The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1815

"When did Hakoniwa become such a chaotic chessboard?"

Croix sighed.

Rope shook his head.

"You are also a member of the ancient gods. When is Little Garden not a chaotic chessboard? The pleasures, intrigues, interests, and glory of all parties are entangled, and they have not changed since the dawn."

"In that case... I know."

Canary just adjusted her lost mentality in an instant, and looked at the black-haired young man seriously.

"Thank you for your clarification. The ultimate trial of mankind should be crossed by mankind. No matter whether you plan to do it or when you do it, I will continue to work hard with the goal of dystopia at this moment."

"Well, not pinning your hopes on others is the basic standard for a strong person."

"Could you please clarify one or two more questions?"


"About the final trial of mankind, I want to learn from you, who is also the final trial of mankind, what it is."

After Canary came out of dystopia, he has heard more than one family explaining the final trial of mankind.

But the existence in front of him at this moment is also the final trial.

Canary wants to understand how these powerful and terrifying demon kings view themselves.

"Then I'm afraid you will be disappointed. It's commonplace to ask me to explain."

Rope said.

"But I have a different view on the relationship between human beings and the final trial of human beings. I think the final trial of human beings is not only bad. In other words, it is the progress of the human race. A guiding light. No matter in terms of civilization, technology, or society."

"The progress of every race is a model of crossing the river by feeling the stones, crawling forward in the dark, and learning from mistakes in pain, and correcting mistakes. The existence of the final trial of mankind puts all the factors of human destruction on the bright side , let you decipher it, let you cross it, even if you can’t cross it, you will perish, but if that phenomenon really happens to human beings, isn’t it also a way to perish?”

In short, in Luo Pei's eyes, the final trial of human beings is just like the teacher draws the key points to be tested for students during the exam, and it is an act that facilitates students to learn.

And this student is human.

How to memorize and memorize is the student's business, if you can't memorize it, you will definitely fail the exam.

The only difference is that you know this fact now or when you take the exam.

Canary frowned. This kind of statement is really novel, but looking at the history of the final trial of mankind, it is shocking and weeping.

"Is this the correct interpretation of the name of trial... The way to break the ultimate trial of mankind is the way to help mankind overcome difficulties."

Canary looked at Rope.

"Then what kind of catastrophe does your "everything is useless" represent for mankind? I only heard about your contempt, disdain, and negation of human history in your trial, but I don't know the real reason. "

"Hello, Canary."

Croa Baron was taken aback by Canary's words.

The two of them are now in front of "Wanxiang Wuyong" himself, probing each other's information, which cannot be explained by curiosity.

Contrary to Grim Reaper's nervousness, Rope just smiled relaxedly.

He leaned back and leaned against the back of the chair.

"I am the concept of the beginning and the end of being together. When human beings have no distinction between countries and races, leave the earth that has been crawling for countless years, look up and look forward to the starry sky, my catastrophe will come quietly. Infinite The universe, the infinite darkness, the infinite unknown, completely negate the glory and history of human self-righteousness, this is "everything is useless". "

Hearing this, Canary felt chills all over.

Is this really a trial that human beings have to go through?

Compared with the meaning represented by the demon king in front of me, even dystopias seem like children making troubles, and human beings can't live with themselves.

The endless unknowns that are useless in all phenomena are terrifying that can dry out the brain and hollow out the imagination.


"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I am a personalized demon king, which is different from ordinary human final trials."

Rope laughed.

"Before I'm completely tired of Little Garden, you can regard me as the patron saint of Little Garden. I stand on the standpoint of not allowing Paradise to be destroyed."

"……I see."

Canary saluted respectfully again.

"I have benefited a lot from this audience. Thank you for clarifying my doubts regardless of your status. Thank you, Master Wanxiang Wuyong."

"Are you leaving?"


"The Queen of Halloween asked you to come to me, and I will not let you return empty-handed. The Queen and I still have a relationship. If you have any doubts about the poet's way, you can call on Philip Lowe in my name Fakecraft, she is a three-digit poet, she should be helpful to you."

"Thank you for your kindness, and I will convey your kindness to Her Majesty the Queen."

"Haha, she will probably be terrified when she hears this..."

The Halloween Queen still owes Lopez a favor.

After Canary bid farewell to Rope, she and Croa Baron left the palace of hell.

Standing on the scorching fire prison, for some reason, the blond girl wrapped her clothes tightly instead.

The lingering chill was piercingly cold.

Chapter 66 At the time of harvest, face the master of the biblical gods

A long period of time is but a blink of an eye for a race with a long lifespan, and the Shura gods and Buddhas in Hakoniwa are a typical example.

But even though this is said, what happened during this period of time cannot be lightly exposed.

In the name of holding high the banner of righteousness, a community called Arcadia appeared in the lower levels, and in the name of holding high the flag of righteousness, the chaotic lower levels were reluctantly linked together in the form of alliances, and they discussed the final trial of human beings "dystopia" Even Leticia, the former vampire princess, came forward to help a little...

So big that the Hakoniwa Warrior Group "Twelve Heavens", headed by Emperor Shitian, completely shameless and launched a war against the pro-dystopian gods. The long-established biblical gods merged with American folk myths, and there were extremely violent internal changes that could even shake the monotheistic world view...

At the end of the pioneering period, Hakoniwa was unbelievably lively.

But as the mastermind behind several big conspiracies, Luo Pei seemed to be tired of the world, not only left Hell and the throne of Azazel, but also nested in the four-digit six-six-six-six gate a hundred years ago There was no movement in the lair.

Outside the useless magic palace, on the crisp grassland.

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