The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1681

"If you don't get an answer by then, it's not just your life, the labyrinth and Orari, as long as there are gods and people like the dark faction, I will order people to send them to the endless hell."

"I see."

After the brief meeting ended, Uranus sighed again.

He looked at the abstract labyrinth symbol that kept offering sacrifices day and night, and muttered to himself.

"With such a strong person, it's no wonder that you feel afraid and surrender. Perhaps compared to us guys who are called gods, Your Excellency Luo Pei really looks like a great god who rules the world..."

The will of the labyrinth did not answer.

It's just that the candle flame couldn't stop flickering several times in the dark basement.

Chapter Ninety-Three: The Truth Seen Through the Hole

The weather in O'Leary today is a bit changeable.

Not a while after Liu went out, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and there were pattering raindrops.

The elf girl put on the rainproof and waterproof cloak that comes standard with adventurers, hiding her almost perfect face in the shadow of the hood.

Not in a hurry, stepping on the puddles that gradually accumulated.

As if deliberately slowing down to confirm her own heart, Lyu walked towards the mansion of the God of Miracles who had met several times before, letting the rain fall from her lowered eyes.

Do you really want to do this?

Girls are not hard-hearted, and the days of "the rich mistress" are rare memories of Lyu.

But if you ask yourself, the smiling faces of your past companions will always come to mind, and the hatred that evolved from that beauty after being broken is also unforgettable.

She could never forgive the actions of the dark faction.

"Where I came from, I will go...until they go to hell together, or I can no longer hold the weapon in my hand..."

Lyu's nails pierced into the palm of her hand, temporarily sealing the memory of the "abundant mistress" into her heart, and her eyes, so beautiful that one could only wish to lick them, were cold and ruthless.

Looking up, the girl had already arrived at the gate of the God of Miracles.

The black iron railings were ajar, as if someone had entered or exited just now.

Lyu pushed the door open without thinking.

In the next moment, a creepy feeling hit her back, as if an evil beast was constantly scrutinizing Lyu.

No, it's not an adjective.

At the same time as Lyu's eyes shifted, Andaris' terrifying body came into the girl's eyes.

Undoubtedly, the characteristics of a monster made her subconsciously clenched the blade in her hand and lowered her body.

But Andaris just looked at it for a while, then lowered his head and closed his eyes again, like a guard dog raised by the owner.

"Is this the rumored monster raised by the God of Miracles..."

Lyu heard this anecdote from the chatter of the tavern customers.

It's just that she thought it might be a pet like a carnivorous bird, but she didn't expect it to be such a ferocious and evil monster.

"I'm Lucy Leon. I need to see Mr. Luo Pei for something. Can I pass here?"

Lyu asked Andaris tentatively.

In the end, the latter ignored her, and seemed to not care whether Lyu was going or staying.

Lyu also acquiesced that the other party allowed him to enter the villa of the God of Miracles.

While paying attention to Andaris' reaction, Lyu walked towards the end of the road where there was only one road.

Standing in front of the brown wood door, Lyu looked up at the quite tall main entrance. As an elf, she could easily recognize that this was a door made of very precious ancient wood, which had good enchanting effects. The finest material for guns.

But at this moment, it is only used as a mere decoration, adorning the residence of the god of miracles and art.

Although they met a few times, this was the first time Lyu had come to Lopez's villa.

Looking carefully at the pattern engraved on the door, there seems to be countless corpses of strange creatures under the double-faced tree with coiled roots, revealing an ominous and noble feeling faintly.

The elf girl shook her dizzy head, covered the door with her palm, and tried it lightly.

As she expected, the main entrance was unlocked like the main gate, and they were all concealed.

When Lyu walked in, the empty room was as dead as a cemetery, only the sound of light rain outside the room was heard.

"Lord Rope? Lord Hestia?"

She called softly, but no one responded.

"Is there no one..."

Just when Lyu thought she had returned in vain and was about to leave, the mercury-shaped human figure that she regarded as a statue suddenly moved, and spoke in a mechanical tone.

"The master and the hostesses have already left the house. The detected guest is Liu Leon, one of the guests that can be entertained. I wonder if you want to wait here for the return of the master?"

After all, Lyu is a well-informed senior adventurer, and he was not surprised to see the strange mercury doll. The residence of the god of miracles, it would be strange if there were no "miracle" creations.

Asked by the quicksilver puppet, Lyu thought about it and decided to stay and wait for Lopez to come back.

The reason is not so lofty, it is simply that there is no good place to go now, and it is like a fool to go outside to get wet in the rain.

Shaking the rain marks on his coat, Lyu sat on the sofa in the hall and sipped the black tea served by the puppet, but his thoughts flew to other places.

The people of the dark faction are extremely secretive, and they have been able to remain undiscovered for so many years, lingering in the maze, which shows that they must have two brushes. Her fighting ability may not need to be questioned, but her ability to find people is really limited, and the intelligence network of the black market is not omnipotent.

Those who can help her and let her quickly see the existence of the enemy's blood are only those who participated in the "city destroyer".

Leaving aside the sword princess of the Loki family, Lyu is not familiar with her at all, and apart from the gods that everyone has the possibility of now, it seems that the only one she can ask for help is the outsider, the god of miracles, Rope.

Coincidentally, Lyu and Luo Pei are also familiar with each other.

"Would you like another cup of tea?"


The moment she put down the teacup, Lyu suddenly heard a wailing sound coming from the depths of the villa.

It was piercing, like someone was being tortured.

But this is the residence of the God of Miracles.

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