored it to its original state, the darkness of the void had changed several times.

But this is a place of time disorder, no matter how long you stay, it will not affect the inside of the world. Rope could waste his time wantonly, and even took the time to deepen his understanding of the gods with the insights gained from this battle with Mhitra.

Take it easy, take it easy.

The dark blue Demon God stands in the dark void, and in the hands of the four arms is the invisible string of time.

Analyzing the future in which the birth and death of the spirits of all things are placed, Luo Pei devoured those powers bit by bit, and the continuous divine power poured into the soul like a raging tide, making him feel like he was drunk.

And in this process, the divinity of "time" is also constantly shining, and the brilliance is better than the other.

'Ape, don't let the divinity of "time" be too strong, guide that power to your own soul. '

'I see. '

Listening carefully to the teachings of the leader of the demons, and absorbing many secret time knowledge along the way, Luo Pei's soul began to change in different appearances.

The skeleton at his shoulder blades began to crack slightly, as if it had been subjected to countless years of wind and rain. The dark blue that is the main color continues to deepen, turning towards black. The faceless white bone mask that had been covering his face for a long time also began to show his facial features.

The waves of divine power disturbed the space and made it impossible to be peaceful.

After the coexistence of eternity and instant, a pure white ring of awareness of time gradually emerged from the back of the Demon God's head. If someone can look carefully at this moment, they will find that on the seemingly holy ring of consciousness, all the records are full of sad and evil words of the death of all things and the alternation of life and death.

It just reflects the situation of Luo Pei at this moment, where the essence of the evil god is covered up by order.

The future of the world is being devoured continuously, and the world consciousness is also reacting. It wants to stop the violent actions of the Demon God, but it cannot resist the supreme power that truly shines in the multiverse. It can only let its consciousness decline and become a puppet and food in the hands of the Demon God.

Until in the future set by the demon god, it becomes a part of the kingdom of Luo Pei.

The hexagonal eyes of insects on the mask opened, and the demon god spit out a mouthful of spiritual breath, which caused the space in front of him to appear decayed and old.

The continuous improvement of divinity made Luo Pei's soul appear in a state of transformation.

Ruler of time, master of old age and death—

The worlds decay under the breath of the evil god of time, and they are reincarnated in the breath, and everything is contained in it.

While Lopez was busy devouring the soul and strength of the future, the terrifying incarnation of thousands of eyeballs appeared in the void where Xanos was alone.

The incarnation of Yog Sothoth, "Lord of the Future and Time" Avgomon.

'He's getting stronger. '

Yog stared at Rope with all his eyes, his tone full of expectation.

"Soon it will be time for us to act, the return of the mother, the resumption of the chess game..."

Seeing Yog Sothoth, Xanos's silence suddenly disappeared, and a cold snort full of dissatisfaction sounded.

'snort. With the support of these guys like you, it's no wonder that the Chosen One couldn't get things done. '

'I don't know if I've explained this to you before, but I'll say it again just in case. ’ Yog Sothoth said: ‘Everything is due to Rope’s own efforts, and we are at best just contributing to the flames. Don't have the idea that we support the agent. In the future, it will be Luo Pei who will lead us. '

‘I just don’t know what kind of expression that old Nodens will have when he sees the high-level chaotic banner of the Chosen One who is full of expectations. '

'oh? '

Hearing this, part of Yog Sothoth's eyeballs looked at the gray smoke.

‘Are you finally willing to face up to your situation? '

'It has nothing to do with you! '

'Hahaha, that's good, if it has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with me. "Yog Sothoth laughed; "In this way, I, as Afgomon, won't have to be beaten by you anymore. When I used this incarnation to act in the past, you would always come down at the first time, let me I can't do many things as I wish...'

'Don't think that the hatred between you and me will end because of Rope! '

Xanos said coldly.

‘Yog Sothoth, you and I are still at odds! '

"You finally started calling little Luo Pei by his name..."

Yog Sothoth said jokingly.

‘Little Luo Pei’s interest is incredible. It seems that he has a very strong gender idea about gods. I will look forward to what you will look like then. As for the hatred between you and me... Avrgomon will feel empty without Xanos, as you like. '

'You! '

The goddess of Shiji wanted to use her divine power several times to annihilate the annoying future master just like in the past countless years.

But for some reason, the smiling face of the black-haired youth lingered in her heart, and her thoughts of attacking turned and turned, but in the end she couldn't make a move.

...Forget it, just give Luo Pei some face.

Thinking of this, Xanos slowly swallowed his anger back.

Yog Sothoth looked at Xanos unexpectedly. She thought that the irritable son of the snake would start repeating useless acts of venting. Who knew that Xanos would stop, and she was deeply impressed by the magic power of the Chosen One. .

'The matter of "Lord of Tindalos" Mhitra, why did you ask me to stop Rope? ’ Xanos asked; ‘With Rope’s current strength, it is not difficult to deal with such a weak incarnation. '

'Not urgent. '

Avrgomon's voice grew fierce, revealing the true colors of the dark side.

'I have better meals for Mhitra to eat, and it's too boring to just annihilate an avatar. It wants to use "Eternal War" to avenge its shame, and I will give him that chance. Let go of his avatar so that my hors d'oeuvres can find Mhitra. '

'who? '

‘Nyarlathotep, you have to give that guy something to do, or you will waste your useful status as a “messenger”. '

On the other side of the long river of time, in the unspeakably strange time domain, there is a terrifyingly huge giant wolf with stars as hair resting.

Every breath sucks out the power of the long river like a whale, repairing the incomplete damage of the body caused by the long-term war.

Immortality does not mean that it will not be injured.

Moreover, Mhitra's opponent is still the One Who Returns All Things, and being able to repair three-tenths in such a short time has exceeded the original estimate of the Lord of Tindalos.

It thinks that such a terrible injury may not be able to change until the end of the multiverse restarts again.

Mhitra slowly opened the animal pupils, staring at the countless Tindalos hounds crawling and trembling in front of it.

"So that's it, the Chosen such a huge conspiracy that I also pay attention to it, Yog Sothoth. Logically speaking, as a member of the evil god, I shouldn't take action against him."

Mhitra suddenly opened his mouth, and swallowed all the monsters in one bite amidst the wailing of countless Tindalos hounds.

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