The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1779

The blonde loli shrugged her shoulders, as if she didn't need to say anything next.

Killing the Jade Emperor with his own hands in front of all the heavenly officials, if the Great Sage Equaling Heaven still wants to crown the Jade Emperor by convincing people with virtue, it is tantamount to a dream.

Rope shook his head and smiled lightly.

"He's already here."

In an instant, the shattered space and the Zhoutian star line were surging due to the three-digit battle.

A stream of clear air spanned the sun, the moon and the stars, and appeared in the sky above the sea of ​​clouds at the Nantian Gate of the Heavenly Court.

Under the cleansing of the clean air, both the space and the broken earth are restored to their original state. Those heavenly soldiers and generals who were shattered by the aftermath of the battle were also miraculously given new life and stood on the sea of ​​clouds again.

The gods in the heavenly court didn't know what happened, so they quickly saluted to the sky.

"Welcome Taiqing Daode Tianzun!"

"Hey, just call me Taishang Laojun..."

The white-bearded old man was sitting on top of a white cloud, floating here from an extremely distant place.

The back of the head was illuminated by a moon-white round light, and the Taishang Laojun just waved his hand, and under the appearance of the Taiji Yin-Yang spirituality, he controlled the turbulent spirituality of the gods in the heaven.

"Everything is useless, don't come here without any harm?" Taishang Laojun said with a smile: "In order to fulfill your agreement, Laojun, I have spent a lot of effort to come to this three-digit outer door."

"The Taoist ancestor kept his word."

Rope smiled back, nodded and said.

"It's not too late, please ask Daozu to hold a ceremony for the half star spirits of the earth to succeed the Jade Emperor."


Emperor Donghua was taken aback.

He stood up quickly, cupped his hands and said to Daode Tianzun.

"Ancestor Daoist! How could you do this! The Demon King Qitian killed the Jade Emperor in full view of us and others. It's fine if you don't come forward to punish and seek justice. How can you allow evil thoughts to breed and give the Demon King the honor of the Jade Emperor!"

"Donghua, let me ask you, doesn't the Monkey King have the qualifications to become the Jade Emperor?"

Taishang Laojun asked.

Emperor Donghua thought hard, and finally shook his head with great reluctance.

"She has the qualifications to become the Jade Emperor, and the Protoss of the Earth is the "King's Tool". But, Heavenly Venerate..."

"Okay, Donghua."


Emperor Donghua gritted his teeth and stepped back.

Taishang Laojun lightly shook his whisk, entrusting Monkey King to the same position as him.

The blond loli also realized something, and stood obediently in front of Taoist ancestor.

Taiqing Daode Tianzun's eyes closed and opened, his pupils looked like mighty and natural, and he looked at all the heavenly officials with awe.

"The Jade Emperor connived at the birth of the unreasonable suppression for his selfish desires. Now that the retribution is imminent, it can be regarded as retribution. I couldn't bear his demise, so I took his soul and reincarnated in the outside world to be an ordinary human being. Everything stops here. But the heaven You can't be left alone for a day, and the Monkey King, as the half star spirit of the earth, has the guarantee that everything is useless, so he is naturally the best candidate for the Jade Emperor."

Taishang Laojun swung his whisk again, and the entire sky and stars burst into endless light.

"Here, I, as one of the "Three Purities" of Taoism, Taiqing Daode Tianzun, prevent you from disrespecting the successor Jade Emperor because of past events. Life has a time, death has a fate, and all things turn in nature. You should obey your destiny, abide by your duties, and serve the successor Jade Emperor to regulate the creatures of all heavens and protect human history. "

"Follow the order of Taiqing Daode Tianzun!"

The heavenly officials, who were still somewhat unwilling and fearful at first, bowed their heads and took orders after hearing Taiqing's words.

Ninety-nine percent of the heavens are gods born out of Taoism. Although the world has changed, the words of Taiqing still hold a large weight in the hearts of the heavenly officials.

This weight is even higher than the order of the Jade Emperor.

Daozu Daozu, the ancestor of Taoism, such a name is not only nice.

"In this way, I entrust the position of the lord of the stars and the heavens to you, Monkey King."

"Yes, I will live up to expectations!"

As the fresh air descended, all the marks of the demon king around the blonde loli were wiped away.

At this moment, the Monkey King not only has the identity of "Earth Half Star Spirit", but also has the godhead of "Jade Emperor" completely exerted on her.

The girl transforms into an empress's noble dress full of fairy charm. She wears a nine-beaded golden crown on her head, and in her right hand holds the "Jade Emperor Sutra", a simulated star creation map that belongs to the Jade Emperor.

"From then on, there is no Monkey King, only the Lord of Heaven and Stars, Jade Emperor Sun Wukong!"

She declared solemnly.

All the heavenly officials looked at each other, knelt down like cutting wheat, and shouted in unison.

"See Jade Emperor."

Among all the heavenly officials, only Emperor Donghua did not kneel.

Taishang Laojun shook his head and sighed, and apologized to Luo Pei.

"My stupid child is reluctant to part with the old master's affection. If everything is useless, it is better to sell the old gentleman to my face and let me take him out of the Little Garden."

"Please, Daozu."

A mere four-digit god, not to mention that Luo Pei doesn't care, even the blond loli in the sky didn't look at Emperor Donghua.

Taishang Laojun waved his hand, turning Emperor Donghua into a ray of blue sunshine, and put it in his sleeve.

"Everything is over, I won't stay here any longer..." Taishang Laojun said: "Everything is useless, and Laojun will leave the box garden today, and the box garden will be handed over to you to take care of it."

"Please entrust a "Ultimate Trial of Humanity" to take care of Hakoniwa, maybe I will destroy it? "

The black-haired youth tilted his head and smiled.

"Ha ha."

Taishang Laojun chuckled twice.

"Wanxiang Wuyong doesn't trust himself, but Laojun trusts you very much. After all, Wanxiang Wuyong has even gone through the "Tao Te Ching" once, how can Laojun doubt the existence of what he knows? "

"It sounds nice."

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