The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 171

How majestic and divine his flesh is.

Obviously wearing very rough clothes - dirty rags and leather covering his chest, and a tattered cloak on his body, but it is full of majesty.

Erika and Liliana, who were mortals, wanted to kneel and hang their heads just by looking at him.

It is the king of kings, the ruler of the gods, the cornerstone of the earth...

——"Dragon Slayer" Mekar.

Chapter 57 Godslayer, God King, Army God

"What, I felt the aura of divine power, and thought that the person who came was the little devil who changed his posture, but I didn't expect to provoke someone."

A bold voice with a sense of humor. However, as long as his good mood is spoiled, he will immediately riot with excitement-like the calm voice before the storm.

"Have I let you down? God Mekar."

Luo Pei smiled and sat cross-legged across from the giant man. On the contrary, Erica and Liliana kept their spirits up and were alert to Mekar's every move.

"Weleslana and I had an agreement that we would come to fight me after defeating you. However, I personally feel that one opponent is not enough, so I came to disturb you in advance."


The exaggerated laughter covered up the thunder in the sky for a while, and anyone could tell that it was not a laugh, but an extremely angry laugh.

After laughing, the indigo-colored storm began to rise quietly behind Mekar.

"Son of the Fool, and that arrogant brat, what do they all think of old Mekal!?"

He waved his right hand, holding a wooden stick distorted like lightning in his palm, and slammed it hard on the ground in front of Luo Pei.

——As the prototype of "Hercules" Hercules, he has unparalleled power to tear the earth.


Above the altar, the land of Sardinia trembled, cracked, and rose with great force. This made two ordinary girls kneel on the ground because of their unstable center of gravity, looking at the slovenly man in front of them in horror.

God's power.

But Luo Pei did not waver at all, he closed his eyes with a smile on his face, and the cracks in the soil automatically bypassed him as they spread to his side, as if being rejected by some kind of barrier.

That is the spirit of Bhishma's "rejection".

"Oh? I have some skills. It seems that I am not a mediocre person who only talks."

Seeing that Rope did not waver because of his tentativeness, Mekar retracted his weapon and snapped his fingers.

"So what?"

--sand. rustle. Sand, sand, sand.

Liliana and Erica heard strange noises after Melka made a move.

Looking from where the sound came from——the two of them froze.

I don't know when, a large group of locusts appeared on the stone ground at the foot. Group of small pests. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, no, more than that. Countless locusts are just around the corner.

Mekar is not only the god of harvest, but also the ruler of waste, and the locust is the embodiment of his majesty.

But the girl's nature does not feel any majesty from these bugs, and the physical hatred occupies the brains of Liliana and Erica, which is a completely different fear than Melka as a moody tyrant.

The locusts approached here, jumping around. Some of them spread their wings and flew in the air.

The range is too wide, even if he can refuse the damage of these bugs, Luo Pei doesn't want them to lie on his body.

Opening his blue eyes, he softly recited the mobilization spirit of "Sigh of the Shallow Sea".

"—O death! Rush like a tide!"

The light blue water of death appeared from the void, swirled and surged, and finally turned into a thin curtain of water, isolating the locusts and protecting his two knights.

Insects are seldom intelligent, they can only act under the orders of the ruler.

Therefore, not only did the army of locusts fail to notice the danger, but they scrambled to pounce on Luo Pei's water of death, and finally all turned into lime.

— without exception.

"The ocean, death, the birth and death of life..."

Mekar made judgments with wisdom that did not match his appearance. Although he is described as a reckless male, he is not a single-minded fool, no, it can be said that gods are never stupid.

"Boy, it seems that you killed a rather complicated god."

Mekar sighed. "Ocean and Hades, I also have these two powers, but they can't be perfectly combined like you. After all, their essence is not the same."

"Heh, take back the useless praise."

Seeing the retreat of the locust army, Luo Pei also lifted the curtain of the water of death.

"I thought Mekar would be more magnanimous as a god king, but I didn't expect that he would use such a low-handed method to probe my details."

"Haha, don't say that, I apologize to you."

Everything returned to calm.

Erica swallowed hard.

The gods and the devil, they can greet each other with a gentle smile one second before the battle, they can also use all means to fight to the death after the battle starts, and they can stop this behavior in the next second and become like friends again .

She couldn't comprehend this realm at all—or Rope and Mekar had surpassed the scope of human comprehension.

Finally, after waiting for a while, the sloppy dragon slayer couldn't help but tapped his fingers.

"That brat is really slow, obviously I have been waiting for this for a long time, there should be a limit to my slowness."

"Two thousand meters to the southeast." Luo Pei sensed and said. "He'll be here soon."

"Oh! That's really the case, boy, your sense of smell is very keen."

"Call this perceptual excellence, I'm not a canine."

After a while, the cumulonimbus cloud generated by Mekar using his own power in the sky changed.

A golden thunder invaded from the southeast. If one looked closely, the golden thunder seemed to exist in the form of a goat.

It drives away the blue lightning, trying to bring the sky under its dominion.

Veleslana's "Ten Avatars" - the Beast of Thunder "Goat".

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