The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1683

Yog walks up to the silhouette of a white-haired girl, and the two merge into one.

"You came here specifically to find Little Luo Pei, right? Let me tell you about your problem, and I can represent him with full authority."

Although he didn't know what the phenomenon in front of him was, Lyu knew that this "Goddess Yog" came from another world just like God Lopei, and it was reasonable to have any strange abilities.

Thinking of Luo Pei's respect for the girl in front of him, Lyu was silent for a moment, then asked.

"It's just a boring question. God Luo Pei once instructed me to make a different choice, and I agreed with that idea. I came today, I just want to ask God Luo Pei for information about my enemies..."

"Oh, this world is called the "Dark Faction". "

"You know that too?"

"I know everything and nothing, it doesn't matter, Elf."

Yog sat down, and a throne made of gears and clocks emerged from the empty atmosphere.

"Everything in the world has value, and value means it can be traded. Elf, it's not difficult for you to get information about those guys. I can give it to you right now, but the question is what do you want to exchange for this information. Don't you think you're a friend of Little Rope's friend, and you can get free help from him with a sad and worried face?"

In fact, Rope really knows it, and Yog also knows that Rope knows it.

Such insignificant information, if Lyu made up his mind to find Luo Pei in the future, Luo Pei would definitely tell Lyu casually, because those things are simply too rubbish.

But what is in front of Lyu at this moment is not just a random Lopez, but a great evil god, Yog doesn't intend to let Lyu get something for nothing easily.

Now that the other party bumped into her face, Yog planned to do push hands after work to reward her hard-working caller, just like the moon god Artemis did.

Auxiliary strategies are also part of the harem.

"For money..."

Lyu subconsciously touched her fanny pack, but Yog's cold voice broke her delusion.

"I don't need that kind of currency forged from underground minerals." The white-haired goddess said, "On you, there is only one thing that can catch my eyes——that is you, elf."

" want me to convert?"

Lyu shook her head.

"Please forgive me, although my goddess is not in Olalie now, and she once said that I will let me go or stay, but that family means a lot to me, and I will not do such a thing as changing religion easily..."

"You seem to have misunderstood something, elf. I have no interest in the sects of the gods in this world. I just want you to sign a contract. This contract will not affect which god you are under. As long as you sign this contract, I can guarantee that not only the current dark faction will be killed by you and shed blood, but there will be no dark faction in this city until the end."

Liu's heart trembled, he raised his head in disbelief, and looked directly into the eyes of the one who returns everything to one.

"What... are you talking about?"

"I don't like repeating instructions."

—Except for Rope.

Yog Sothoth slowly drew a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and lightly tapped the armrest of the throne with his fingers.

"Because I want you to make a choice under your own will, I will show you some interesting things. After reading it, all your doubts will be solved. At that time, you will carefully consider the issue of the contract."

A ray of light that penetrated time and space pierced straight into Lyu's mind.

After the thick fog deeper than death, Lyu saw the future that belongs to the "world" itself, which is impossible for mortals and the gods of this world to see.

All possibilities vanished, all knelt before a supreme voice.

The monsters chanted the honorable name of the father of all demons, and other creatures and even the gods knelt down humbly, offering their worship to the only master, the only inhabitant of the top of the sky, and the supreme god of the world.

One thought can destroy the world, and another thought can restart the world.

Everything is under his control, the world is him, and he is the world.

"God Rope..."

Lyu muttered the name of that great figure, and with the help of the One Who Returns Everything, she had already understood all the causes and consequences in her mind, as well as the true identities belonging to Rope and Yog-Sothoth.

Returning to reality, the elf girl knelt down on the floor in a daze.

"Now, let's decide whether to sign this contract." The throne carried Yog to the workbench, and a piece of paper of unknown texture floated in front of Lyu.

"Of course, you can also ignore my proposal, but I won't guarantee whether you will still have this chance to truly become a person close to God in the future."

Lyu picked up the contract and looked at it silently.

Then, a strong wave of anger and humiliation swept through her limbs.

But for some reason, her hand that wanted to tear the contract apart, no matter how much she shouted in her heart, it remained motionless.

For Lyu Leon, time froze at this moment.

Chapter 95: From Pure Love to Mandatory Contract

The sudden rain swept through the streets and alleys of Olalie.

This rain affected many people, but it did not affect the pace of Rope and Rey.

After coming out of the temple of Uranus, Luo Pei immediately called the singer-bird lady to his side, preaching all the way back to the area of ​​the villa.

"In the future, don't look forward to this kind of thing, just come and tell me. You were cut off halfway by Uranus, you are really getting more and more timid, Rey."

"But, Mr. Rope..."

"I know, I know, you are looking at the heretics and other races getting closer and closer with joy, and you don't want to break this balance because of some things and impulsive actions, but Ley, you forgot one thing, the heretics are me. Pei's servant, since my name is on it, I won't allow anyone to trample on it—including yourselves."

"Yes, Master Luo Pei, Rey knows..."

"All of you see me as too barbaric. Didn't I allow Uranus and their investigation very well like this time?"

Rey was taught by Luo Pei that she couldn't hold her head up, but she also knew that the main god was teaching them not to lower their voices for behaviors that harmed their own interests and safety just because of the stability of the status quo. Only by speaking out loud can we put an end to future troubles once and for all.

If you dare to offend the name of Luo Pei, you must be prepared to bear the endless hell that will follow.

Seeing Rey shrinking behind her more like a quail than a singing bird, and the rain slipping down her soft blond hair, Rope's tone was no longer so tough.

The black-haired young man waved his hand to let the water vapor disappear from Rey's body, and at the same time directly ordered the sky to let the shower dissipate.

"I haven't been to Heretic during this period of time. Are you still used to living there? Are you missing any necessities?"

Rope asked softly.

Rey raised her head, blinked her eyes, and replied hastily.

"Yes! With your arrangements, we don't have any pressure in our lives. Although the adventurers and residents of Orario had some misunderstandings at the beginning, it is much better now. We can often go out of the gathering place and go to the city of Orario. turn around without causing a commotion."

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