The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 177

The golden soil is covered with branched swords forged by Yan Ling, and so is the starry sky in the sky, with swords as numerous as stars hanging upside down.

And in the center of the golden sword domain, Welleslana holds the sword of words and spirits, looking at Luo Pei seriously.

"This is my strongest strength. Wisdom is strength! Speech is a weapon! Those who overcome obstacles deserve my blessing and curse!"

"Kusanagi Godou's Golden Sword Domain, so you can use it too..."

Squeezing his palm, Luo Pei felt that there was no water in this world that he could manipulate.

——This first sealed half of his "Sigh of the Shallow Sea" power.

"No matter what I think, I can't know the identity of the Seagod you killed. Let's just deprive this world of water, so it can affect you to some extent, right?"

Welleslana said confidently, and he pointed the sword of words and spirits at Rope.

"Then, I already know the identity of the second god you killed, the disobedient Hero of Steel God!"

In order to cause damage to Rope, his defense must be broken first.

When Veleslana dealt with Mekar's stick, he focused on two things, watching the scene where God King Storm was "rejected" by Rope.

With the wisdom of the gods, he only knew the gods that Luo Pei killed by a little reverse deduction.

"O violent demon king, the god you killed is the great hero in the Indian epic "Mahabharata"—God's oath!"

The sword of light trembled, flew up from the ground, and gathered behind Veleslana, just like the "King's Treasure" of the King of Heroes, ready to go.

"God swears, the reincarnation of Shenguang God, the subordinate of Sun God Surya, is also the son of Ganga Goddess Ganga. A great hero who has accomplished all kinds of great deeds! Finally, after making a terrible oath, he was blessed by his father The king bestowed immortality, which is also the origin of his name Vishma!"

Appearing almost instantly, the sword of words and spirits that was originally on the ground had cut through Luo Pei's body at some point.

But he didn't feel any pain.

In contrast, Luo Pei found that the effect of his power "Oath of Protection" was weakening.

"The sword of the word spirit that cuts off power...cut."

It wasn't until he faced this annoying gold that Luo Pei realized how powerful the protagonist of the original novel is.

——As long as you know the source, you can cut off the authority, how unreasonable is it!

Welleslana continued to chant the spirit of speech.

"Unlike other gods with different identities, India has no foreign mythology because of its very ancient relationship. Therefore, Vishma is a very pure local god and a very complete "steel" - refusing to die, refusing to hurt , can only sleep peacefully at the time of choice! Godslayer, this is the truth of power! "

Tens of thousands of swords came out in full force.

It is a sword of words and spirits only for severing power, and the myth of Vishma resides on each sword.

Facing this attack, Luo Pei knelt on the ground on one knee as if he had given up resistance.

This is a different world, the influence cannot reach the outside world, don't worry about those two innocent knights...

Perfect prayer time!

"O Great and Exalted Aberhorth, Fountain of the Unholy, Father of Demons, Hear My Prayer—"

Chapter 63: Aberhorth, the Defeated God of War

It was a prayer in honor of demons, a terrible incantation that silenced all existence.

"I praise you in the name of the sacred offering, Lariba Watts, and take steps in sequence."

The sword of light cut off the power of "steel" in Lopez, leaving large and small wounds on his body, but he remained motionless like a statue made of clay and wood, focusing on the words of pilgrimage.

"——"Black Crow Mage" Izdag, "God of Toad" Satogua, "God of Spider" Atlak Naka, "Lord of Tranquility" Hahn Dur, "Father of Snake" Ego, "Cave of the Primarch" Artebos, and the ultimate and supreme leader - "The Source of the Unclean" Aberhorth! With a limit of seven, I am willing to obey your orders to complete the illusory "seventh curse"! "

The existences in Luo Pei's mouth are almost all famous archmages or old rulers.

But even such a being must yield to another lofty name, which can only be at the forefront of prayers.

It's Aberhorth!

The source of the unclean, the ancestor of demons, all the rumored ugly aliens on the earth, or hate ghosts, are all gifts from this holy mother.

Unlike Shab Nicholas, another female god in the Cthulhu pantheon, who is one of the three pillar gods "the black goat of the forest that breeds thousands of offspring", the descendants of Aberhoth are closer to "civilians", She hardly produces any evil gods, but simply enjoys creating them, playing with her children in the dark caves of Iqa.

Although it is play, it is an inescapable hell for ugly and deformed objects like the "Sons of Aberhorth"-when these objects try to crawl out of the cave, they often end up dissatisfied with the shape of their children, and Pulled back into the pool by their mother Abhorth and devoured.

It is such a noble existence, summoned by prayers, that splits out a part of the dark divine power, crossing the barriers of the world and descending on the summoner.

From Luo Pei's body, what flowed out was no longer blood, but some kind of strange green-black jelly-like object.

They gnawed at the God of Light's sword of words and spirits as if they were alive, and corrupted it into a cloud of light black smoke.

"God relies on? This evil feeling..."

Welleslana felt that his heart was constricting, as if an invisible big hand named 'fear' was holding it fiercely.

Will the god of victory feel fear? This is so funny...

The black-haired handsome boy thought this way, but his divine body was one step ahead of his thoughts, and he instinctively made a retreating movement.

In the golden sword world, the human body of Rope gradually dissolves, becoming closer to the posture of the summoned god Aberhorth—an unshaped black-green colloidal liquid.

They are eroding the golden land of Veleslana like a plague. When encountering them, whether it is the sword of words or other attacks, they are swallowed by them without any waves.

"What kind of god is this..."

Veleslana turned into a "strong wind" and stood above the sky, with cold sweat constantly breaking out in the palm holding the golden sword.

——That was a warning to him as a divine intuition.

It's dangerous, very dangerous, leave now.

"Welleslana, God of War, come and guess the origin of the gods I borrowed, once again wave your golden sword to cut this unclean divine power, and show the greatness of light!"

The black-green jelly liquid made Rope's voice, speaking in a tone that was almost comparable to sarcasm.

"Darkness represents reproduction, and it symbolizes the existence of vitality. I devour this world with love and turn others into a filthy hell. Everything is for the birth of new life!"

The inevitability of the gods.

When Hastur was summoned last time, Rope was also affected by part of his personality, and this time was no exception.

Aberhorth is a benevolent god and a gentle mother. Unlike other male Old Ones, she has no aggressive heart, so her direct combat power is not very strong.

All she does is feed and provide influence for her children.

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