The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1698

The head of the Loki family, Finn raised his eyebrows.

"What happened?"

"I was attacked by four fallen fairies in the middle layer." Aisi said, "It was not a coincidence, but a deliberate arrangement. I believe that if I hadn't arrived in the maze myself, it would be impossible to grasp my movements in such detail. I It is suspected that the "city destroyer" was hiding somewhere at that time, watching secretly. "

"Attack you? Hahaha, that guy is really brave and foolhardy!"

Tiona laughed heartlessly.

"To actually pick Ace, who is the strongest in Olalie, I feel a little sympathetic to that guy's IQ."

"What matters is why the city vandals are targeting you."

Finn made the point.

"We are looking for his traces like other family members. Even if we want to defeat them one by one, we shouldn't find the strongest you in the first place."

"I think it should be related to my teacher."

"Did you take the risk due to pressure?" Riveria nodded: "It's very possible. We will tell Loki the news immediately. As long as we can find out which gods were not in Olalie during the time Ace was attacked, Then the target of suspicion can be narrowed down a lot.”

"Ais, just as you are going back to the ground, this task is entrusted to you."

Finn said.

Ace nodded and asked again.

"So, what about you?"

"We plan to set off immediately and search the maze carefully again."

Riveria slowly compared her eyes.

"City Destroyer is Olalie's god. He cannot have the same incredible divine power as Mr. Rope. After being sealed, even if he can achieve the incredible move of manipulating the fallen fairy, there will always be clues left behind. We Go bang bang luck, see if you can catch that guy on the spot."

"With luck, the recent troublesome events will be over."

"I agree~"

Ais felt that there was no problem with Riveria's statement, and then began to split up.

Jian Ji took Wei Ni and set off on the return journey towards Olalie, the God of Miracles.

Chapter 105 Near the end, the one who does not eat sweets

In the morning, what woke Rope from sleep was the noise of the girls.

It seems that Lily and Aisha are discussing the matter of expanding the family members. Hestia, who has been spoiled by taste, insists on recruiting only "elite" girls, and is unwilling to use the number of people to expand the size of the family members, because that will lose the taste of home and make the family members The atmosphere became utilitarian.

After a while, the noise subsided.

Everyone should go to the maze to go to the maze, and those who should play games should play games. Due to the influence of Rope himself, the debate ended in Hestia's victory.

But with such an outburst, it was obvious that Luo Pei's deep sleep rest could not continue.

Open the curtains, open the windows, let the fresh air slip in, the sun is looming hidden in the clouds, today's Olalie is also a good weather.

Luo Pei stood in front of the mirror, raised his hairspray hand to fix the messy hair caused by sleep, and then changed into a simple casual dress to prepare for today's event.

Walking out of the room and passing by the living room, Hestia was lazily lying on the sofa with french fries in her mouth, frantically operating the recently released game "Dark Soul".

Sensing the sound of footsteps, the Goddess of Kitchen Fire looked away from the game console, and it was a little strange to see Luo Pei put on such ordinary clothes.

"Is Luo Pei going to go out today?"

"Yeah, is there anything I can bring back for you?"

"There are homes that should have... No, wait."

Hestia frowned, thinking hard.

"...If you pass by the streets of Daedalus, there is a new fried crab meat paste, bring some back for me."

"only this?"

"The rest I have to go out and see by myself~"

"Okay, I'll bring it back."

The black-haired young man passed by Hestia, flicked his fingers on her forehead, and said with a smile.

"Remember to order Maid Mercury to clean the room and the courtyard, and give Andaris a bath, as it is almost gathering dust."

"Understood...Wow! Dead again, this game is really difficult..."

Leaving the living room and walking towards Yog Sothoth's room, Lopez picked up a cup of brewed black tea from the mercury maid's dinner plate. The bitter taste of this precious tea, which is a special product in the plateau region of the world, made the black-haired young man frown slightly, but after tasting it carefully, he felt that it was not bad, so he didn't throw it away and continued to sip it.

In the different space containing thousands of volumes, the white-haired girl is still working hard for Luo Pei's entertainment concept.

"Your Majesty, at the moment when you are seeing results, how about taking a break?"

"We born gods don't get tired. But... since it's Little Rope's request, it's up to you."

Yog smiled and put down the plan in his hand.

On the high platform, a ball of light beside the Goddess of Time moved in an instant, turning into Yog stepping on the platform with the soles of his feet, and flying downwards with the Goddess in his arms.

"How about the accumulation of divine power and the distribution of divinity?"

"It's no longer enough to describe my current state."

"If this continues, the time for you to be crowned a god is imminent, little Luo Pei."

"Exactly." Luo Pei took a sip of bitter tea: "I intend to make the next world the end of my journey, where I will reach the position of the crowned god in one fell swoop."

"What about your mother's opinion?"

"Her exact words were 'both hands and feet up' agreeing...although I don't know where she got those things. "

Azalia wished that Luo Pei would become a god as soon as possible, so that she could personally conceive and condense Luo Pei's true god body.

"Very much like a mother."

Yog smiled lightly.

"Have you selected the venue for the next trial?"

"All-encompassing, clusters of thousands of worlds, the realization of human history, an amusement park for Shura gods and Buddhas—the final stage that will definitely match my identity and strength."

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