The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1764

The status quo of Ganqing Little Garden has just moved towards peace, and is it going to return to the ancient and barbaric realm?

"Do you have the guts to go to war with him?"

Bai Ye opened the folding fan and looked at Di Shitian.

"You know better than anyone else how powerful the trial that Luo Pei is in charge of is. Even in ancient times, when the gods had not yet declined, he could face all of you alone and win easily. With the current remnant veteran, Do you think you can overcome "everything is useless"? This is to underestimate him, but Rope is the guy who beat me in my prime! "

With a snap, the gray-haired Loli retracted the fan.

"Di Shitian, this matter is not as complicated as you think. I am very clear that he did not start the final trial. Most of the successes are not pleasing to the heavens. Since it is a matter of the heavens, let the heavens solve it by themselves. Just watch quietly."

"Anyway, Heavenly Court is the backbone god group that protects the order of Little Garden. The relationship between Buddhism and Heavenly Court is harmonious. It is impossible to sit idly by and move the whole body with one move!"

"You don't have to worry about that."

The benevolent Buddha's voice came, Bai Ye frowned in disgust, and Di Shitian bowed respectfully.

"I have seen the World Honored One."

Strictly speaking, Di Shitian is a deity who has converted to Buddhism, so it is only natural to respect the leaders of Buddhism.

"Di Shitian, the current situation is what I expected."

The golden Buddha sits on a lotus seat with a gentle smile on his face.

"Because "Vientiane Useless" will have disputes with the Heavenly Court there, and there is also my shadow behind it. "

"Is it the World Honored One that you asked "Wanxiang Wuyong" to participate in the conflict between the Heavenly Court and the Seven Heavenly Saints? "

Di Shitian asked in disbelief.

Buddha nodded.

"It is indeed a deal between me and Vientiane Wuyong. The specific reason, I believe you should also understand. "

The male god with the blue single ponytail frowned and pondered.

After a while, he let out a helpless breath.

"……I see."

Di Shitian spread his hands apart.

"In that case, sir, can you ensure Hakoniwa's safety?"

"I think the fact that the White Night King can sit here safely is the best proof."

"Then I will wait for the "Twelve Days of Dharma Protection" and stand still. "Di Shitian said: "Ye Motian was bullied by the Monkey King a few days ago, and he also has a position as a heavenly official. I will try my best to persuade him... If not, then he will only represent Yin Division to participate in the war. "

"That's it."

Beside, Bai Ye was amazed.

"Unexpectedly, Sakyamuni, you have such a black heart in your gold body? Doesn't this mean that you want to form an alliance with the heavens on the surface, but actually let them die?"

"I never thought of it that way."

Shakya calmly dealt with Bai Ye's sharp questions.

"I didn't expect that the means of participating in the war by "Vientiane Useless" would be so extreme. But things have come to this point, and they can only continue to walk step by step. "

He clasped his palms together and recited a Buddha's name in a low voice.

"May the people of the world not fall into the sea of ​​suffering; may the people of the world enjoy eternal bliss; may the people of the world be free from sinful thoughts; may the people of the world be peaceful and peaceful... everything is for the inevitableness of human history, and the enlightenment scene of ten thousand families born Buddha."

"It makes me want to throw up."

Bai Ye waved his hand.

"Since you have nothing to do, stick here to block your eyes, and go back and forth wherever you want."

"I also want to ask White Night King one thing." Sakyamuni said: "If the situation becomes uncontrollable, I hope White Night King can properly control Vientiane's useless rampage."

"Oh? Want to use me to influence Rope?"

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes and outlined a cold smile.

"Actually, you have all misunderstood one thing. I did not succumb to Luo Pei's power and chose to be his partner. Admittedly, it may be a bit strange for an existence like us, but I still like him very much personally. I don't want to I want to use this feeling to influence Luo Pei, so..."

Click, click, click.

The earth burst open under the wrath of the protoss, and the frenzied storm blew on the two high-level Buddhist sects.

"Now, immediately, get out!"

Even though the White Night King's spiritual status has been continuously weakened, and even subsumed under the banner of the twin goddesses, she is still the corner of the most ferocious human being's final trial "Sky Movement".

She has her own pride and choices.

Sakyamuni shook his head silently.

"I was being rude, White Night King."

The golden Buddha light flashed, and Sakyamuni disappeared from the courtyard of the "ThousandEyes" branch.

Di Shitian lifted his forehead and sighed.

"Since the matter has come to such a conclusion, I will hurry to inform those gods who are involved with the Heavenly Court, so that they will not get too involved in the issue between the Heavenly Court and the Seven Heavens. White Night King, how about you?"

"Continue to drink tea and look at the sky."

"...Then don't bother me."

Bai Ye's residence returned to tranquility.

The high-level officials in the box court were in a state of turmoil because of the fall of Ziweixing, and the scene of the battle at the outer gate of 7789 was even more shocking.

The four people in the "Seven Heavens Great Sage" are all staring at the sky.

"Sister Dasheng... the one just now, can't it be Ziweixing?"

Jialing's tone was full of disbelief.

"He is a four-figure demon king. Could it be possible that he really gave Emperor Ziwei to..."

"...What the hell did I see?"

The Bull Demon King rubbed his brows, deeply questioning his common sense.

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