The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1801

The dark-haired young man's eyes are very clear, looking at Vera, he only admires the beauty, and in his eyes, he is obviously more interested in Maxwell than Vera.

……what happened?

No beginning, no end, extremely confused.

"This... I'm sorry, Master Azazel, I'm not questioning your goodwill, but can you let us hear the reason? After all, your identity makes us dare not agree easily."

"I want to get something held by Maxwell. I won't tell you in detail what it is."

Rope said.

"The deal is that Miss Vera will be the bait, saving me the trouble of finding a needle in a haystack. And I will destroy the soul of Maxwell, the culprit who has troubled Miss Vera for a long time."

With Luo Pei's status as "everything is useless", most of the things in Little Garden are not worthy of his interest. It is enough to simply increase his own strength.

But the "Third Permanent Agency" is an exception.

From scratch, the third type of perpetual motion machine in fantasy.

Even Rope would love to hold it in his hands and take a closer look at what that interesting knowledge looks like.

"Isn't this too good for us?"

"Everyone takes what they need. You guys think you are very beneficial, and I also think I am very beneficial. This is the best state of cooperation." Luo Pei tilted his head and continued to smile: "Besides, a beautiful lady like Vera, Isn't it normal that people can't help but help her?"

"According to Hakoniwa Center's judgment, Maxwell is a four-digit demon king..."

"Who do you think I am?"

Rope interrupted Jack-O-Lantern's chatter.

"Where is the "Hell" erected, I shouldn't need to introduce it to you, right? Jack. "

Jack-o'-lantern was silent.

As a gathering place of evil, hell, like heaven, is set up in three-digit places.

The "Lord of Hell" Azazel in front of him is completely capable of blasting Maxwell for more than ten streets in terms of strength.

At this moment, Vera, who had been silent all this time, spoke up.

There is hope in her pupils, under this kind of eyes, even a man of steel will become gentle, and the natural charm of magic will be fully revealed.

"Can you really help me get rid of that guy?"

"Make a promise in my name, I will kill Demon King Maxwell completely."

Naturally, Vera and Jack O'Lantern would not know of Rope's persistence.

But they could hear the resolute and irrefutable tone of the hell monarch in front of them.

"I am willing to promise you."

Vera nodded seriously.

"I'll help you attract that disgusting guy, so... please, let me escape from this nightmare, Lord Azazel."

"The deal is established, dear lady."

Rope held hands with Vera.

Chapter 58: The Unsolvable "Everything Is Useless" and the Possibility of Perpetual Motion

After having the clue of the "Third Permanent Organ", Luo Pei left the matter of the fallen angels as a matter of course, and followed Vera and Jack to their residence.

In terms of the size of the house alone, it does cover a large area, almost worthy of being called a manor.

The current Little Garden is not a period of peace after various pacifications. At the end of the dawn period, the major demon kings and evil communities are rampant. If you want to have a home in Little Garden, you have to have no strength to do it.

"Yahaha, welcome to Lord Azazel's humble home."

After the Jack-O-Lantern opened the door, the surrounding silver candlesticks automatically ignited the flames, illuminating the room very brightly.

"Because the community has not yet been established, I can't entertain you with something decent, but I will try my best."

"It doesn't take so much trouble, material entertainment is dispensable to me."

Rope looked at the silver candlesticks and glasswork that adorned the walls.

I have to say that Vera and Jack O'Lantern are both ingenious types. Even if the jack-o-lantern looks careless, in fact, the furniture and furnishings of the whole house are made by him, with extraordinary aesthetics.

"The craftsmanship is really good."

The black-haired youth exclaimed.

The flames flickering inside the jack-o'-lantern pumpkin are clearly proud to be recognized by their superiors for its work.

"After I help you solve Maxwell, can I give you a batch of orders? The price is absolutely fair for orders for metal products and glass crafts."

"Please don't say that. You promised to help my master solve Maxwell's troubles, which has already made us unable to repay." Jack said: "If you like our little crafts, I will give you one at that time." An excellent batch."

"This is not acceptable. The two cannot be confused. My order is another transaction."

Rope said with a smile.

"You want to build your own community, and there are many places where money and materials will be spent. My orders will be very large, and you will also have the first start-up funds by then, so that the newly established community will not be so embarrassing."

"Oh, I really don't know how to thank you. After these days of getting along with each other, you are far more gentle and considerate than the rumors say."

Jack O'Lantern gladly accepts Rope's offer.

At this time Vera came up with two glasses of drinks.

"I got some chocolate milk, would Azazel want some?"

"Chocolate milk?"

"Well, actually, I don't really like drinking bitter tea..."

Just like her sweet appearance, Cangyan Demon is also a sweet pie.

Luo Pei walked to the left-hand side of the long table, pulled out the chair and sat down, holding the cup and feeling very fresh.

"Miss Vera and I are the opposite. I haven't had a dessert drink for a long time. In the past, it was either tea or wine. To be honest, I'm not really interested in those two, but I'm too lazy to get other drinks."

"Then you have to taste Vera's craftsmanship."

Jack Pumpkin said with a smile.

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