The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1830

But under those half-closed eyes, there is a hot flash like a volcanic eruption.

"What a headache sister."

The half-asleep girl turned her head and looked at the little girl who was huddled in the corner of the dungeon, looking sluggish, with black spots of the bubonic plague on her cheeks.

"Hey, human, what's your name?"

"Pe, Pest..."

Pest looked at the "demon" that appeared out of nowhere in fear.

Chapter 75 The Volcano and the Goddess of Power

The little girl locked in a prison cell has a relatively noble name in this era.

— Pest de Francois.

Although in 1348, the surname Francois is not as glorious as it was carried forward by King Francois I of France more than a hundred years later, for the present France, it still has a large territory. Real power aristocratic surname.

Even if her relatives never loved her, even if her father only used her as a prop for marriage, Pest was very grateful that she was born into such a family.

Compared with the peasants and serfs she gets along with all day long, at least she doesn't have to worry about wrapping herself in thin and tattered clothes in winter, begging God for mercy, and doesn't have to starve to death because of food shortages.

But fortunately, Pest did not have the problem of looking down on mud-legged peasants like ordinary nobles.

Perhaps because she was not close to her family since she was a child, Pest preferred to stay with serfs and peasants compared to nobles. In the clear weather, sitting on the pile of straw with her skirt pressed down, listening to their chatting and laughing while working in the field, this is Pest's favorite thing.

Her father also didn't bother to do small hobbies with tools, giving her a great deal of personal freedom.

For the common people she likes, even though she didn't go to school for a day, Pest still learned to read and write by herself, and successfully practiced the new farming theory at such a young age to improve the crop failure caused by the global cold.

Pest is very loved by the people in the territory, and everyone praises her as a caring, talented lady.

Until the day when the plague fell from the sky and broke out on the land of Europe.

Everything has changed.

In one winter, one-third of the serfs died, and the family members were anxious like ants on a hot pot, just because of the decline in output and the shrinking of property.

Pest wanted to visit the serfs who were suffering from diseases, but was strictly forbidden by her father to stay in the castle.

The girl could only silently pray to God, praying that this disaster would pass quickly and her usual life would resume.

It is a pity that God did not hear the girl's humble prayer.

The plague called the Black Death became more rampant, and almost every family died.

Finally, in the morning not long ago, Pest woke up from her sleep, and she also started to have a fever and cough, and after just two days, her face turned pale and she began to cough up blood.

She is infected with a disease.

Fate is like playing a nasty joke with a young girl. Before the flowers bloom, she is thrown into the dungeon by her father who is afraid of disease.

What was even more frightening was that she heard in a trance that her father planned to take soldiers to clean up the serfs who showed signs of infection. Because her father also realized that the plague will not let them go because of their noble blood, and the god of death treats them equally.

But this is not something Pest can worry about.

She felt powerless, and her physical ailments had tormented her to the point of confusion.

Being able to last for such a long time is already considered a blessing from the gods, and she is extremely talented. According to the girl's own judgment, she will not wake up for about three or four days at the latest.

Will you be afraid?

Of course I will be afraid.

Pest was terrified.

The cold floor was her coffin, the rats in the haystacks waited to feast on her corpse, and the damp ceiling dripped foul-smelling water. A dark dungeon, a silent death in this kind of place, even an adult would collapse, let alone a young girl.

Under the pressure of fear, Pest began to go extreme.

She no longer prayed to God, but cursed God like crazy, and cursed like crazy to her father who threw her into the dungeon.

When she was dying, she began to beg for all existences that could beg, demons, evil gods, evil spirits, names that she would never chant under normal circumstances came out of Pest's mouth, the girl just wanted to live, just wanted Get rid of the pain of disease.

Then, instead of God responding to her, the devil responded to her.

Like the ripples of the tide, the air was distorted, and a girl with light green curly long hair appeared from nothing, standing there with a half-dream and half-awake expression, talking to herself.

"Hey, human, what's your name?"

The "devil" spoke, and the voice was as sweet as a lark.

"Pe, Pest..."

Pest replied weakly and fearfully.

"Pest de Francois... Are you, are you a demon?"

She only learned from the priests of the church that demons are evil things that can deceive and kill.

But at the moment when the situation is at stake, Pest's survival instinct is unwilling to let go of any chance of survival.

"Demon? Oh, you can think so if you want."

The girl with light green long hair is not pretentious, just sitting on the floor, as if this is not a dungeon but a high-end bedroom.

She stared at Pest with interest.

"Before that guy Lena Hasta comes here slowly, come and talk to me to pass the boring time..."

As she spoke, she slightly opened her lava-like pupils.

"Huh? Black Death? Pest, you seem to be dying soon."

The girl said lightly, as if she was simply explaining a fact.

Pest forcefully got up from the haystack, coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and stretched out her hand towards the mysterious girl.

"I beg you...I will give you whatever you me!"

"Uh, I don't like plagues very much." The girl shook her head in disgust: "Plagues are Lina's specialty, just like her great mother. I am the god of volcanoes, oceans, vitality, movement, and power. Plagues It's incompatible with me."

"But, but you...cough are a great demon, you must find a way to save me, right?"

Pest didn't want the only life-saving straw to be broken, and struggled to kneel and kowtow to the light green girl.

"Please, please..."

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