The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1898

"I see."

The black-haired young man glanced at the gathered gods and Buddhas, each of them applied the secret technique similar to descending from heaven to become human, presumably he was ready to conflict with the final trial of human beings.

His smile slowly grew menacing.

"I just received a good reward, and I'm in a good mood now, but nothing can stop a person from committing suicide. Di Shitian, is his answer your answer? You have to use the Twelve Heavens of Dharma Protector and the upper echelons of Hako Garden As a representative, to question me and the final human trial of "everything is useless"? "

Di Shitian frowned, unable to give a clear answer.

To be honest, he really didn't want to have a dispute with Wanxiang Wuyong.

Everyone has studied Vientiane for so many years, and so far there is no good way to overcome that terrifying trial.

Even Jesus Christ in the two-digit plenipotentiary field was defeated. It is really difficult for them to bite the bullet and start a dispute.

Especially when the two-digit beings are unwilling to start a war with Vientiane.

But from the standpoint of protecting the law for twelve days, he couldn't just skip it.

A dilemma lies in front of the head of the Valkyrie.

Chapter 117 The storm is over, the timid and brave gods

A few minutes after Luo Pei's voice fell, the scene fell into a freeze. All the gods raised their spirits, alerting the black-haired demon king in front of him to attack at any time.

Di Shitian pondered for a long time, and finally spoke.

"Everyone, go back to where you should go, and I will take over here."

"Sunday" Surya beside him frowned.

"Di Shitian, are you going to..."

"Suliye, take the guardian for twelve days and return to the station. As the "head of the heavenly army", I will give an explanation to all the gods and Buddhas on the upper floor of Little Garden. "

As Di Shitian said, he turned his head to look at the aggrieved La.

"Your Majesty will give me this face, right? Or do you not trust me, Di Shitian?"

The capital of the Valkyrie said so, who else would disagree?

Perhaps Di Shitian had a bad reputation in the ancient times when he was still a demon king, but in these years of governing Hakoba and commanding the Heavenly Army, he has gained the capital to be trusted and respected by all the gods—private life is another matter.

Receiving Di Shitian's appeasement, the gods turned into shooting stars, each running faster than the other. I don't know if it was because they were relieved that they didn't have to face the uselessness of all phenomena, or they really trusted Di Shitian so much.

La stared at Luo Pei for a while, but left helplessly.

Among the twelve gods who protect the law, Bishamonten, who has the closest relationship with Luo Pei, is Uesugi Kenshin. She is the last god to stay in the venue.

The girl carrying the chaotic dragon flag said seriously.

"Lord Luo Pei, I hope you will not be eroded by arrogance. I believe that as long as you communicate well, everything can be resolved through words. I also believe that you are not the kind of demon king who will attack Hakoniwa. Please don't act extreme ,please!"

Uesugi Kenshin's words made Luo Pei's expression slightly relaxed.

He smiled and waved his hand.

"I see."

He really didn't expect that crushing "Winter" would cause such great damage to Hakoniwa. But this is not a manifestation of his lack of love for this amusement park. In fact, from the moment he saw the current state of the world axis, Luo Pei began to think about how to repair it.

Will use that attitude to face the gods, simply because Luo Pei is not happy with the gods' questioning.

What are your identities, and you are worthy to question me?

Before speaking, he should carefully weigh his identity, this is the root cause of his dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, Uesugi Kenshin nodded and left.

Among the gods in the sky, Ti Shitian was left alone.

The handsome male god with a single ponytail scratched his head and slowly landed on the ground.

"There are no extra guys, so I won't put on a show." Di Shitian sighed: "In your eyes, it is obviously a god that you can easily destroy. It is ridiculous to maintain that kind of aloofness?"

"It's really ridiculous. I don't understand at all. What's the benefit of them angering me? Do they want me to repeat the behavior of fighting against the gods and Buddhas in the past, and let them fall from the sky to the earth?"

"It's just that you are too exaggerated this time... We have just gotten used to the sword of Damocles above our heads not long ago, but this time we let the blade of the sword hanging above our heads fall in front of us. would panic."

The gods are not mobilizing their troops for the damage of the world axis.

They are because of the fact that "Vientiane is useless to destroy the world axis".

The long-standing fear and uneasiness about the final trial of human beings, now there is a slight disturbance, and they will come out of the nest, like swarms of ants.

"So, what's your answer? Di Shitian." Luo Pei crossed his arms and examined the head of the Valkyrie: "After dismissing the gods, what method will you use to calm the dissatisfaction of Hakoniwa Shinto? Be careful with your words. Even if I am named as an advisor to protect the law for twelve days, what you say next will affect the relationship between the two of us."

"I really want to say let's forget it, after all, the repair of the world axis is not impossible."

Di Shitian paused, then sighed again.

"But my position, I must let me give an explanation to the higher-ups... Needless to say, Lord Wanxiang Wuyong, please open the game field."

The Martial God with a single ponytail's brows flashed brightly, as if lightning flashed across the sky.

A spear emerged from the pitch-black space, shining golden light. It was the famous Indra's Spear. In Hindu mythology, it was exchanged for the invulnerable sun armor.

"Is that your answer?"


Bai Yasha stood in front of Luo Pei, looked at Di Shitian and asked.

"Di Shitian, are you looking for death? It's good that you are qualified to challenge the final trial by becoming a man, but Luo Pei's trial is "human beings are useless", and you will only die faster. "

"I have no choice."

Di Shitian carried the godhead armament, and the suit all over his body was transformed into a battle armor.

"I have my responsibility. The importance of this responsibility has been understood since the battle of Yuedu. This is also the reason why I converted to Buddhism and became Emperor Shitian."

"But if you do this, it will only make the situation even more out of control."

Bai Yasha's words silenced Di Shitian.

How could he not know this.

If he loses the battle of ten deaths and no life, and dies in the hands of Wanxiang Wuyu, then the entire upper layer of Hako Garden will explode. The hardliners will definitely fight with Vientiane to death forever, and the consequence of that is that more gods and Buddhas will die in the hands of Luo Pei, until the Hakoniwa Deities are completely wiped out by the Demon King.

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