The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1804

As a pre-war skit, it is enough to create a scene of disillusionment for others.

The black-haired youth let go of Vera's shoulders and continued.

"Wait for me for a while, I will help you fix the house later, don't be too frustrated."

"I'm going to kill you!"

As soon as Maxwell's roar came out, before he had time to act, Rope disappeared in place.

The speed was so fast that even the probing nerves of the four-digit demon king couldn't react.

The black-haired youth grabbed Maxwell's neck and lifted him up.


"Although I have no grievances with you, but you have something I want in you, and it happens that Vera is troubled by you, so just die like this, as long as you die, everyone will be happy."

Pure power was transmitted from the right arm to Maxwell's body.

The atmosphere oscillated, and even the clouds above the sky were shattered under the surging.

Maxwell was thrown out by Rope at the speed of the sixth universe, pierced through several mountains, and splashed a curtain of rock and earth hundreds of kilometers away.

Without giving Maxwell a break, Rope, who had shifted in space, stepped on his face.

"Before I met you, I was still wondering why a guy like you possesses the spirit status of the "Third Permanent Mechanism". You are a demon produced by the second law of thermodynamics. Only after I saw you in person did I realize that you are not related to the perpetual motion machine to have that spirituality, but you are a part of it. "

Rope crushed Maxwell's head, but the opponent started to recover as soon as it was broken.

"Stop looking down on people!"

Anger turned into power, the annihilation effect produced by the two opposite energies of cold and heat, was used by Maxwell.

The surrounding area turned into a battlefield, ravaged by frost and flames.

But if you want to use this simple energy attack to cause damage to Luo Pei, it's better to think about how to dominate Hako Garden.

——At least the latter has a one-in-a-trillion possibility.

Seeing that the attack under anger could not cause any damage to Rope, Maxwell finally became sober.

If there is a feeling floating out, he is aware of the other party's spiritual status.

"Three digits... the devil of the biblical gods, the "lord of hell" Azazel. "

Maxwell gritted his teeth.

"Why did the big devil on the upper level appear in the five digits, why did you take my Vera away!"

"No no no, it's my Vera now."

In contrast to Maxwell, Rope has always been laid-back and casual.

"And you guessed a little wrong. I'm not a three-digit Azazel, um, although you can call me that now."

The figure of the black-haired youth began to become hazy, and countless darkness and unknowns began to brew and seep out of it.

"I have no plans to fight for a long time. Now, let me tell you, what are you most afraid of, an overhead demon born out of human scientific theory?"

— not good.

The heart is trembling, the soul is afraid.

Maxwell wanted to escape, to escape from the inexplicable killing situation in front of him, but found that he had lost the teleportation ability he was proud of.

Space is sticky like glue.

Moreover, the ideas that make up "Maxwell's demon" itself are constantly being ravaged.

"You are... "Vientiane Useless"! "

Maxwell yelled in horror.

But even if they recognize the other party's true identity, it won't help at this moment.

"Congratulations, the correct answer. Then hand over your spiritual status."

Lopez clenched his palm lightly, and the existence named "Maxwell" disappeared from Hakoniwa and was denied.

— After all, he is just a four-digit demon king.

The last remnant of the overhead demon left in Little Garden, or the spirit, is only the gray spirit that can shine even in the dark and unknown.

Humanity's final trial of the "third permanent mechanism" spirit power!

Chapter 60 The connection between dark matter and perpetual motion machines

After Maxwell died instantly, the spirit frame of the "Third Permanent Mechanism" fell into the hands of Rope.

Did Luo Pei swallow the "Third Perpetual Mechanism" wholeheartedly like he did with the "Heavenly Bull", but held the spiritual lattice and observed it carefully.

In all fairness, if Luo Pei were to make a classification for the final trial of human beings two thousand years later, then after carefully reading the "Third Permanent Mechanism", he believes that the nature of this final trial of human beings must definitely surpass that of " Dystopia" and "Absolute Evil".

This is not comparing the strength of the demon king in the final trial of the unification, but just talking about the level of the spirit.

After all, the "absolutely evil" Azi Dakaha is special. He holds the simulated star creation map "Avesta" of Zoroastrianism. It is not suitable to compete with other human beings in the final trial with its integrated strength. .

"The first type of perpetual motion machine violates the conservation of energy, the second type of perpetual motion machine violates the second law of thermodynamics, and the third type...builds a second biosphere, relying on external energy input to form a self-circulation of matter in a closed environment."

Luo Pei whispered thoughtfully.

After seeing the "Third Permanent Mechanism" spirit grid with his own eyes, Luo Pei realized that his previous cognition might be wrong.

Not all perpetual motion machines are purely "from scratch". Although they are all devices that can realize this dream, they are still slightly different. The focus is on zero energy consumption.

"It means that the input is one hundred, the output is one hundred, and there is no internal self-circulation of intermediate consumption in a closed environment..."

Probably understanding the concept of the "Third Permanent Organ" in his hand, Luo Pei felt that this sudden seizure was valuable.

There is something similar in his divinity.

- dark matter.

This fantastical element forms the basis of the multiverse.

If it is to be classified, it is the blueprint of the first type of biosphere, and everything is created on the dark matter. There was dark matter first, and then there were ideas like the sands of the Ganges.

The spiritual status of the "Third Permanent Mechanism" can produce a remote echo effect with the "Dark Matter", thereby enhancing Rope's dark matter divinity.

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