The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1689

After all, although Rope's tone was joking, it sounded very stressful, and it was only natural for Artemis to be worried.

But the remaining words of the goddess of the moon were completely suppressed by Luo Pei's smile.

"As long as I think, there will be no changes. Similarly, as long as I think, any changes may happen." Luo Pei said: "You can treat it as the land of no man has finally ushered in its owner, just like I did before. As I explained to you, I am here, and it is enough for you to draw conclusions based on your heart."

"Wow, that sounds good... no."

Hestia nodded her chin.

"Based on our relationship with you, Luo Pei, even if you become some kind of "supreme ruler", you won't treat us badly, right? In other words, what you mainly intend to tell today is that we will use your identity to rise straight away? Hello! Why do you have to put on a surprised expression all of a sudden! It's so incredible that I can guess these! "

Rope restrained his surprised expression and shrugged.

"Well... Hestia, your daily performance makes me sometimes forget that you are also a goddess."


"In short, that's it. Don't be nervous even if you know this. Except for some changes in your identities after that time comes, everything else will remain the same."

"Rope, I want to know more about your future, you..."

"Don't worry, we have all night."

Rope stopped Artemis from asking, and pointed to a table of food that was about to cool down.

"Compared to those topics, I think your focus now is to fill your stomach."

Ever since, everyone started with a sense of relief.

Only Artemis heard the implication of Rope's voice, and her blushing hands clenched the corners of her skirt.

For a whole night, it means that the god of miracles will be with her all night.

And what are you doing together...

"Eh? Master Artemis, why did you suddenly lower your head? Is there any discomfort?"

"I, I, I, I'm fine..."

That night, when Hestia dragged several girls to stay up all night in "Monster Hunter" to open up wasteland, and discuss the huge information absorbed from Rope today, Rope appeared in her room just as Artemis expected. In the boudoir.

The moonlight is bright and bright.

Chapter 99 Make the world a happy kingdom

It seems that the general public has an idea of ​​echoing what others say.

When life reaches a certain level, basic physiological needs such as eating and sleeping will become surmountable difficulties due to the promotion of the level. Among them, the types of life that can be called "gods" are completely separated from the ecological system and become powerful high-dimensional life of idealism.

This notion cannot be said to be wrong.

Even Luo Pei, a high-level demigod, has long been out of touch with sleeping and eating, and occasionally performing it is because of the nostalgia for the past and the panic of idleness, which is not necessary for ordinary people.

But these concepts must not be used on the gods in the lower world of Orario.

They descended from the heavens to the world, except for their beautiful stinky skin and the profound wisdom brought by their long lives, everything else disappeared under the premise of sealing all the divine power. You need to eat, drink water, sweat when you are hot, shiver when you are cold, and sleep when you are tired, no different from ordinary people.

So when Artemis woke up from her drowsy sleep, the hazy morning light that came through the curtains made her understand what happened last night.

Artemis lost her title of "Goddess of Chastity".

Still in the same building as her god friend Hestia, almost next door.

The moment Goddess of the Moon reacted to this, she wished she would never leave this house. In this way, she didn't have to face the complicated eyes of Hestia and her family girls.

"It's all your fault, Rope..."

Artemis muttered softly.

Sitting at the round table by the window sill, Lopez, who was tasting Ola Lite's bacon, choked on the words of the goddess of the moon.

He wiped his mouth awkwardly and said.

"I don't deny that I took the initiative last night, but isn't it a bit unfair for Artemis to throw all the responsibility on me?"

"It's not fair, it's not fair, anyway, my career as a god is coming to an end."

Artemis opened the closet, changed into another slightly different battle attire, and looked at herself in the mirror with messy hair.

"...I can't imagine what kind of eyes Hestia will look at me for a while. Just by imagining it, I feel that I should return to the heaven immediately."

"This world is already in my pocket, even if you escape to Hades, I will catch you back." The black-haired young man spread his hands: "Don't be so shy, Hestia is not the kind of talkative girl, She knows our relationship better than anyone, doesn't she?"


The Moon Goddess screamed.

"It's embarrassing because you know's all your fault, Rope!"

"Okay, it's all my fault, hurry up and have something to eat, breakfast is an indispensable and important ritual even for gods."

After breakfast, the two sat at the round table and drank morning tea together, enjoying the morning peace of Olalie.

Artemis asked suddenly.

"Rope, what are you going to do with this world after you gain dominion over this world?"

"Remember what I talked to you on our way to the seal of Andaris?"

Luo Pei sprinkled rose petals into his teacup, and didn't know how to drink the dark food.

The Moon Goddess nodded.

"Very impressed."

"Some worlds are shrouded in the cloud of war, fighting wildly for thousands of years. But most of the worlds where humans can't escape one law, that is, the development of science and technology. Humans will gradually unlock the truth of various worlds on the way to progress , using the most basic levers to develop the knowledge accumulated and inspired by their ancestors."

Rope said.

"Because of the existence of your gods and family members, the development of this world has begun to take the path of extreme individual strength. Without the incentive of war, technology has stagnated. What I want to do is to borrow the psychology of opening up all living beings to yearn for entertainment, in the variant Make this world a happy paradise under black technology."

Entertainment supremacist world.

This is the main tone that Luo Pei has set for the world in the future.

So far, it's off to a pretty good start.

Artemis smiled brightly after hearing the words.

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