The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1789

The people must not lose their sense of justice and courage to resist the cruelty of the devil.

"Sister, what if you take all the blame on yourself?"

Lamia covered her mouth, tears streaming from her red pupils.

Leticia smiled in relief, and there was some kind of awareness in her expression.

"Isn't this the best solution? Anyway, I am indeed a "devil king" now, a little more guilt, a little less guilt, it doesn't make any difference. "

"Is that so?"

Philip nodded.

"You are talking too much, it will be more convenient for you and Lord Luo Pei to advise you on this matter."

"I also hope that you can contribute to the flames."

"Well... logically speaking, you and I should help each other as servants..."

The poetess pondered.

But in an instant, a majestic voice sounded from the ruins.

"I disagree."

Pure Blood Ji's sister was half a beat behind, but Philip immediately knelt in the direction of the sound.

Wearing a fancy dark gold close-fitting robe, a young man with black hair and blue eyes stepped out from the light of the evil emblem.

"Master, it's my disadvantage to ask you to come here in person." Philip lowered his voice.

Luo Pei waved his hand and said indifferently.

"It has nothing to do with you, Philip, it's just a temporary change of my mind."

He looked at Leticia and Lamia.

"Why are you so entangled? It's just a reputation as a Hakoniwa knight. You drink my blood and become my servant, so what if I bestow this insignificant reputation on you?"

Rope raised his right hand.

The next moment, the crunching sound of space crushing sounded.

Countless dark beams of light broke free from the cracks in the earth and directly penetrated the royal court of the vampires.

Not only that, the one-sided display of the two-digit spiritual status made the five-digit sky appear huge, terrifying eyes like an abyss.

Among the fragmented vampire royal court, only the four of Luo Pei were intact.

"Hakoniwa Knight offended Vientiane, and I have completely erased it from the history of Hakoniwa. Any righteous person who worships Hakoniwa Knight and regards Hakoniwa Knight as a benchmark, it is enough to point the finger at me. Vientiane is useless, the final trial of mankind The demon king expects any challenger to show off his meager power!"

The Royal Order of Rope ignored language and race differences, and directly sounded in the ears of creatures at all the outer gates of Little Garden.

What is boldness?

Leticia finally understood what the spirit of a true demon king is.

Compared with the final human trial demon king in front of her, the demon kings she conquered in the past are like the difference between the light of fireflies and the sun.

"Master Luo Pei, I... I am ashamed of your gift."

The voice of the kneeling girl was a little choked.

"You have clearly given me the prophecy, but because of my weakness..."

"It is you who makes the choice. Now that you have made the choice, don't regret it. After summing up the experience, look forward and look forward to the future."

After Luo Pei finished speaking, his serious expression relaxed, and he smiled frivolously.

"In fact, it's not something worth showing off. In the end, the two of you sisters were captured by me, a terrible demon king, didn't you? You take this as my scheme, don't you feel better?"


--How can it be.

Leticia, who rarely shed tears, lowered her head deeply.

Only then did she realize how ridiculous her defense against the Demon King in front of her was.

The final trial of human beings, "Everything is useless", is different. It is a special existence that breaks free from the shackles of the devil and the final trial of human beings.

"Then master, since you are here, I will take my leave first."

Philip saluted.

Rope nodded and said softly.

"Do what you can. I don't want to be quick. I just need you to follow your inner plan step by step. We have plenty of time."


After Philip left, Rope moved his shoulders and said to Lamia and Leticia.

"Everything has been destroyed, and there is no point in staying here any longer. Come and go back to my new home with me, and let you know your responsibilities as members of my community. Well, of course, there is no need to be nervous, it is all Some easy work."

"Follow your will."

Leticia led Lamia and walked towards Lopez.

Regardless of the process, the once glorious Hakoniwa Knights finally came to an end.

However, such an excellent system as the "class ruler" system will continue to carry on with the glory of the vampires.

Moreover, in Luo Pei's own opinion, compared with the two girls in front of him, those innocuous scapegoats can only be said to be of the level of human favor.

As "Everything is useless", no one can say that he should not destroy the Hakoniwa Knight who represents justice.

This is the natural benefit of the evil stance.

Hakoniwa will know that compared to the horrible things he will do in the future, the scene in front of him is a step back, even if it is not fake, it is definitely just an appetizer.

——The Bible and Buddhism.

Chapter 50: Pure Blood Princess' Sister

The strong light at noon illuminates the palace with resplendent splendor, exuding the majesty and solemnity unique to Baroque architecture.

The eldest princess of the vampire royal family, Leticia de Creia got up from the bed rubbing her brows.

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