The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 174

The sword of the god of killing gods!

"The Chaser Yagrush Aymur! It is a weapon given to you by Kushaer Hasis, the god of craftsmen in the past! As Baal, you use them to lure the dragon king Yamu away from the throne and kill him! With this crusade, You have just risen to the throne of the God King!"

Chop, pierce, cut, chop, wipe, pick, wring, sweep—

The military god from the east showed all the essence of swordsmanship, which is a "divine skill" that is absolutely superior to human beings!

Gradually, in the process of fighting, Mekar's stick slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the spirit of words that tore apart the godhead was playing its role.

"Have you forged the sword of wisdom armed with old age? It's annoying gold."

Mekar stretched out his hands and let out a high-pitched battle cry.

Yagrush and Aymur's assault in the sky stalled, snapping back into Mekar's hands like a boomerang.

The dragon slayer is not stupid, if he continues to fight with the word spirit sword of the God of Victory, then he will gradually perfect the word spirit and destroy his own strongest weapon.

As soon as he held the wooden stick in his hand, he immediately swung it backwards.

Lopez, who was noticed, could only switch from attacking to receiving, and put his hands in front of his chest to resist the attack from Mekal's armed forces.

very strange.

Obviously Luo Pei didn't feel much strength, but a strange impact passed along his hands to every corner of his body, sending him flying like a meteor.

Along the way, Rope broke through countless obstacles and finally stopped on a rock wall.

"Repulsor, so that's the case..."

Chapter 60 Rain of Death, the Burning God of War

Yagrush and Aymur.

These two wooden sticks represent "exile" and "repulse" respectively, in other words, they are alternative manifestations of the power of Mekar Storm and Thunder.

Wind is exile, thunder is repulsion.

Instead of causing direct elemental damage, it is transmitted to the attacked in the form of concepts.

That's why Rope's lightning immunity didn't come into play, and was repelled by Mekar's stick.

"Tsk, Bhishma's speech spirit can only refuse to hurt, this kind of attack that simply knocks people into the air is really a headache..."

Then give up close combat.

Pushing away the crushed stones on his body, Luo Pei shook off the dust and stood up.

In the distance, the military god Veleslana is holding a golden sword and fighting with the strong man who slays the dragon. Both of them have the godhead of thunder, so the thunder in the sky hardly stops, and they all want to hinder each other. Create that trace of broken accounts so that you can move towards victory.

——Excellent opportunity.

"Since we are already standing together, don't blame me for killing them all..."

Luo Pei squatted down slightly, and his feet gathered strength to go higher and higher into the sky.

"Military God and God King! You have snatched away the thunder and storm, so let me take care of the insignificant "rainwater"! "

Gao Sheng called, "Sigh of the Shallow Sea" was fully activated, replacing the moisture inside the dark cumulonimbus clouds in the sky with light blue water that corroded everything.

Rope's death water has a fatal shortcoming - that is speed.

If the water of death is manipulated according to the usual method of manipulating the water flow, the speed is only one tenth of the normal speed, which is why he usually covers his body with the water of death to attack.

But it was different now, Mekar called for a storm, but because of the fight with the God of War, the focus was on the power struggle between thunder and storm, and he had no time to take care of the limp raindrops.

That happened to be cheap for Rope.

"In order to create the greatest storm, come and obey my orders! This is the land of death! Every drop of rain that falls from the sky is full of the ultimate truth of the annihilation of all things. Feel it!"

The dark clouds all over the sky were dark and heavy, the leaves on the trees swayed wildly, and the flowers and plants on the ground were shaking all over, as if they were afraid of the footsteps of the imminent death.

In the area where Mekar and Veleslana fought, it suddenly rained heavily.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there was more and more water on the ground. The light blue water turned the vibrant ground into lime.

The earth seemed to be sick, and gray spread to the surroundings.


Mekar was the first to realize that something was wrong. Despite the barrier of divine power, he still felt a pain like a mosquito bite in his shoulder.

Turning around, the water of death seeped down from the barrier and dripped on the shoulder armor, not only corroding the hard dragon skin armor, but also slowly turning his skin and flesh into lime.

"How is it possible! This old man is also the king of the underworld! There is still death that can take away the old man's life!?"

"What a dreadful rain."

Unlike Mekar, Veleslana did not use a barrier of divine power to block it, but directly cut the water droplets falling from the sky with the sword of words and spirits, preventing them from approaching the body.

——The blade made of wisdom is not afraid of death.


As if feeling that he was at a disadvantage, Mekar stopped talking, and directly cut off the corroded part of his shoulder with the blade generated by lightning.

Enduring the severe pain, he shouted to Luo Pei who was bathed in the rain and was not damaged at all.

"If you want to defeat us, don't use petty tricks! A real fighter should put his beliefs on the sword instead!"

"I think so too."

Luo Pei smiled, turning the revolver in a circle along his index finger, and finally it was tightly held in his palm.

"Inherent time control - ten times faster!"

Time is slowed down, and itself is speeded up.

Rope swiftly moved across the ground like a fish, and his target was Welleslana in the sky.

"The same trick won't work on me twice."

The God of War was calm and unhurried, and the wheel instantly pointed from the "Golden Sword" to the "Phoenix", so he gained the ability of super speed.

In this regard, Luo Peike was not surprised at all, and continued to read.

"Inherent time control system - fifty times faster!"


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