The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1845

The gentle fifth daughter, Saya.

No matter what their own personalities were, or how chaotic their reasons for action were, after Chariste gave Lopez's order, they were all as docile and outrageous as a good baby who had just woken up.

"Everything is decided by my lord father, and everything comes to a result in front of my lord father."

Charist scanned her sisters.

"Anyone have any questions about this order?"


Who would dare to question their father's order?

All of Rope's daughters are like frost-beaten eggplants, wilting on the ground.

There is the worry of being known by my father to be fooling around, and the joy of seeing my father soon.

"Follow me without doubt."

Charist turned around, ready to activate the secret method of trans-world transfer.


Anilein raised his hands high and asked with a sneer.

"Can I bring the part-time pet of the newly recruited believer with me?"


Watching the actions of the sons of Rope all the way, Pest broke free from the sluggishness after Anilein's words.

A wonderful evil god, a wonderful conflict, a wonderful sister, a wonderful father...

Not knowing how to express what she saw and heard, it was only when Pest was held by Anilein like a kitten that she realized something in a daze.

An incredible and wonderful experience is finally coming to an end.

Chapter 84 Long Waiting, Today's Wish Comes True

The forest exudes a gentle breath.

The afternoon sun dries up the dew on the Oriole's Claw Flower, and the dense fragrance wafts in the air.

Walking through the grass, the green grass gently scratches the girls' side feet amidst the rustling, bringing an empty and quiet outing experience.

Pest followed behind the sons of Lopez, looking left and right at the scene where only fairy tales appeared before her.

The matter of traveling through space and across the world is very unrealistic to this medieval noble lady. Especially when there are so many demons with the appearance of girls beside him.

But this does not prevent Pest from desperately recording these scenes and the aroma of the breath in his heart.

Only those who have experienced the edge of death will understand the value of life and health.

Barely walked out from the butcher's knife of the Black Death. Although she lost her freedom and became a slave of the devil, Pest didn't regret it at all. Give her another 10,000 chances to choose, and she will still beg on that day, in that dungeon, at that moment, to the demon or evil god named "Anilaine".

"I said."

Pest's intoxication and the silence of the scene were instantly broken.

She timidly looked at the girl with long bright red hair.

From previous conversations, Pest already knew her holy name.

The Son of Flame, Astrid.

"Are you going to see your father soon, do you have anything to say?"

Astrid asked her sisters as if she was not feeling well.

Anilaine opened her eyes displeased, and glanced at Astrid.

"What do you want us to say? Shut up and go to the front of my lord father. This is the order my lord father gave us."

"You strange girl..."

Astrid gritted her teeth angrily, but she didn't dare to attack her so close to her father.

She simply didn't want to see Anilain.

"Should we meet our father as a god, or as a daughter?"

Astrid rubbed her fingers.

"We all know something about Father from the memories of our respective mothers, but the memory belongs to memory. After all, we are not meeting Father in person. We must not make a fool of ourselves when we meet for the first time, right?"

"Sister Astrid is nervous?"

Saya asked with a smile.

Astrid blushed, and immediately said in a vicious voice.

"What nonsense! Why am I nervous? I'm just discussing with you to see if there are any omissions! Forget it, anyway, I know you can't be relied on at all..."

"I think it's good to be normal."

Lina took Estred's words.

Among the young girls, only she has the most elegant and aristocratic style.

Lady Plague is holding a long black lace skirt in her left hand, and a hollow folding fan in her right hand, blocking her small mouth.

"In our identities, it is the best choice to see Father in a normal manner. Deliberately making some actions is just a clumsy addition to the snake. By the way, Sister Charlotte, when you are receiving orders from Father, Father How do you feel, my lord?"

"My lord father is very annoyed."

Charlotte said calmly.

Her eyes were fixed on Somona.

Even if the goddess of malice walked with them as ordered, she still kept a little distance, as if she wanted to distance herself from the sons of Rope.

Together with Charlotte.

Although Samona was angry because Chariste gave up her dignity for her before, but when Chariste gave Lopez's order, Samona knew that her best friend and most caring sister, Xia Lisette did not do what they said, but secretly reported to their father first.

However, the starting point is for the good of Samona.

This contradiction is the complicated heart of Samona now.

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