The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1849

"Okay, it's just a small thing, it's not important."

Luo Pei hugged the two daughters affectionately and said with a smile.

"Come on, I can't wait to have a drink with my lovely girls."

On the way to the banquet venue, Rope and the daughters were filled with a happy atmosphere.

Even Aselia, who hangs up every day, spoke.

'It's great, it's great. '

Azalia said sourly like a lemon.

‘With so many daughters, is life complete, Ape? '

The prelude to the twists and turns.

However, Luo Pei, who is good at appeasing his own system mother, has already figured out Aselia's context.

‘It’s the end, what are you still fussing about? ’ Luo Pei said easily: ‘Or is it that Aselia is unwilling to give birth to me after I become a god? '

'Stupid, stupid! I'm not as casual as they are when I want to have a baby! Besides, I have to give birth to you first! This is the most important thing! '

'...Stop talking, I get a headache just thinking about it. '

After the coronation, Azalia would become his mother, and he would become Azalia's consort.

Then, he transformed again and became the stepfather of some of his evil god companions.

The most important are Rope's biological daughters. When the time comes and whether they call him father or grandfather is a serious question.

——A knot that cannot be untied.

‘Hahaha, it feels really fun. Then the child of me and Ape, should I call you brother or your father? Ha ha ha ha! '

Aselia laughed heartlessly.

Rope shrugged.

'I was almost ignoring the messy relationship around me, but the arrival of my daughters made me pay attention... I still have to return to the previous state as soon as possible. '

It is said to be a headache, but it is actually something like a flavoring agent.

Luo Pei looked ahead and walked. The six girls with their own characteristics were talking and laughing, and the corners of their mouths kept rising.

No matter what, just being happy is enough.

Chapter 86: Lopez's Seder Banquet

The official start of the banquet is at dusk.

The reason for wasting so much time is not that the moon rabbits are not fast enough.

On the contrary, for the owner of the palace and the coming princesses, the rabbits have been rushing to work non-stop since the morning. They have not been so busy since they came to Rope's magic palace.

But even such an effort is still not enough compared to the heights that Luo Pei wants to achieve.

So Luo Pei didn't make it difficult for the rabbits. After taking his daughters to the banquet hall, he knew that the moon rabbits were not ready yet. He just smiled and waved his hands amidst the head maid's constant apologies. chatted into the night.

"It's unbelievable."

Sitting on the crimson chair, Anilein scanned the dreamlike hall left and right.

"I thought my father's aesthetic taste was more in line with those of our mothers, but you actually like this kind of fairytale-like beauty..."

"I am a philanthropist. I can appreciate the beauty of any decoration and scenery."

Luo Pei picked up the neatly cut sugar cubes and piled them up bit by bit on the white porcelain dinner plate.

"I didn't stand on the side of chaos at the beginning. Like these sugar cubes, I built up bit by bit and finally arrived at the current position. What I experienced and felt on the way became what I couldn't give up. Fun and taste."

"I see."

Lina nodded knowingly.

"That's why I've only seen beautiful girls in my father's palace until now, right? Your fraternity makes me amazed. If it weren't for this, we wouldn't have been born."

It actually takes some courage to develop a non-attempted relationship with the great evil gods in the starry sky.

Especially if you know the virtues of their common images.

Hearing this, the corners of Luo Pei's mouth twitched slightly.

"...To be honest, in my relationship with your mother, your mother is often the one who takes the initiative."

"Eh? I heard that's not what my mother said."

Saya widened her beautiful pupils, and smiled gently and mockingly.

"My mother often said that your love is as fierce as a storm, cautious and sadistic at the same time. You almost tore her to pieces several times during play."

Shab Nicholas! You have taught your daughter something!

Luo Pei felt like there was a weight on his brain, and the pressure was enormous.

He picked up the wine glass in a little embarrassment, shook the wine, and said slowly.

"Habits are a terrible thing. Many things will naturally go in an extreme direction after the formation of habits... Also, you don't need to delve too deeply into these things!"

"What does it matter?"

Saya got off the chair and bounced to the back of Luo Pei's seat.

The girl hugged her father's neck with both hands, and while smiling like a cat, she poked the black-haired youth's cheek with her hand.

"Father, I am the goddess of life, the goddess who praises reproduction and the birth of new life. My mother bestowed this responsibility on me, so I naturally have to live up to her expectations. Besides, you are my favorite father. Occasionally Saya will also listen to the mother's story and imagine some more intimate development with you..."

"Leaving aside the development of intimacy, I am sure of one thing now, Saya, there is a big problem with your enlightenment education, I have to talk to His Majesty Shabu when I have time!"

"I believe that my mother will only encourage me!"

Saya clenched her fists tightly.

"Attack, possess, and keep moving closer to your own instincts! The goddess in charge of life only needs to sing about this! And all the sisters here won't mind if Father has other ideas about us, will you?"

"That's right."

Lina nodded gracefully.

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