The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1886

One second, two seconds, three seconds, the beauty stuck in her throat and couldn't continue to speak, her face became more and more red, as if steam was about to rise above her head.

"Oh, Bai Xueji, what happened to the Halloween Queen?"

Shiro Yasha seemed to have no shame, sitting on Luo Pei's body, and calmly asked the beauty named Bai Xueji.

"You, you, you! What, what, what, what..."

Bai Xueji covered her eyes, stammering as if she had lost her ability to speak.

"So, even if the appearance is mature, it's useless if the heart is still like that."

Shiroyasha sighed helplessly, got up from Luo Pei, picked up the faded kimono and put it on himself.

Luo Pei also sat up straight, looking at Bai Xueji with interest.

"Bai Ye, is this child your new pet?"

"Well, the water god of snakes, Bai Xueji, the lord of Toli Tunisia Waterfall. It was originally a living sacrifice enshrined to us in the Yasha Pond. Seeing that she was pleasing to the eye, I rescued her and gave her godhead."

Possessing the dominance of one of the largest commercial communities "Thousand Eyes", the rich and powerful Shiroyasha waved his hands lightly, as if the godhead is some rotten cabbage on the street.

"Don't worry about it, it's not an important guy, he's working as a trainee maid here now."

Chapter 109 The gift is the beauty of the snake, showing the fangs to the Halloween queen

After the two tidied up their clothes, Bai Xueji also resumed her previous classical and elegant style.

Breathing steadily, she brushed back her sleeves, knelt down in front of Luo Pei and Shiro Yaksha, and saluted.

"It's the first time we've met, Lord Wanxiang Wuyong. I'm the owner of Toli Tunisia Waterfall. Thanks to Master Shiraiyasha's favor, Bai Xueji who received the divine status of "Snake God of Water"..."

When Bai Xueji said this, her eyes kept secretly looking at Luo Pei.

The nature of her as a servant is a bit special, because it is a relationship directly granted to the godhead, Bai Xueji does not belong to the community "Thousand Eyes" for the time being, but exists as a personal servant of Bai Yasha. Therefore, in terms of information acquisition, she can only obtain it from Shiroyasha himself or some other personal relationships, which is still slightly insufficient compared to "Thousand Eyes"'s intricate information network that spreads all over Hakoniwa.

Even in this way, she clearly knew the identity of the black-haired young man in front of her.

The well-known spouse of the master; the most vicious devil king; the natural enemy of gods and Buddhas; the final trial of a specialized human being... No matter what her identity is, it is not something that a small character like her can easily see. For her master's sake.

But, but, flirting in broad daylight or something... Is this also the habit of the upper-level gods and Buddhas? !

"The water god of the snake?"

Luo Pei stared at the horns on Bai Xueji's head, tilted his head slightly and asked.

"Bai Ye, are you sure you didn't give the wrong godhead? This child has horns and no claws, so it's obviously a "hui (hui)", right? "

The snake transforms into a 虺 for 500 years, the pheasant transforms into a dragon for 500 years, the jiao transforms into a dragon for 1,000 years, the dragon becomes a horned dragon for 500 years, and becomes a dragon for 1,000 years.

The key to the evolution of snake spirits is clearly recorded in the ancient book "Shu Yi Ji" of the Southern Dynasties.

"How could we make such a low-level mistake." Bai Yasha shook his folding fan and said, "Your statement is based on the oriental system, and snakes and dragons in other cultural circles are not as detailed. Snakes are snakes, dragons are dragons, and Bai Xue There is no doubt that Ji possesses the godhead of "Snake Water God". "

"It's rare to have a pair of beautiful horns, it reminds me of Glimo..."

"Do you like it? If you like it, we can give it to you."

"Huh? Isn't this child a gift from Yashachi?"

"That kind of thing is fine no matter what, we are not genuine yakshas who are thirsty for blood..."

"Then I'll take it."

Not long after she calmed down just now, the conversation between Bai Yasha and Luo Pei drove Bai Xueji into the abyss of chaos again, and this time it was not just because of shyness.

——I don’t want to be given away as a gift!

Bai Xueji wanted to shout loudly, and Bai Xueji wanted to resist immediately.

But before the thoughts that filled his chest reached his throat, they disappeared in a flash like winter steam. Regardless of position, identity, or strength, Bai Xueji is not qualified to resist her master Bai Yasha.

All Bai Xueji could do was to lower her head aggrievedly, holding back the tears so that they wouldn't flow out of her eyes.

She looked exactly like a little girl in the old society who was sold by her parents to black-hearted traffickers.

"Don't be willful, Bai Xue, you need to know what is our relationship with Luo Pei? You are basically the same when you are by my side and by his side."

No, it's completely different!

It can be seen from just now that there is a 100% virginity crisis when staying with this Lord Demon King!

Bai Xueji lowered her head and whispered.

"That... I am a sacrifice to Master Shiroyasha, if possible, I still want to stay with Master Shiroyasha..."

"Hey, Luo Pei, your charm has lost to us, okay?"

Shiroyasha elbowed the black-haired young man with a proud smirk.

Rope shrugged.

"Yes, yes, I lost to you, the unparalleled beauty Bai Ye. Compared to this, I am more curious about what she wanted to say just now. What happened to the Queen of Halloween? Does the "Queen of Halloween" refer to her herself, or to the community under her command? "

When it came to business, Bai Xueji immediately suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and said with a serious face.

"Refers to the community "QueenHalloween". Several high-ranking cadres of "Queen Halloween" sent a challenge letter to Lord White Yasha from the upper echelon, hoping to bet with you the seven-figure trading rights of all the outer sects, and have a gift game! "

"We wanted to pick peaches after we finally finished sorting out the lower-level currency channels. It really deserves to be that woman's style. It's bad enough, and all the smells of personal grievances wafted out."

Shiroyasha opened the folding fan with a swish, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Then how did you answer them?"

"This matter is related to the dispute between the two communities of "Thousand Eyes" and "Halloween Queen". I dare not make a decision without authorization. I just say that I will inform you of the challenge and wait for your decision..."

"A worthless idiot!"

Bai Yasha knocked on the edge of the low table with the folding fan, the fierce sound scared Bai Xueji to close her eyes.

The beauty of the snake explained hastily.

"Master Shiroyasha, I'm not a member of "Thousand Eyes", no matter how you say, I've passed other cadres and you to decide the request of "Halloween Queen" without authorization..."

"What makes us angry is that you didn't show our prestige! You are our direct servant!"

Bai Yasha said mercilessly.

"That woman must be laughing at us for not even daring to accept the challenge of mere trade rights! You should have told them to go back and prepare products of equal value for failure, and then offer them with both hands!"

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