The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1862

The girl no longer had a meaningful smirk on her face, but the joy from her heart made her raise her beer glass high, and even forgot about her own inability to drink.

"Everyone, the long war has worked hard for you."

Canary looked at her companion quite moved.

"We have experienced a lot of failures and unprecedented pains, and the changes during the period are as numerous as stars. But we have come through, and we have tenaciously survived the horror shadow of dystopia. From now on, the sky of Hakoniwa There's only sunshine underneath!"


The musicians spontaneously played cheerful and moving music, wild and elegant.

About two hundred people, almost all the leaders and adjutants of the lower community. The history of dystopian struggle temporarily eliminated the barriers between them, allowing them to toast together so intimately.

On the second floor, Leticia, who came to the banquet after hearing the news, smiled slightly, and turned to ask the two people sitting in the shadow.

"My lord, you are the real existence that defeated dystopia. Would you like to have some drinks with everyone while the banquet is not in place? If you can let go of your figure, after this banquet, everyone's fear of you as the final trial of human beings will also be lessened. Change your mind."

"I don't like a banquet that's too lively, and I don't like a banquet that's too deserted. I'm just such an awkward guy."

Rope took a sip from his glass.

Samona, who was sitting across from him, followed suit, drinking beer she didn't like.

Leticia shook her head helplessly.

Sometimes she really doesn't know what the lord is thinking.

Calling it arrogant, but willing to come to the celebration banquet of the lower community. Said to be easy-going, but unwilling to accept the blessings of the lower community.

Headaches for grownups.

"Anyway, after you defeat Dystopia, Hakoniwa will be able to usher in a rare and long period of peace. The rest of the demon kings, as far as the rules allow... are not a big deal."

"Leticia's concept has also changed a lot."

Rope said with a smile.

"I remember a long time ago, you were the princess who led the Hakoniwa Knights to fight against the devil every day, but now you can treat those who abuse the authority of the organizer as equals."

"I didn't treat those demon kings who abused the authority of the host as equals, but after seeing the horror of dystopia, I got a little bit of a concept of comparison...Huh? Master, Canary and the others seem to be planning to toast you."

"Let them come up."


Under the leadership of Leticia, Canary soon brought a group of people to the second floor, where Rope was.

Without exception, they all knelt down on one knee in front of the great demon king in the two-digit all-powerful domain to show their respect.

"Thank you for your help, Master Vientiane Useless."

Canary touched her shoulder with her right hand and sincerely thanked her.

"Whether it's for me personally or for the authentic residents of the Lower Hakoniwa, it's you who saved them."

"Don't come here, I just took what I wanted, and helping you is just incidental. Besides, if I didn't take away your chance to show off, you should be able to use this opportunity to win over many community members. There is no one owed."

Rope said casually.

Canary didn't say any more, but drank the wine glass she was holding in one gulp.

Then, the blond girl's face was stained with a drunken blush.

"Even if this is the case... there are many good partners who are willing to join our community!"

"Like me!"

A male with a lion's head stands proudly.

"Your Excellency Canary's contribution to the fight against dystopia has deeply moved me, and I will choose to join the community "Arcadia" from now on! "

Luo Pei glanced at the lion-headed man and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"...Sun Sovereignty in Leo?"

"That's right! It's an honor to be known by Mr. Wanxiang Wuyong! This is the lion pulling the chariot under Mr. Surya, the Ritian Lion!"

"The lion under Suliye's seat? That's how it is. He said that he was deprived of the sovereignty of the sun, but Suliye still hides it."

Rope laughed.

"It's a wise choice to transfer one of the sovereignty to you and conceal the whereabouts. At that time, White Night and the Queen of Halloween will certainly not be able to continue to attack him as a loser."

"Is it something that happened during the Sun Sovereignty War?" Lion scratched his head and said awkwardly.

"That was a really uncomfortable time. Your Excellency the Queen of Halloween and Your Excellency White Night kept gathering the Sovereignty of the Sun. Several times, I almost thought that I was going to be found by those two."

"Go away go away!"

The Ritian lion was forcefully pushed aside, and the vulgar god of death wearing a top hat came to Luo Pei.

He took two glasses of rum that didn't fit the atmosphere, and brought them to Luo Pei with a bang.

Croa Baron raised his wine glass high.

"The opportunity to drink with a double-digit demon king is unique! Vientiane is useless. You shouldn't care about your status at the banquet, right? If you don't care, let me, the god of death in a tuxedo, Chloe Baron come Here's a glass of rum! Sailors' wine is sweet, isn't it?"

"Vulgar and unreasonable guy..."

Somona looked at Croya with a vicious look in her eyes.

Lopez waved his hand to signal his daughter to be quiet, and at the same time picked up the rum on the table with a smile.

"Why not? It's a taboo to compare your status at this kind of banquet."

"As expected of Vientiane Useless! Hakoniwa's most terrifying and heroic Demon Lord!"

Croya raised his head and drank the rum in one gulp, then said in a voice that only Rope could hear.

"All in all, thank you, Master Vientiane Useless... I have been blaming myself for letting that child face dystopia alone. It is really great that you can intervene halfway."

From Canary's master to Canary's servant, Croa Baron has watched Canary grow up for a long time.

It can be said that this voodoo god of death completely regards Canary as his daughter.

If it wasn't for helplessness, who would be willing to push his daughter onto the terrifying path of facing the final trial of mankind.

Croa Baron could only thank Luo Pei in a clumsy way.

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