The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1866

Nutz knelt beside Luo Pei, pondering.

"Although it is very similar in nature to Cthugya, it is not caused by the explosives. It is exactly the same as the flame incarnation of that confrontation. And there is also the volcano of Ghatanothoa. The god of usurper should have already You should be executed by the Eternal Sleeper..."

"Your Majesty Nutz, what's wrong?"

The gray-haired beauty returned to her senses, smiling and stroking Rope's head.

"It's nothing. Perhaps for us ancient gods, some things have become a little troublesome."

"That's really a disaster..."

"Exactly. No matter when and where, conspiracies related to those hateful and chaotic villains are extremely disgusting disasters."

After a pause, Nutz asked again.

"Caller, how is your trial going? The situation has changed. Now, I can no longer care about your independent growth and let you go. If your trial in this world is completed, or if you have been exempted from the punishment of the system, I will I hope that you can be temporarily protected under the world I rule."

"Your Majesty Nutz..."

"That's it."

Nutz pressed Rope's head against his chest.

"Occasionally we have to do some things that parents should do. Even if those guys in the council say that I am soft-hearted and interfering, I will not take back my decision at the moment."

The crystallization of the legacy of the ancient serpent, the lucky and strong caller.

The evil gods were obviously making a conspiracy around him, and Nutz, who was aware of the conspiracy, couldn't bear to sit idly by.

Compared to the last time when Hastur came before the Chosen One, it happened that he took the initiative to call this time, and the Winged One of Light decided to protect this rare miracle child.


Nutz did not continue to use the caller to call Rope, but directly called him by his name.

"I always feel that it seems a little strange."

"You mean?"

Rope became vigilant.

At the last step, the Winged One of Light cannot detect the flaw.

"It's not something worth talking about." Nutz smiled and said, "You must have experienced a lot of things to be able to walk to the position of a high demigod alone. But after seeing me again, Rope was not curious at all. Your own identity and the hidden secrets about the Chosen One?"

"If I'm curious, will His Majesty Nutz explain it to me?"

"if you need."

"Thank you." Luo Pei said: "In fact, I probably already understood the matter during this long journey, and asking further questions will only increase troubles. Instead of yearning for the secret past, it is better to bury your head and pay attention to your feet, and keep asking move forward."

The fact is that Rope has already fully understood what should be known and what should not be known through the evil gods and Azalia, and there is no need for Nutz to give any extra explanations.

"You've grown into a good child... It's a pity that my light couldn't shine on you while you were growing up. Those guys in the council feel that excessive interference is against the original intention of the system."

"Judging from the meager achievements I have obtained today, you and the other gods made no mistakes."

The more Nutz looked at Rope, the more he liked him.

The first time she saw Luo Pei, she just felt that he was a somewhat deep and difficult child.

Now for the second time, Rope's performance completely overturned Nutz's previous impression, giving people a mature, reliable and interesting feeling.

"You make me want to communicate with you even more, Rope."

Nutz mixed Rope up, supporting his arm.

"You're right, it's useless to focus on the secrets of the past, but the more you know about intelligence, the better, and you've come to know the truth of the universe in the past. It's our compensation for you for a long time. , I will answer all your doubts and meet your needs."

"Compared to secrets, I want to say what I need, I want power and knowledge more."

Luo Pei said unwillingly.

"It is an unbearable shame to be so helplessly defeated in the face of evil."

"Power? This... I don't know if it counts as interference with growth."

Nutz hesitated, but she didn't want to make her promise empty, so she said again quickly.

"In terms of knowledge, in my country, there are ancient books that have accumulated research on divinity and divine arts for many years. If Luo Pei has a tendency towards positive types of divinity such as light..."

"Please let me have a look!"

Rope grabbed Nutz's hands.

The gray-haired beauty blinked.

"Does Rope want to go directly to my country?"

"Is this an offense?"

The Chosen One is the Serpent who left an inheritance, destined to inherit the existence of the Crown.

If this child can be made interested in divinity like light and become a part of the backbone, it will surely bring happiness and beauty to all living beings in the future, right? Nutz thought.

And in her kingdom of God, she can better protect the chosen ones from the conspiracy and poison of those evil gods.

Afterwards, the Winged One of Light held Rope's hand back as if in response.

"Since this is your wish, then I will make an exception and let the chosen one enter my kingdom!"

"Thank you so much."

Rope showed a happy smile.

Chapter 97: The Demon That Polluted Light

Guided, Rope swims in an ocean of light.

It's not an adjective, it's what really happened.

To go to the divine kingdom of "Winged One of Light" Nutz, one must pass through the Light Elemental Plane. energy.

Holding Rope's hand, Nutz asked.

"Speaking of which, Luo Pei, is the ability I gave you useful? Did it help you during this long journey?"

The black-haired young man was taken aback for a moment, and then answered wittily.

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