The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1810

Croya said inappropriately, but no one in the room paid attention to it.

"Have courage."

The Halloween Queen nodded in satisfaction.

"You have definitely heard of his name. The demon king who was as famous as the "Tiandong theory" in ancient times, the main messenger who would cause the Eastern Gods to reshuffle the heavenly court in the past, and the brother-in-law of the seven-day sage..."

"Could it be that one?"

"That's right."

Di Shitian had a complicated expression.

"Humanity's ultimate trial is 'everything is useless'. By the way, he is also the terrifying demon king who is eyeing Buddhism as I mentioned earlier. "

"Canary, this is the first trial I have assigned to you. With your wisdom and ability, you can find out the "Vientiane Useless" who is currently missing, or hidden. "

The Queen of Halloween stares at the girl who has nothing but a frail human body.

"You, can you do it?"

Canary was silent for a long time before she spoke.

"The demon king of the final trial of mankind... To be honest, because of my background, I don't have much affection for the final trial of mankind."

She looked up.

This time Canary stared at the Halloween Queen without hesitation.

"But in order to achieve my wish, I will not give up any possibility. I have accepted this trial!"

"Very good, so that you can be counted as the disciple of my Halloween Queen."

The Halloween Queen laughed.

"Don't worry, before you officially perform the task, come and listen to the teachings of me and Di Shitian. First of all, I will explain the "poet" in more detail, the "poet" in our eyes..."

The gears are still turning.

Chapter 63 The Goddess of the End, Vientiane’s Useless Hunting Ground

Even if Rope becomes "Azazel", it doesn't mean that he needs to stay in the three-digit hell all the time.

Assign the task down and let the subordinates do it by themselves. Regardless of success or failure and the process, these innocuous little things will not affect Luo Pei's big plan. In the final analysis, the ultimate success depends on his own strength.

As a result, the current ruler of hell skipped work and came to the double digits in Hakoniwa.

Wearing a luxurious black and gold robe, Lopez stood on the mountain leading to the sun and the sacred, looking up at the bright starry sky of Hakoniwa.

A moment later, the endless starry sky bloomed.

There is a dragon whose greatness cannot be described in words, wandering, wandering, returning from the outside world of Little Garden.

Its dragon horns are more in line with the definition of the crown than the dragon horns when Luo Pei turned into a red dragon. The sun is lodged in the pupils, and the concept of the world is vaguely carried on the back of the broad scales.

The domain of full authority "World Dragon" Glimo.

It's no wonder that most of the Shura gods and Buddhas in Little Garden don't know that Gurimo is a female dragon.

No one would associate such a powerful and great pure-blooded dragon with a lively silver-haired little loli after seeing the majestic scene in front of him.

Today is once every two hundred years, the day when Kurimo returns from the outside world.

Calculating the time, it seems that Luo Pei missed the date with Gu Limo several times. If he keeps going this time, maybe Long Loli's docile temper will also lose his temper.

The giant dragon occupying the entire sky changed in colorful brilliance, and finally turned into a girl with the first dragon's horns, and landed in front of Luo Pei.

"You know the importance of punctuality, Rope."

Glimo put his hands on his hips and stared at the black-haired young man with an apologetic smile.

"I thought I was indifferent to the concept of time, but I didn't expect you to be more than I am. Thanks to you, I finally know that I am full of expectations, but in the end I can only sleep boring and embarrassing!"

"Before I came here, I kept thinking about how to make up for my mistakes..."

Luo Pei squatted down, hugged Gulimo's waist with both hands, and easily lifted her over his head and placed her on his shoulders.

"How about this? My Lord Gulimo, let you ride on the shoulders of my "Universal Useless". This is a treatment that no one in Hakoniwa has ever enjoyed, even Bai Ye is no exception? "

"...You don't really think of me as a child, do you?"

"Haha, how could it be?"

With a chuckle, Luo Pei walked down the mountain.

Gu Limo also changed to a more comfortable position, and carried it on top of Luo Pei's head, pressing the neatly combed hair of the black-haired youth into a mess.

"Tell me quickly, what interesting things happened in Hakoniwa recently?"

"It's been two hundred years since you came back last time, don't you know?"

"I came back and found that you were not there, so I just slept for a while and left. I don't have the time to learn about Hakoba."

I don't know if it's due to his personality and nobility, but Gulimo really used the word lazy to the extreme.

In other words, if there is no one who can cheer up Gulimo, she doesn't bother to understand everything.

"Then you really missed a lot. The matter of the heavenly court, the matter of the Taishang Laojun, the event of human beings' final trial of dystopia, and... I got into a fight with Jesus Christ and Sakyamuni."


Gulimo looked down at Rope in surprise.

"How can you and the two of them overlap? Sakyamuni and Jesus Christ are not weak."

"Simply put, it's profit."

"That's it..."

World Dragon thought for a while and then gave up.

"Well, anyway, as long as you don't start the trial, it has nothing to do with me. The rise and fall of the gods is natural. Hako Garden is the amusement park for all Shura gods and Buddhas. As long as you are happy, failure is nothing but the lack of strength of the weak."

Rope smiled and shook his head.

"Don't just stare at my trials. The Lower Hakoniwa is now sighing with dystopia. Objectively speaking, its effect is very similar to mine."

"Can the opposite side of Utopia compare to you, Luo Pei?" Gulimo said disdainfully.

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