The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1882

But if anyone really worships Saya as a saint, the filthy life force flowing in Saya's body will make them understand what a stupid mistake they have made.

Saya is the daughter of Shabu Nicholas, the black goat of the forest that has bred thousands of descendants.

"Talking about letting us experience the fun inside the world, Father, aren't you still indulging in the gentleness of the country?"

Lina said coquettishly.

"What's even more exaggerated is that you are not addicted to our gentle hometown."

Is the point here?

Luo Pei explained: "It's not that I deliberately ignored you. Although my ethical concepts have long been messed up, the time I've met with you is still relatively short. I want to play the role of father more..."

"Somona is fine? You also admit that she is your daughter."

"I'm neutral now, don't target me." Samona glared at Lina.

"Well, since you need my favor so much, then... come together, I think I should be able to withstand it."

The black-haired youth said shocking words without changing his face.

It's not the first time to play with the gods, even if the object is changed to his own daughters, it's completely drizzle for a guy like Luo Pei who has been deprived of human food for a long time.

As soon as these words came out, Anilaine and Estred, who were wrestling together, stopped and quickly came to the table.

"Really? Really? Please tell me what you like, Father., I'm going to prepare now!"

"Saya, you have the divinity of "reproduction", quickly copy all the knowledge you know that can be used into my consciousness! "

"As the eldest sister, you can't just sit idly by and give me a copy."

"Don't look for me, I'm different from my mother..."

Saya smiled in embarrassment, and at the same time pointed at Charisette mischievously.

"Sister Chariste is the goddess of knowledge, you will definitely find her more effective than me!"


Charist closed the book and made a loud sound.

The goddess of knowledge couldn't calm down after hearing her father's words, but at least she did a good job on the surface.

"I won't share it with you."

"Why? Aren't we good sisters?"

"Stupid, judging by the form, after the father utters this sentence, the sisters who make the father the most comfortable will get more favors. Do you think it is fun to share your benefits with others? Of course, Sister Somona said otherwise."

"Love you, Charist."

"Too cunning!"

"If you hate it, you hate yourself for not being fully prepared, or not being able to grasp the opportunity!"

Luo Pei hung a pair of dead fish eyes, propped his cheek with his right hand, and watched his daughters fight again for favor.

Déjà vu, full of déjà vu.

Some of the mothers of these girls got along with him in this way. In order to suppress the status of other evil gods in Luo Pei's heart, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their magical powers.

Is this the same as like mother like daughter? Heredity and education are scary things.

Slander is slander, it is impossible to say that there is no secret pleasure, the feeling of being popular is very happy at any time, especially when those people are still his little cuties.


Luo Pei, who was wandering in the sky, was awakened by a loud noise.

Anilein patted the table and said excitedly.

"We have already decided! For the sake of fairness, we will stay with you for a total of forty-two days. Let us enjoy each other!"

"No, wait a minute, just wait a moment."

Rope sat up straight.

"It's okay to stay with me, but why is it forty-two days? You work 24 hours a day without sleep or rest, and you really want to turn me into a mummy?"

"Because it's my father, so there must be a way!?"

"No, no, there is really no way to do this. You all came to me in your own body."

"Saya will help, okay?" The Goddess of Life smiled sweetly: "Help Father recover his vitality, this work will be left to me!"

very good, very powerful.

Rope didn't know what to say.

Thinking of what he blurted out just now, the black-haired young man felt a trace of regret.

"Okay, that's the end of the play." Chariste said: "I have made some conclusions these days, and I hope that Father and you can read it."

"What summary?"

"Conclusions about us from God."

With a light wave of Charlotte's hand, countless cumbersome design drawings unfolded in the void.

"Although we have become Lord Father's subordinate gods now, we lack systematic coordination. We can only wait for Father to assign tasks like subordinates, and then share the worries for Father. To be honest, I don't hate this method, but it's too much. It's not efficient anymore."

Luo Pei stared at the mysterious design in the sky. Although he didn't have wisdom and knowledge and other divinities, his long-term accumulation of knowledge made it easy for him to understand it.

"So that's how it is, Chariste has such a plan..."

"That's right, my lord father."

Charist scanned the surrounding sisters.

"We need a detailed division of labor to achieve the perfect God-obedient system in accordance with the standards of chaotic traits."

Chapter 107 Uniform Play, Crazy Journey

Looking at the complex design in midair, the daughters whispered.

Among them, Astrid, who hated such cumbersome behavior the most, spoke.

"That...Although it's not that I can't understand it, Charlotte should explain it in simple language, so it's more intuitive and easy to understand."

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