The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1894

Obtaining a human body with the help of the gift game, and feeling sweaty after a long absence, Luo Pei is unilaterally satisfied. It's just that the feeling of playing with an inflatable doll still makes him feel a little lacking psychologically.

If you want to play, you still have to play alive, the moving Halloween queen.

The feeling of pressing the truly proud protoss under him must be very touching!

"The warm-up exercise is over, the next step is to seriously crack the game..."

Luo Pei glanced around again at the four girls who were motionless on the stone bed of the altar, turned around without any hesitation, and walked under the altar.

The victory condition of this game is "return the souls of the four girls, find out the real Halloween, revive it and maintain it".

Seemingly like a detective deciphering, find out the real Halloween Queen from the four girls and give it back to life.

But as long as the brain is not broken, it is impossible for the protoss of gold and realm to set such a simple gift game.

The Queen of Halloween sees love as proof of bondage and bondage, and claims to be the greatest gamble of all time, bound to set the game with an all-out stance. She also knows that it is impossible to stop Luo Pei with common sense decryption and strength competition. This game is 100% a confusing game full of deceit and deceit.

In other words, as long as Luo Pei makes a mistake in judgment and falls into the trick of the Halloween Queen, the whole game will end in failure.

"Soul, soul, soul, soul...huh?"

After leaving the altar for a while, four forks appeared in front of Luo Pei.

As far as the eye can see, the vanguard of each fork in the road presents a barren desert, lush forest, blue sea, and extremely cold snow.

The black-haired youth slowly frowned.

Four girls with human pillars, four stone beds in the southeast, northwest, and four forks in the road...

It is almost necessary to stick the theme of "spring, summer, autumn and winter" on the face. Unless they are blind, even mentally retarded people can see that these four paths correspond to the methods of obtaining the souls of the four girls.

So is the first stage to test his mobility? The rules of sealing power seem to be preparations for the four rather difficult roads in front of us...

——No, this is blindfolding.

Luo Pei lowered his eyes, thoughtful in his heart, and walked casually into a fork in the road.

As he expected, no matter which of the four roads is rough and difficult.

It's like pulling out the living hell, and if you are not careful, you will go to the end of death.

The desert is hot and dry, and there are countless sandworms, giant scorpions, and poisonous snakes wandering in the sand.

The forest is eerie and changeable, the ground is covered with deceptive swamps, and cannibals with spears move in groups.

The ocean is unbreathable, aggressive fish are everywhere, and the water pressure increases with the dive.

There is nothing in the snow, the cold and whiteness is the bloodless blade, and it will fall down soon after losing its body temperature and direction.

But that's all.

Even though Rope's body is now a human body, his memory and experience have not been affected by the gift game, and crossing this level of geographical difficulty is as easy as eating and drinking.

It only took Luo Pei about three hours to get the four orbs that symbolized the souls of the girls.

Step on the fork again, and there is a towering altar in front of you.

Luo Pei is very clear that the judgment to be made next will be the focus of this gift game.

The atmosphere in the surrounding jungle was also like Guan Gong opening his eyes, filled with the pressure of inexplicable peeping.

"Are you spying on me, Queen of Halloween, I must have annoyed you by my behavior just now?"

The black-haired young man held four soul orbs in his hands, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Be a little more angry and annoyed, so that when I take you into my hands, it will bring a greater sense of accomplishment..."

Going back to the top of the altar, the girls who were messed up by Rope returned to their neatly dressed state just like reading a file, and each of them was lying on the stone bed as it was at the beginning.

Luo Pei looked at the four orbs engraved with the words spring, summer, autumn and winter on his hand, as if putting them on the foreheads of the girls would return their souls.

But he was in no hurry.

The black-haired youth casually removed a few vines and leaves from the top, put the four soul orbs aside, and dexterously weaved a simple ghost mask with his hands and fingers.

This is not his playful big hair, but a necessary action.

Rope never forgot that the theme of this game is "Halloween".

It is rumored that on Halloween, the souls of the dead will return to the world and look for souls on the living to regenerate. The living person is afraid that the soul of the dead will seize life, so they put out the furnace fire and candlelight on this day, so that the soul of the dead cannot find the living person, and dress themselves up as demons and ghosts to frighten away the soul of the dead.

That's where the Halloween tradition of costumes comes in.

To revive the four girls, Luo Pei had to be sure that the souls of the original girls in his hands were the ones to be resurrected.

After weaving ghost masks and wearing them on the faces of the four girls, Luo Pei took the soul orb and came to the easternmost stone bed.

"Everything is headed by the east, and the east is the direction where the sun rises. The sun symbolizes recovery, vitality, and courage. The warm sun is also an important signal for the arrival of spring, and spring is the head of the year. Oh, it is really simple and clear hint……"

Pausing for a few seconds, Rope turned and headed west to the stone bed.

"However, among the ancient Celtic peoples, Halloween is similar to the concept of Spring Festival. They never think that winter is the end of the year. On the contrary, winter cannot be cultivated, and the weather is bitter and cold. It is the rest time after a year of hard work in spring plowing and autumn harvest. It’s about starting the new year with ice and snow—winter, spring, summer, and autumn are the correct order for this Halloween world.”

Put the winter orb on the girl's forehead, and instantly melt into the girl's body like ice and snow melting.

Then came spring, summer, autumn.

After the last soul merged, the four girls slowly regained their vitality, sat up like puppets, lowered their heads and stared blankly in silence.

Luo Pei nodded, he had already passed the first soul trap and the second sequence trap.

Next is the third "Find out the real Halloween".

Bid farewell to autumn and usher in the Halloween essence of winter, narrowing the scope to the human pillar girls in the west and north.

According to the Celtic nation, Halloween is October 31st, which is still within the scope of "autumn" in the division of four seasons, which means that the girl in autumn is very likely to be the real body of the Queen of Halloween.

But this is Hakoniwa, a world that cannot be considered with common sense.

Luo Pei's eyes wandered back and forth between the Maiden of Winter and the Maiden of Autumn, and finally fixed on the position between the two stone beds.

The dividing line is something invisible and intangible, it is the realm, and the realm is synonymous with the ambiguous term "middle".

The black-haired young man walked to the gap between the two stone beds, knelt down and gently brushed off the moss and dust on the altar with his hands, and a secret door appeared in front of him.

This secret door did not exist before Luo Pei found the four girl souls. With his observation ability, it is impossible to miss this kind of thing. Only then can the next puzzle to be solved appear... or trap.

Opening the secret door, the lifeless blond girl wearing a crown lay quietly inside.

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