The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1847

Pest could only close her eyes tightly according to Saya's instructions.

Then, horribly, she felt the hand on her neck, penetrating into her body and blood.


Pest screamed out, but still did not open her eyes.

"Good boy." Saya said softly: "It doesn't matter, I won't do anything to you. Try to maintain yourself, and then experience your new life with your heart..."

The goddess of life, Saya perfectly inherited the "Supreme Mother Goddess" Shabu Nicholas.

In just an instant, she distorted all the elements that make up Pest, and strengthened her until she was able to be a qualified servant of the evil god.

"Well, that's all right, you can open your eyes, Pest."

Saya let go of Pest in satisfaction.

The latter is still stunned by his own changes.

"Why do you want to transform the body of a human kid?" Lena asked curiously, "If it wasn't for Aniline who insisted on bringing her, I think it would be better to keep her in that world..."

"Can't you do things that don't make sense?"

Saya smiled very sunny and beautiful.

"I, what I like to do most are those meaningless things."


There was a smile on the corner of Lina's mouth under the folding fan. It was obvious that Saya's answer was in line with her concept.

With Pest's little episode, the gloomy spirit of the sons of Lopez finally became a bit less.

The majestic magic palace is close at hand.

Moon Rabbit's maid was waiting at the gate of the Demon Palace, leading Luo Pei's daughters to the main hall.

The closer they got, the more nervous the daughters became.

Finally, after a ray of light, everyone saw the black-haired young man sitting on the highest throne in the main hall.

Dazzling, great, ecstasy--

That is their eternal master, the supreme prince whom the gods fall for.

And their only father.

"Welcome, my daughters."

"Yes, my lord father."

After the long wait after birth, my wish came true today.

Chapter 85 The Messy Demon Family Relationship Table

Luo Pei sat on the throne, feeling very emotional.

The six girls with their own characteristics in front of him, no matter which one is so outstanding, even if he doesn't need to perceive the divinity, Luo Pei can tell which evil god's heir they belong to by closing his eyes.

He was a little messy before the official meeting, but when the daughters actually came in front of him, he calmed down completely in an incredible way.

This is his blood heir, indisputably, one of the traces he left on his long journey to God.

"Get up, my daughters."

Rope said with a smile.

"I guess you have many, many questions you want to ask me, and many, many things you want to say to me. But before having these warm conversations, maybe you can introduce yourself to your irresponsible father first? Xia When Lisette came, I didn't ask her your names, so that I could hear you tell me yourself at this moment."

"I, I am Estred, my lord father!"

The Goddess of Flame is not ashamed of her impatience, and said anxiously full of joy.

"Life is bestowed by you and His Majesty Cthugya. According to the standard time when the sisters were born, I am the fourth!"


Hearing this, Chariste, Lena, and Shaye all glanced at Estrid calmly.

In fact, they were quite worried that Astrid would make a fuss in front of her father and refuse to recognize Samona's status, which would undoubtedly give this meeting a very bad start.

Fortunately, even the ferocious Wither Monarch has not lost the most basic ability to judge.

"Estrid, the fourth daughter." Luo Pei nodded with a smile: "Looking at your appearance, I thought of His Majesty Cthugha. Your hair color is exactly the same as hers in human form. Of course, your arrogance is also the same. So similar."

"Thank you...thank you, Father..."

The appearance of Astrid cannot be called an evil god at all, it is purely the behavior of fans seeing someone who has been worshiping for a long time.

—complete superstition.

"Next is..."

"Yes, my lord father."

Lina took a step forward, holding the folding fan upside down in her right hand, lowered her head slightly, and lifted up the skirt of her dress in a salute.

"Lena, the third daughter, on behalf of His Majesty Hastur, pays you the highest respect. May the stars and the void be with you, and may your throne be held high among the sources forever."

"Hasta? I really didn't expect that the child of His Majesty Hasta would be so elegant."

"Father, Lina is just pretending to be a good baby, but actually..."

"Annie Lane!"

Lina blushed, and stared fiercely at the volcano goddess.

"How could you be so rude in front of your father!"

"Everyone agreed to be more natural, but you acted alone."

There was no sleepiness on Anilaine's pretty cheeks.

She smiled and pushed Lina away, and walked to the front of the sons of Rope.

"Father shouldn't blame me for being rude, right?"

"It's okay, it's okay. You are all my heirs, and of course I want to see your true side." Luo Pei smiled softly and waved his hands.

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