The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1782

Soon, one after another, the envoys of the various god groups stepped into the Lingxiao Palace to pay respects to the new Jade Emperor. The leaders of some large communities were also present, with what appeared to be very generous gifts.

The seven-day mahatma has finally come to the end of all hardships.

But Rope did not find the messenger of the Celtic pantheon.

It stands to reason that even if the Queen of Halloween does not come out in person, there will be representatives of the rulers of the gods to congratulate the Heavenly Court, but there is no sign of anyone at this moment.

"do not you know?"

Bai Ye looked at Luo Pei strangely.

"The Celtic gods were destroyed some time ago, and it was the final trial of mankind, the dystopian demon king. It is currently in the lower West District, and it has completely become a raging plague. Although the Halloween guy has left The Celtic gods, but her community is still inextricably linked with the gods, so she can't get away now."

"Oh? I really didn't pay attention to this matter."

The strength of the Celtic gods is not very good in Hakoniwa. They are all gods who have been promoted through ancestor worship.

However, the start of the dystopian demon king's activities reminded Luo Pei.

The big drama that can affect Hakoniwa is gradually unfolding.

Chapter 45: The Puppet Cthulhu Gods of "Everything Is Useless"

Four-digit class, 6666 outer gate, the residence of "Vientiane Useless".

It has been a while since the Qitian Dasheng and the Tianting incident have completely settled down. Luo Pei did not rush to find trouble in dystopia immediately, but hibernated and waited for the best opportunity like a diner waiting for a meal in a restaurant.

At the same time, he is carefully collecting the gains from participating in the Heavenly Court incident.

Letting the Great Sage Equaling Heaven sit on the position of the Jade Emperor, this huge historical change not only affected the human history of Taoism and heaven, but also smashed the situation that Buddhism had planned for thousands of years in one fell swoop.

The "history" that has nowhere to be placed was split into several parts by Rope, and transformed into his power through the judgment of the Hakoniwa center, and then carried out precise and mysterious procedures in the body, and transformed into the basic divine power to become a true god.

Although compared with the Cthulhu Mythos that Philip performed in the outside world and penetrated into human history, it can only be called the meat of mosquito legs, but Heaven and the Seven Heavens are just Rope's entertainment after all, and a little bit can be gained It is also extremely good.

In the magic palace where splendor and mystery coexist, the throne is shrouded in darkness and mist, and the nebula is densely covered, like eyes representing "intellect" and "madness", making people shudder.

The divinity of "dark matter" that Luo Pei finally obtained is honing in the seemingly daily ambiguity and constantly rising.

Above the main hall of the Demon Palace, the sound of rigid high-heeled shoes sounded.

The black mist dissipated, and Luo Pei opened his eyes, watching the existence under his throne.

"Have you completed my order?"

"Yes, master."

Philip Lovecraft knelt down and saluted.

"The preliminary stage has been completed, and we just need to wait for fermentation and guidance. I have time to spare, and I deliberately returned from the outside world, in order to execute your second order and form your community."

"Philip, have you seen Kaling?"

"On the way into the magic palace, I have already met that half-god and half-human girl."

"Well, that's good." Luo Pei supported his cheeks with his right hand: "Although Jialing abandoned her community and included it under my banner, I once promised her to allow her to maintain the previous contact. So she On the premise of being a member of "Wanxiang Wuyong", she will also be the "Eastern Jinyang Fire Mother" of the Heavenly Court, do you understand? "

"Yes, I understand."

"Let's talk about it, what do you think about my community building?"

"Please forgive my faux pas."

After Philip finished speaking, the dark green tome in his hand automatically opened without wind.

All kinds of weird fantasies appear, revealing the power of the same origin as "unknown" and "fear".

In those phantoms, Rope also saw familiar faces.

"Eternal Sleeper" Cthulhu; "Inhabitant of Darkness" Nyogda; "Blasterer" Cthugya; "Lord of Deep Space Star Sea" Hastur; "Lord of Ice Flame Polar Circle" Yafum .Zha; "Pictograph God" Chaugnar Fagern; "Gloomy God" Mordiggian...

The postures of the evil gods were imitated by Philip's miraculous skills and presented on the hall of the magic palace.

"My master, at the beginning of your arrival in Little Garden, you used the light of the "source" to swallow all the projections of the "Cthulhu Myth" originally bred inside Little Garden. Your servant dares to borrow this glory from you, and use my "song" to reshape their bodies and spirits, and become existences like your eyes and ears and worker ants, as a tool for you to absorb the power of human history . "

The corners of Rope's mouth curled up slightly.

"Do you want to deceive the history of mankind, to cross the sea? It's not impossible. But you have to rely on those His Majesty, His Highness's body and identity, have you asked them for instructions?"

"I ask you to grant me the status of "Priest of the Gods". During the completion of your order, your servant has the honor to see the true face of the real master of the starry sky in the multiverse. "

Philip lowered his head deeply.

"The true gods gave me a clear answer. If this is what you want to see and need, then the true gods allow me to use their forms."

"If there is no problem with the etiquette, I will allow you to use this plan." Luo Pei nodded: "Include those shaped "worker ants" into my community. "

"Your permission is my greatest honor."

A poet of filth, who radiates joy with clarity.

There is nothing more joyful than the plan I put forward to be approved by the creator and master.

On the throne, Luo Pei pondered for a moment, then suddenly chuckled.

"Is this a false image to preview my future identity in advance? Leading the evil gods... Ha, it's really interesting."

His future is very clear.

Bearing the identity of the "fourth pillar" and "war", Lopei will inevitably provoke a war of order and chaos that sweeps across the multiverse, pull those hypocritical ancient gods from their current thrones, and listen to their unwillingness and fear with a smile swearing, silently savoring the fear of their imminent death.

At that time, Luo Pei will inevitably lead those evil gods who have been favored.

This is understandable, only he who has the soul of Azathoth is qualified.

"Come on, let me define myself for these puppets."

Rope said.

Philip knelt on the ground, holding the cult in both hands and holding it high.

In an instant, some changes occurred in the center of Hakoniwa.

Luo Pei did not expend his own power but endowed those puppets with spiritual status, not because he was reluctant, but because he had a more useful method.

Little Garden and human history are mutually observed. The Cthulhu Mythology appeared outside, but the spirits of the gods that originally belonged to the Cthulhu Mythology were devoured at the beginning of Lopei's arrival, resulting in no Cthulhu gods in Little Garden. This contradiction caused paradox in the rules of Hakoniwa Center.

But paradox is paradox, rules are rules, and the birth of "natural gods and Buddhas" cannot be ignored just because of paradoxes.

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