The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1751

Why do you call Jia Ling the strongest firepower holder among the Seven Heavenly Saints?

The current scene is the best illustration.

Compared with the conventional fire pillar attack, the flame wave caused by Jialing's flapping of its wings is comparable to a tsunami roaring from the sky. The Foehn blows the entire sky, and the objects it touches are undoubtedly turned into nothingness, and even the soul is burned. Not left.

Faced with such an attack, the Xinghai Dragon King, who was aware of the danger, naturally couldn't sleep peacefully.

The awakened dragon did not hesitate. After waking up, he opened his mouth and inhaled the violent dragon's breath comparable to a nuclear bomb. It collided with Jialing's golden-winged flames, exploded, and the annihilation reaction of fire and fire.

In the light of the fire, the dragon pupil of the Star Sea Dragon King stared at Jialing.

"Isn't this Garuda's daughter? You challenged me alone. It seems that I've been underestimated too..."

The Xinghai Dragon King stepped on the fire waves of Jialing, and gradually erected a mountain-like body.

The scales on its dragon claws were burnt red, and there was a seemingly bad gas floating out, but the eyes of the Xinghai Dragon King did not change at all, as if he was not the one who was burned.

"Cunning little princess, if your father came, the attack that took advantage of my unpreparedness just now could at least cause me to lose more than 40% of my fighting ability. Unfortunately, your flame is far worse than your father's. "

"Don't keep talking about that guy, my name is Jialing! You old dragon who is dying!"

"Indeed, through the technique of divination, my destiny shows the way to fall, but it's a pity that it's not now, and it's not you, Garuda's daughter..."

The giant dragon spread its wings and waved them lightly, creating the effect of the wind god's gift.

In the flame storm that was blown back, Jia Ling clicked his tongue slightly.

After all, it was the three-digit almighty, the ancient dragon who participated in the battle of "Tiandong Shuo", even if his spiritual status declined, his power remained the same.

But the purpose of her action this time is not to fight Tai Sui Xingjun head-on.

The result has already been obtained, and there is no need to continue entanglement. Now retreat directly, sort out the army of the "Seven Heavens", and then strike again when it is unprepared, which is the correct way of war.

Jialing thought so, and did so.

The fire wings fanned, Jialing smiled and ran away without looking back, leaving Tai Sui Xingjun slightly dazed.

The old dragon probably didn't expect that the opponent would attack with such a mighty force, but he would retreat like this without looking back.

Pengniao flutters its wings for ninety thousand miles, and Jialou is approaching the border of this outer gate in the blink of an eye.

Just when she thought that the operation to harass the enemy was a great success, a majestic scolding rang in her ears.

"The unrepentant demon bird wasted the blood of Garuda! How can the majesty of the heaven allow you to trample on it at will!"

Jialing suddenly felt that his limbs were as heavy as a thousand pounds, and he fell to the ground involuntarily, smashing several ancient trees and then fell into the broken rocks.

As a four-figure demon king, Jialing would not be injured by this attack, but when she saw the figure of the person who made the sound, she instantly had a headache involuntarily.

The middle-aged man holds a scroll, wears the emperor's black robe, and wears a twelve-beaded crown on his head. As the god of death, the god of life, and the god of mountains, the strong spiritual light shines, making him look like a king.

——The Lord of Mount Tai.

Or the head of the five mountain gods, the Great Emperor Dongyue!

Chapter 27: God Slayer Who Devours God

Emperor Dongyue is a very traditional oriental deity, the most rooted and popular among the heavenly gods.

Unlike some gods who have merged with Taoist mythology, his origin is very ancient, and it can be studied specifically when the theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements began to flourish.

The ancients believed that Mount Tai is located in the east, where the sun rises and all things originate.

Therefore, Emperor Dongyue has the important function of judging life and death, and several specific powers have been extended from it, such as the replacement of the old and the new, the consolidation of the country and the people, prolonging life and prolonging life, longevity and immortality, blessing and official positions, high and low, and life and death. period, the system of ghosts, etc.

There is a record that says: "The one on Mount Tai is the ancestor of the mountains, the ancestor of the Five Sacred Mountains, the grandson of the Emperor of Heaven, and the home of the gods."

This not only shows the importance of Taishan Fujun as the god connecting the heaven and the world, but also indirectly points out that Emperor Dongyue is not an ordinary mountain god of death, but has an extremely noble personality.

And so it is.

A long time ago, Lord Taishan's spiritual status was in the third digit of Hakoniwa, ranking in the "Almighty Domain", and kept pace with the four heavenly rulers. At the time when the faith was most prosperous, even the ruler who was second only to the heavenly court, "Haotian Jinque Supreme Supreme Naturally Wonderful Mira to the True Jade Emperor God".

It's just that after the worship of mountains and rivers faded, and Ye Motian entered the Yin Division to become the "King of Yama", under successive weakenings, Emperor Dongyue had no choice but to retreat to four digits, and he was still weakening.

Like Tai Sui Xingjun, this phenomenon of Emperor Dongyue also indirectly reveals the embarrassing situation of most of the natural gods and Buddhas in Hakoniwa.

The gods who are too old have enjoyed the blessings brought by human history, so they will naturally suffer from the forgetfulness and indifference of human history.

Some of them choose to reincarnate and merge. For example, Bishamonten of the "Twelve Heavens of Dharma Guardians" voluntarily chose to give up his godhead to Uesugi Kenshin to ensure the existence of Bishamonten. Some are like the Nordic gods, who have tried everything to no avail, and have no choice but to withdraw from the position of gods and Buddhas and become goblins.

But putting aside the details of Lord Taishan for now, Jia Ling really felt a bad atmosphere rising.

Didn't it mean that Taishan Fujun and Taisui Xingjun have no plans to join forces? How did I meet here...

Jialing forcefully supported the weight of Mount Tai to stand up, his feet sank deep into the rock fragments.

"The majesty of heaven cannot be trampled on by us, so can you trample on our dignity at will?"


Lord Taishan shook his head, looking at Jialing with indifference.

"The execution of the half-star spirits on the earth was an imperial order issued by the Jade Emperor himself, and it is not something you monsters can question. Now that you have nothing to do, I can still spare your life for the sake of your father Jialuluo, and hand you over to Tianlong The eight ministries are under strict supervision."

"Don't say it, you seem to be determined to eat me!"

The wings of flames soared, and Jialing instantly transformed into a divine bird composed of flames, burning all the weight given to her by Lord Taishan.

Now that the situation has changed, use the most primitive force to solve it!

——The Demon King is exactly such an existence.

Jialing clenched his right hand tightly, and the spirit of the "Sunlun Garuda" glowed brightly, making the incombustible land below show golden flames.

At this time, with the sound of a dragon's cry, a huge dragon descended from the sky.

Taishan Fujun and Xinghai Dragon King formed a blockade and locked Jialing firmly in the middle.

"...Didn't I say that the matter of the "Seven Heavenly Saints" has nothing to do with each other? "

The first sentence that Xinghai Dragon King spoke was not to Jialing, but to Lord Taishan.

Lord Taishan Fu frowned, slightly cupped his hands and said.

"Mr. Xing, I know how dissatisfied you are with the integration of Taoism and heaven, but this is already an established fact in human history. We can no longer disperse our power because of your preferences. At present, we are the only ones who are the vanguard. If we let If the half star spirits of the earth seize the opportunity, won't we lose the reputation of heaven and Taoism?"

Xinghai Dragon King didn't speak, just let out a mouthful of hot air.

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