The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1784

That's right, from another point of view, the creatures in dystopia are all happy.

That demon king is different from other demon kings. He will never deprive others of their lives at will. In the dystopian view, everyone is equal, even the three-digit spiritual status itself and the weak creatures in the paradise. There is no difference, live happily without nothing.

But that's what's wrong.

That's how the gods with reason and wisdom see the great horror behind dystopia.

This is not human beings, this is a terrible catastrophe of one of the dying elements of human history.

Everything is slowly fermenting, waiting for the point of explosion.

One of the five-digit outer gates of Hakoniwa, above the blue sky.

The blond-haired princess knight rides a dragon, soaring in the wind.

She has scarlet pupils, golden tassel-like long hair, and a heroic cavalier outfit, which highlights the girl's sized body to the fullest. Anyone who sees this scene will sincerely praise her beauty.

Leticia De Crea.

The princess of Hakoniwa Knights, the second queen of purebred vampires, and the only girl god among the vampire clan who has been upgraded to four digits through "Sun Sovereignty" and "All-level Sponsor Authority".

Leticia has just completed her campaign against a certain demon king today, and she is returning to the castle of the Hakoniwa Knights with the Knights of the Guards led by her.

It's just that it was a complete victory for no reason, and the girl felt a little uneasy.

Like something bad and big is going to happen.

"your Highness."

The guard knight beside her flew forward on a dragon and asked respectfully.

"Why do you show such an unhappy expression at this moment when you have won another victory and added to your merits in exterminating the devil?"

"I don't know." Leticia shook her head, looking towards the west of the sky, "Maybe "Dystopia" is still firmly in my mind. I can't let go of that dangerous thorn for a day..."

"Forgive me for speaking bluntly, maybe it is more appropriate to hand over the final trial of human beings to the upper-level gods and Buddhas... Even if we have the heart to dedicate ourselves to the people of Hako Garden, facing a three-digit demon king is no different from moths to the flame .”

The guard knight paused, then said again.

"Besides, Your Majesty has served before Your Majesty. Your Majesty once said that the two adults with four digits have promised Your Highness the Princess. I believe that such an existence will not lie..."

The words of "Everything is useless" Rope and "Sky Movement" White Night King are naturally known by the upper vampires.

That's why the vampires of Hakoniwa Knights didn't do anything about "dystopia".


Leticia frowned and scolded in a low voice.

"The higher-ranking people have the ideas of the higher-ranking people. Instead of pinning hope on others, isn't it correct that we should work hard as guardians before the illusory salvation comes?"

"What you teach is..."

The guard knight bowed his head in shame.

The blonde vampire shook her head.

"I can't wait any longer. Every day, the influence of dystopia is flourishing. When I go back, I will advise my father to take action against the demon king of dystopia."

Is it really just dystopia?

Leticia questioned herself, but couldn't find peace of mind.

At this time, she thought of what the Vientiane Useless Demon King once said.

— Concerning the interior of the vampire and the dangers of the sovereignty of the "Ophiuchus" sun.

Because it was the words of the two-digit demon king, Leticia also took it seriously, and warned the aristocratic forces within the vampire clan with an iron fist policy. She thought this was the end of the matter, but the inexplicable palpitation at this time made her rethink the cause and effect of these things.

"The order goes on, I will return to the castle before the sun goes down."

Leticia ordered without hesitation.

The members of the Knights of the Guards took orders one after another, driving the dragon, and galloping quickly above the five-figure sky.

When the sun reached the halfway up the mountain, the knights and Leticia finally returned to the royal court of the vampires, a magnificent floating landscape.

Landing in the spacious dragon stable, Leticia stepped onto the verdant grass and looked at the calm and undisturbed royal city before slowly letting out a sigh of relief.

Is it fortunate that you didn't see the vampires killing each other? Leticia didn't know why.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard this time. Please rest well. For the next campaign against the Demon King, I will hold a celebration banquet in my palace later..."

She put a smile on her face again, and as she spoke, she turned to look at the Knights of the Guards.

But the scene reflected in her eyes chilled the girl from her viscera to her bone marrow.

It was a terrifying scene composed of flames and scorched figures.

Each of the Knights of the Guards is an elite vampire who can outnumber a hundred, and their prestige is widely spread in the lower land of Little Garden.

But at this moment, those powerful vampires are more powerless than children, their bodies are burning with ominous flames, their skins are scorched black, and some of them have been completely burned to ashes without a sound, without even screaming, everything is only in a flash transformation.

"His Royal Highness...quick...escape..."

Half of his body was burned by flames, and the knight who lost his mobility drew out his long sword with scabbard, and smashed it at Leticia who was standing still.

Caught off guard, the girl slammed into the shadow of the wall at the exit of the dragon stable like a cannonball.

Then the loyal knight was completely burned to ashes by the flames.

Before Leticia could get out of her shock, an unprecedented pain wrapped around her right foot.

The dragon leather boots couldn't stop the flames from burning at all. In an instant, Leticia was severely injured, and the skin of her legs turned black and red.

"What exactly is going on……"

The girl braced herself to stand up.

After all, she is the royal blood-sucking princess. This injury can't frighten the experienced Leticia at all.

She was just hesitating, just at a loss.

Why did it become such a horrible situation in just an instant?

Is the devil coming?

And what kind of demon king can approach the vampire royal city guarded by a large number of elites? Can you still show such unreasonable power?

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