The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1822

Chapter 70 Wandering Eschatology, Tyrant at the End

When Uesugi Kenshin heard Di Shitian's answer, his expression froze immediately.

As a well-known military strategist and statesman in Japanese history, the girl known as the "Military God" did not take Di Shitian's murmurs as casual nonsense, because none of the beings present were the type who wanted to perform regardless of the occasion. .

Then, let the capital of the "Dharma Guardian Twelve Heavens" say "our end"...

"Is it the final trial of another human being? Lord Di Shitian."

Uesugi Kenshin asked solemnly.

But Di Shitian didn't answer her.

Heavenly Emperor supported his forehead, and said to himself with a headache.

"Obviously we have agreed to try not to be exaggerated and eye-catching, but in the end we still broke our promise. What should we do if you start the trial? According to the relationship between Tiandong and you... tsk."

"Master Di Shitian?"

Uesugi Kenshin was puzzled why Di Shitian lost his composure.

In the thinking of the girl army god, the way to face a crisis has always been to cover it with soldiers.

"Let me explain to Miss Uesugi."

Surya took over the question from Uesugi Kenshin, and he had shaken off the short-lived fear.

"Excuse me, Lord Surya."

"You are right. The current phenomenon of darkness covering the world axis is indeed the handiwork of human beings to finally test the devil king. After all, only this group of the most vicious godslayers can be called the end of our gods."

Surya said.

"The existence that occupies the top even in the final trial of mankind, the "Universal Uselessness" of the theory of the uselessness of human beings. This is the source of Di Shitian and my gaffe. "

"The Demon King?"

Uesugi Kenshin was surprised.

"However, I remember that the Demon King and the Twelve Heavenly Guardians have a friendly relationship, and Di Shitian and you and the Twelve Heavenly Guardians have already determined that the Demon King is relatively weak in harmfulness in ancient times. The move of the world axis?"

"...If we know, am I still in disbelief here?"

Di Shitian shook his head in distress.

"Probably because of the biblical gods. Since a long time ago, Vientiane has been eyeing the biblical gods. The most likely thing is that he will be the leader of the biblical gods' two-digit "full authority"," The Son, Jesus Christ, has been dragged into an abyss beyond our comprehension. "

"Would that demon king be able to do things like the gods in the domain of full power?"

Uesugi Kenshin is only a four-digit spiritual status at the moment, and a two-digit number is an unimaginable rank for her.

The Maiden Army God never imagined that those gods who are the center of the gods, each of whom is an important concept in human history, would be killed so lightly by the Demon King.

"More than that." Suliye said: "For that Wanxiang useless, as long as the opponent is a god and fantasy species based on human history, he can already decide the outcome regardless of rank. According to the data, only the protoss Can barely break free from the trial effect of that demon king."

"Isn't this the same effect as the Dystopian Demon King?"

"If only it were the same."

Surya kept shaking his head.

The dawn of anti-utopia is still cracked, but everyone has studied it for so many years, and if you don’t mention 10,000, there are 8,000, and you really haven’t found any better shortcuts to crack "everything is useless".

"I said, shouldn't we chat here now?"

After calming down, Di Shitian was a little anxious.

He tore off his daily clothes, and the armor shining with tiny lightning emerged on his body.

At the same time, four thundering bulls, dragging the chariot, galloped down from the sky and listened to the balcony of the palace.

Di Shitian immediately wanted to go to the two digits to find out.

As the head of the Twelve Heavens, he has the authority to enter Hakoniwa Land, which is higher than himself, just like the former Emperor Donghua in Heaven.

"Indra, calm down."

The sun god called Di Shitian's old name, and stopped the head of the war god.

"You didn't use the secret technique of descending from heaven to become human, and you didn't determine what happened to the two digits. It's tantamount to tearing your face in such a hurry to go to the useless Vientiane in a fighting posture."

"Isn't the scene in front of me enough to explain the situation? Before it becomes even more out of control, I don't care so much."

"If Vientiane Wuwu really launched the trial, do you think the White Night King will not notice?"

As soon as Suliye said this, Di Shitian calmed down instantly, and nodded slightly after thinking for a moment.

"Indeed, Bai Ye is currently under the banner of the twin goddesses. If Vientiane is useless in the liberation trial, then there is no reason for Alpha and Omega to sit idly by... Does this mean that there is still room for maneuver?"

"That's right, the most important thing now is to confirm the double digit situation. In fact, what I'm worried about is not the uselessness of everything, but the wind of decadence." Suliye closed his eyes.

"Vientiane Wuyou and Jesus Christ are so brave and fierce, almost equal to the head-on collision between human history and human uselessness. Even if Vientiane Wuyou intends to restrain the trial, how can the wind of decadence care so much? It is Little Garden systematization of the will itself."

If it weren't for the good qualities brought about by a long time, Di Shitian almost wanted to curse secretly.

A Vientiane useless is not enough to toss, and another good brother is decadent? In addition to the dystopia of the lower level, is it true that the final trials of human beings are planning to draw a stop to Hakoniwa directly?

"I see, I'll check the situation after changing my mentality..."

Di Shitian let out a mouthful of turbid air, and loosened the spear he was holding in his hand a little.

At this time, Uesugi Kenshin took the initiative to ask for his life.

"Lord Di Shitian, if it's just a mission to spy on the military situation, please grant me the authority to go there on behalf of the Dharma protector for twelve days?"

"You? No. Although I will make you angry if I say this, Miss Uesugi's spirit may not be able to hold up in the event of an unexpected situation."

"I am the "incarnation of Bishamonten", holding high the chaotic dragon banner of Fudo Myo, and coming to Hakoni as the agent of the God of War and the God of Wealth, I am naturally ready to accept the danger. "

Uesugi Kenshin stared straight at the two guardians for twelve days without giving in.

"It is also because my strength still needs to be honed, so I proposed that I go instead of the two. Compared to me, the two are more important to the Twelve Heavens and Hakoba."

Di Shitian wanted to say something more, but Surya raised his hand to stop Di Shitian from speaking.

"Di Shitian, if you continue speaking, you will tarnish Miss Uesugi's noble soul. After all, she is also a reserve member of one of the twelve heavenly protectors."

Surya said.

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