The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 183

"As you like, putting victory above fighting is exactly what I want."

Athena is the god of war, the god of battle, and the god of disaster.

For her, it is only natural to take what she wants.

After speaking, neither of them moved.

The rain was falling, and the hair of Athena and Rope was wet.

After a while, the rain, which was acceptable, turned into a torrential rain that almost submerged the city, raging across the entire Sardinia, causing pedestrians on the street to scream.

In the wind and rain, Athena raised her head, her owl-like pupils looked at the sky thoughtfully.

"Sky, thunder, unpleasant feeling... Godslayer, it seems that you have killed a god who has the same origin as the person I hate."

"The god-king of the Mediterranean Sea, the "God of Storms" Mekar, that's what we call him, who is that 'disgusting person' you're talking about? "Rope teased and stretched out his palm to the sky.

"Let me give you a present first."

The blue Thunder Snake surged, and after a few circles in the sky, it slammed down fiercely.

Because something like "Thunder" had already entered the field of "Super Speed", Athena didn't react, but just caught it with both hands, and then was overwhelmed by lightning.

The flash disappeared, and Athena was covered in green smoke, but her clothes were not even damaged.

She frowned and looked at Luo Pei displeased.

"... With this kind of power, are you pitying my concubine?"

"Return the gift and return the gift."

Rope, who was seen through, shrugged and said.

"Who told you to tie me up with a snake in the first place? Personally, I hate creatures like snakes."

Of course, it is impossible for Mekar's thunderbolt to be unable to break through Athena's defense. Now Luo Pei is just playing with the mentality, reducing his strength to one-tenth.

——It is better to be lenient towards the young goddess.

"So, don't you plan to communicate? I really want to chat with you."


Athena turned her eyes, and as the goddess of wisdom, she immediately guessed Rope's current state.

"Have you been confused by the appearance of the concubine? Stupid godslayers, women, alcohol, and power have been the most powerful poisons that threaten the lives of heroes from ancient times to the present. How dare you touch this in the face of the god who will not obey you?" This thought makes the concubine feel compelled to admire your courage."

"Don't speak so harshly."

Lopez picked up the "Gorgon Stone" in his hand and threw it up and down.

"Goddess, you are so beautiful, and I'm just a young man who has just become a godslayer, so it's only natural that I can't hold back."

Even though he said so, he looked at Athena with clear eyes.

This made the goddess of wisdom a little uncertain whether it was a disguise or the truth.

"I have killed four gods in total."

Rope said confidently.

"The god of the sea in obscure classics, the god of storms in the Mediterranean, the god of steel heroes in India, and the god of victory in ancient Persia. You who are not perfect, what chance do you think you will win?"

Not even 10%.

This is the result that Athena's wisdom told her, but she was still very upset when Rope said it like this.

"...does it please you to show off your strength to my concubine?"

"No, no, it's just a proposal to Goddess Athena."

Like the big bad wolf who deceived Little Red Riding Hood, Rope picked up the "Gorgon Stone" and pointed it at the silver-haired goddess.

"If the proud and pure Goddess is willing to give me a kiss... It is not impossible to give you the "Gorgon Stone". Perfect proposal, huh? Don't let the weak you and me fight, just give a small kiss. "


Covering her head, the young goddess first laughed in a low voice, and finally, as if she couldn't bear it anymore, she let out a clear and loud laugh.

It was so ridiculous that it made Athena doubt her own cognition for the first time.

"...Are you sure you're not crazy? It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, the godslayer actually wants to ask for a kiss from the God of Disobedience, heh heh heh..."

"Is it so ridiculous? A broken stone that is useless to me is exchanged for the pure kiss of the famous virgin goddess. No matter how you think about it, I earned it?" Luo Pei said with a little deep meaning.

"Hmph... very good, very good, I will fulfill your wish as a concubine."

Athena brushed back the silver hair hanging from her ears, and looked at Luo Pei with watery eyes.

——It has to be said that the speed of this goddess entering the play is very impressive.

"Son of a fool, you are not worthy of your name at all. This made me deeply understand how terrible women are to heroes and demon kings... This alone is enough to make me I remember your name, so please sign up."


In a daze, the silver-haired young girl had come to Luo Pei and stretched her arms around his neck.

Pressing cherry-colored lips to his lips.

Chapter 69 The Word of Death, Athena of the Trinity

The lips met, and Luo Pei also hugged the petite body of the silver-haired goddess tightly, and devoted herself to the intoxicating feeling.

Unlike Luo Pei, Athena also hugged Luo Pei, but there was only calmness in her dark owl-like pupils.

She spoke silently.

——Rope, the concubine will take your breath and life, set off to the dark underground, the cold Hades.

Along with the icy breath, the power of "death" poured into Luo Pei's body.

They go on a rampage, destroying the body.

From the blood to the internal organs, to the bones, every inch was spared, greedy like a wolf devouring Luo Pei's vitality.

At the end of the deep French kiss, Athena gently pushed Lopez away and wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth.

"Pay the price for your stupidity. You have the power to crush concubines, but you were easily deceived by beauty and lost your life. Your allusion can even become the biggest joke of this century."

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