The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1758

Everything you need for a savage party in just minutes.

Large pieces of meat, large altar of wine, and some unnamed fruits.

Compared with Sun Wukong's behavior, Jia Ling, who was originally a bit fiery in Luo Pei's eyes, has become the best example of a good girl. Sitting next to the wild loli, she poured wine for her eldest sister, full of ladylike temperament.

"So, on behalf of the Vientiane Wuyong guy, you formed an alliance with us?"

Luo Pei silently pushed the jumping crab in front of him a little farther, and then said to Monkey King.

"Jia Ling and the Bull Demon King have already finished talking about the specific details. Do you have any questions about the Monkey King?"

"Of course I have doubts. I know White Night King. Before she was deprived of the qualification for the final trial of human beings, she was no less crazy than me." Monkey King bit a leg of lamb and said: "Your master can make White Night The existence of Wang Zhi's appropriateness makes me wonder whether he is uneasy and kind to our Seven Heavens Great Sage."

The Jiao Demon King sighed, the Bull Demon King supported his forehead, and the Macaque King continued to drink.

This kind of obvious thing is to let everyone tacitly not say it, so that we can use each other to do things happily.

When Monkey King said this, he was almost setting the fragile alliance between the two on fire.

Especially when the "Seven Heavens Great Sage" is in great need of the help of the Vientiane Useless Demon King.

—— Ye Luoli is a fool with no brains.

"What is there to worry about? Didn't my master jump back from the final human trial to protect the Dharma for twelve days?"

Rope said with a smile.

"Then it's not surprising to come to the demon king's camp again after another horizontal jump, right? After all, fun is the food of gods and Buddhas. My master also hopes to see that with his help, the "Seven Heavens Great Sage" "How far can you go. "


The wild loli got excited.

"If you really think so, I will definitely show you what I am capable of! As long as the Buddhist, Taoist, and Tianting old people don't play tricks and shamelessly join forces to deceive our brothers and sisters, I can go all the way from the Nantianmen." Hit the Lingxiao Palace and knock the Jade Emperor's dog head to pieces!"

"That's good, my master will provide high-level deterrence as you wish."

Rope poured himself a glass of wine.

"And I will also serve as the fighting force of your "Seven Heavens Saints" to share some of the pressure for you. "

"Okay! I approve of you."

Monkey King jumped from his seat to Luo Pei's side.

She boldly threw away the small wine glass that Luo Pei had just filled, and handed over the big bowl or basin she used to drink.

"Ropei, right? Since you have become an ally of the "Sage of the Seven Heavens", I will cover you in the battlefield from now on! Come on, after drinking this bowl of wine, you will be my friend, Monkey King. "

"……Ha ha."

Rope laughed dryly.

full of energy...

At this time, Jialing stood up and said a fair word.

"Sister Dasheng, this is the first banquet for Mr. Luo Pei to form an alliance with our Seven-day Dasheng, so don't force our guests anymore."


The blonde loli rolled her eyes and walked to Jia Ling's side.

"I haven't had time to settle the score with you, Jia Ling! You dared not bring a large army to attack the Tai Sui old dragon, and was caught by that idiot of Lord Taishan. If it weren't for Luo Pei to help you out of the siege, you are now a The prisoners of the Heavenly Court were made to do such and such shameful things, and turned into the shape of the enemy."

"would not!"

Kaling shouted shyly.

"Although they are enemies, none of the gods are as unbearable as you think, Sister Dasheng? At most, at most, it may be torture..."

"Girl torture sounds very lewd."

"Big Sister!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." Monkey King said with a smirk: "Since Jia Ling thinks that Luo Pei should not be forced, then I will punish you to drink my bowl of wine."

"Eh? Little sister has always been too strong to drink..."

Before Jia Ling could finish speaking, Monkey King pinched Jia Ling's mouth and poured her wine.

The girl of the Dapeng Garuda kept struggling like a fish landing on the shore, but she couldn't shake Ye Luoli's strength at all.

After a while, Jialing collapsed on the seat with his eyes circled.

The reliable adult male Bull Demon King felt that he shouldn't be messing around like this, so he forcibly pulled back the derailed banquet theme.

"King Yama is the yamotian of the "Twelve Heavens of Dharma Guardians". This action is basically a war with the "Twelve Heavens of Dharma Guardians". We must formulate a more comprehensive plan. "

"Don't worry." Luo Pei said, "The deterrent scope of "Wanxiang Wuwu" includes "Dharma Guardian Twelve Days". I will report to my master and ask him to restrain Di Shitian's behavior and maintain a neutral state. "

In fact, even if Luo Pei didn't do this, Sakyamuni would definitely let the "Twelve Heavens of Dharma Guardian" go through a formality in a symbolic way.

Everyone's heart is dark.

"It couldn't be better."

Jiao Liu Yao raised his glass.

"I heard that Mr. Luo Pei repelled Lord Taishan and Lord Taisui Xing. Are you sure that they have gathered together? Our brothers Lion Camel King and King Yu Tamarin sent troops to deal with Lord Taishan. I'm afraid There's a change. If those two guys teamed up, we wouldn't be having a drink now."

"Until it understands the "curse" on itself, the old dragon Tai Sui Xingjun will not appear on the current battlefield, and you don't have to worry about simulating the power of the star creation map "Void Star Tai Sui". "

"That is to say, the Lion Camel King and the Yu Tamarin King will only face the Lord Taishan who was injured by the husband?"

"I can't guarantee that Heavenly Court is not a fool. It's better to say that in this way, their increase will reach four digits more quickly."

Jiao Liu pondered for a moment, then stood up and said to everyone.

"I want to lead the staff of "Sage Overturning the Sea" to support the Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King, righteous brother, monkey sister, and younger sister. The base camp will be handed over to you. "

"Go at ease."

Monkey King waved his hand and said.

"Our side is in full swing, and the demon king who is the final trial of human beings has joined the alliance. I will kill as many bastards from the heavens as they come!"

After the Jiao Demon King left, there were only four "Seven Heavenly Saints" present.

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