The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1838

"On the contrary, I want you to completely expose my plan when the effect of the time magic is about to end, and then solemnly and seriously claim that you have been deceived by me, and that I have fooled all of you shamelessly. Up to you The condemnation spoken out in person will definitely be more serious than the sisters themselves realize."

Charlotte frowned slightly.

But with the divinity of "wisdom", she understood Samona's true intentions in an instant.

"Are you going to..."


The goddess of malice took Chariste's words.

"When all the sisters completely hate me and alienate me, my father will not fail to see this situation. Yes, I may be punished and scolded for my pranks, but with my father's character, he They will definitely sympathize with me and pay more attention to my embarrassing status as an adopted daughter."

"Is it really necessary to do this? We will all become the servants of my father, Sister Samona, you..."

"Maybe I'm mentally abnormal, aren't all evil gods like this?"

Somona covered her face and said in a low voice.

"Please, Chariste, don't continue talking, I'm really going crazy from that kind of panic, please forgive my sister's capriciousness and nonsense..."


Charlotte said seriously.

"But sister Samona, you have to remember one thing. No matter how our sisters look at you, my father and I will be your closest existence. After this action, I would like to ask you to completely devalue your thoughts. Throw it away."

"Thank you, Charist, my dearest sister."

Is this really good?

Charist stared into the void where Somona had disappeared.

She could understand Samona's extreme behavior, but she still didn't think it was the best way.

Isolating himself, alienating himself from the other Sons of Rope, possibly even making their mothers unhappy, for the more attentive and sympathetic love of the Father.

--not worth it.

The Goddess of Knowledge hesitated for a moment, then continued to take steps.

It's just that her destination has changed slightly this time.

Chapter 80 The First Meeting of the Demon and His Daughter

Living things are always in search of fulfillment.

Even if we often embark on new painful pursuits after a short period of joy, we still enjoy it, and that has become the most basic meaning of creatures.

The demon in charge of the oldest emotion "happiness", especially Rope.

He is very grateful that he can retain this divinity, which makes Luo Pei still have the pleasure of absorbing low-level pleasures even after experiencing countless power expansions and soul sublimation.

Bid farewell to the hustle and bustle of Little Garden, Lopei indulges in indulgence, and enjoys himself in the magic palace to his heart's content.

Whether it's ripping the delicate clothes of the vampire sisters, slumping roughly on the velvet bed in their shy expressions. Still savoring the fine wine collected by Bai Ye's "Thousand Eyes", he never refuses to be drunk with alcohol. All of these make the days when the demons live peacefully at home very fulfilling.

"Master Luo Pei, Lord Luo Pei..."

The girl's soft call sounded in the study.

Lopez opened his hazy eyes, and Leticia's gentle cheeks came into view.

The princess in the crimson knight uniform squatted halfway in front of him, reached out to push away the wine bottle that was about to bury Lopez, and put the two or three precious books at the black-haired youth's hand back on the desk.

"I remember you once said that you don't like drinking, why have you been drinking so much recently?"

"...I don't like drinking alcohol, I don't like any type of alcohol, and my taste buds don't support it at all. But occasionally trying the anesthesia of alcohol is also an inevitable means of experiencing happiness."

Rope shook his head.

Without deliberately suppressing the instinct, the alcohol evaporated from the demon's body in the blink of an eye.

"A few days ago, when Dharma Guardian Twelve Heavens Uesugi Kenshin came to visit, he brought some wine made by Dionysus. It was a pity to throw it there, so I drank it all while reading last night."

"It's not just this time, is it? Lamia has been a little scared by you recently. She said that you become very different after you get drunk."

"Even though I'm drunk, my memory is still very clear. I don't remember doing anything that scares Lamia. What does she mean by being scared?"

Luo Pei didn't stand up in a hurry, just sat on the ground like this, leaning against the bookshelf to talk with Leticia.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake in my wording." Leticia smiled and said, "To be precise, she should have been surprised by your fun after drinking. As majestic as you, you also have a childish side."

"Really? Hahaha, just think it's interesting."

"I will order the maid to help you tidy up the study."

As Leticia said, she planned to go out to call Tsukitu's maid to come in.

When walking past Luo Pei, he was grabbed by the wrist by the black-haired youth and gently pulled him into his arms.

"Lord Rope..."

"Don't you like me reeking of alcohol?"

The dark-haired young man smiled softly.

Leticia looked at the pair of clear blue pupils from a close distance. She didn't know whether it was the taste of the wine or the beautiful atmosphere, but the sharp princess blushed a little.

You know, when Luo Pei and his sister were dragged into bed together, Leticia was still able to remain calm and calm.

"You are my lord and master, no matter how you look, I will respect and love you..."

Leticia tried to push the black-haired youth away, but she pushed and hugged him tighter.

Later, the vampire princess also gave up and broke free from her embrace.

She nestled on Luo Pei's chest, her expression gradually became a little gloomy, and she sighed helplessly for a long time.

"Many times when I get along with you, I forget that you are the devil king of the "final trial of mankind"... If all the devil kings of the final trial of mankind can be as enlightened and harmless as you, then we will save a lot trouble and sacrifice. "

Rope is the first human being Leticia sees in the final trial.

A long time ago, the vampire princess thought that maybe the final trial of human beings would look like Rope, possessing powerful power, but not much different from ordinary demon kings.

It wasn't until she joined the Canary Alliance and faced "dystopia" together that Leticia realized how wrong she was.

The feeling of natural disaster crushing after the trial unfolded is more difficult than swimming in magma.

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