The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1835

"Then let's discuss it carefully after we see Anilein. I have to say, you convinced me."

"Huh? After seeing sister Anilein?"

Charlotte was taken aback. This was the first time she showed an expression other than calm.

"Isn't Sister Anileen right there? We can shorten the space right now..."

"Spatial transfer cannot be used, I want to take a good look inside the world."

Lina said naturally.

"Since you came to me, then tolerate my sister's little waywardness."

Charist opened her mouth, but in the end she had no choice but to agree.

The mother is the hidden source of the multiverse, a noble son of God born immersed in the ocean of knowledge and time, Chariste is an efficiency supremacist.

It was difficult for her to understand Lena's behavior.

But after all, she was a visitor, so Chariste couldn't say anything.

"...According to my sister's idea."

The chariot of the plague drove towards the land ravaged by volcanoes.

Chapter 78 More and more complex pranks

Howling with the diseased north wind, the Plague Lady's carriage drove into the volcanic bulges of the earth.

What flows in the mountains is not rivers and streams, but blazing red and black colloidal magma.

Here, full of volcanic poisonous gas, ordinary people may die just by taking a deep breath. The scorching temperature will evaporate all the water in the human body.

Lina Hasta looked at the miserable scenery below, and shook her head in disgust.

"I hate the heat."

Many viruses will die under high temperature. Lena took over the authority of diseases and plagues from her mother. Of course, she doesn't like the heat hell shown by Ani Lane.

"I believe Sister Anilian will not like Sister Lina's plague either."

Charlotte said.

"But having said that, I'm a little curious. Both of you are repelled by each other's divinity, and your mother is a long-standing enemy. Why did sister Lina and sister Anilian become friends?"

"Is it important?"

"No, I'm just purely curious."

"Curiosity? Forget it, it's no big deal to say it."

Lina supported the carriage window with her right hand, feeling the nasty hot wind.

"Although I don't know what you imagined the acquaintance between me and Anilaine, the truth is definitely more boring than you think. To sum it up, two half-sisters met suddenly one day, and then They start wars that they don't like each other, and finally build a friendship from it..."

"It's really the process and ending of the standard routine."

"Look, it's boring, isn't it?"

"But, I'm very envious."

Charist looked at the distant sky.

"This kind of relationship established by disagreement is stronger than usual. Because both parties are very clear about what they hate about each other, the trust that knows the root will become an invisible and intangible alternative connection. Isn't there such a thing? When two old enemies put aside their hatred and differences and sit together, they will be the closest of friends."

Lina smiled.

"Are you always speaking so philosophically?"

"I am the daughter of knowledge, my sister should understand how much the growth environment has an impact on habits."

"Your Majesty, the one who turns all things into one... Even though I am among the evil gods, I still know very little about the master of time and space. Your mother is very mysterious."

"I often feel the same way. I'm afraid I won't be able to understand the mystery of my mother until the end of time."

Charlotte sighed.

Lina nodded, focusing on the highest volcano in the distance.

"Here we are."

The plague carriage landed slowly on the top of the volcano, and the two goddesses got off the carriage gracefully, walking in the boiling magma pool as if walking on the ground.

Anilaine was taking a nap in the volcanic rock, and Pest beside her was also in a deep sleep to relieve the nerve pressure caused by the experiences of these days.

The arrival of Lena and Charist awakened Anilaine.

"Oh, Lena..."

Anilaine rubbed her eyes and stood up, yawning.

"The volcanic environment is so comfortable, I can't help but start to doze off...huh?"

Anilein noticed Charist next to Lena.

Like Lena, the Volcano Goddess can tell without asking questions. This black and white long-haired girl is one of her half-sisters.

Charist introduced herself with a smile.

"I pay homage to the Eternal Sleeper. Sister Anilein, I am Chariste, the daughter of my father, and my blood belongs to the heir of the One Who Returns All Things."

"Huh? The heir of His Majesty Yog Sothoth? Our father is really powerful..."

Anilein was amazed, and turned to look at Lena.

"You called our sister?"

"It wasn't me, it was Chariste who came to the door." Lina spread her hands, "As for the reason, you should listen to Chariste. I have already been tempted by her."

At this time, Lina saw Pest on the side of Anilein's throne again.

The expression of the Goddess of Plague changed visibly to disgust.

It's just that it's not Pest, but Anilein.

"Anilaine, I'm going to see my father soon, can't you change your bad habit of cannibalism? At least learn to be more elegant and devour your soul like me. Do you think your father will like bloody barbarism? ?”

"I'm changing it! Also, what are you talking about preconceived?"

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