The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1900

"Well, no problem, everyone here is my own, and I won't talk nonsense." Luo Pei assured, "Unless you slipped your mouth, or your deacon spoke the truth after drinking..."

"This is really rude, my lord Vientiane useless."

Scathach stared at the black-haired youth dissatisfied.

"I am the head deacon and head maid of Her Majesty the Queen. How could I make such a low-level mistake and shame the master? The person next to you is very likely to do such a thing. Just look at her smirk. .”

"Hey! Who is laughing?"

Bai Yasha, who was attacked by inexplicable words, naturally refused to take the blame.

If he could see the scene where the Halloween queen's reputation was polluted, Shiraiyasha would definitely be 200% willing. But it also involves the uselessness of everything, if you don't look at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, it is impossible for Bai Yasha to make a move that embarrasses Luo Pei.

Don't look at him acting like a decadent uncle all day long, this kind of reserve, gray-haired loli still has it.

"all in all."

The Queen of Halloween forcibly brought the topic back.

"This is the end of the game's outcome and results. I will leave the lower level now and go to the headquarters of my community to start preparing for support and saving the winter. As for the losses suffered by "Thousand Eyes" in the game, it will be determined by Scathach is in charge. "

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen." Skaha saluted.

After the Queen of Halloween made such a conclusive announcement, she planned to turn around and leave.

But before her little feet in high heels took half a step, Shiroyasha's playful voice reached her ears.

"Let's say, aren't you planning to run away?"

"What do you mean by that?"

The Halloween Queen turned gracefully and looked at Shiroyasha calmly.

"The outcome of the game has already been decided. I just replaced Lord Vientiane Wuyong and made a promise to the upper-level gods and Buddhas of Hakoniwa. Now that I am going to carry out this promise, how can I talk about "escape"? "

"No no no."

Shiroyasha shook the folding fan lightly, with a wicked smile on his face.

"The point is not that, is it? The point is that you haven't completely paid the loser's price to Luo Pei. You don't think that a hug will let you slip away from this field, do you? Or is it that the Queen of Halloween is afraid to face the opponent with her own body? Rope?"


The Queen of Halloween was shaken for a moment, then answered with a sneer.

"Am I the kind of guy who pays perfunctoryly? Master Wanxiang Wuyou won the victory with his wisdom and strength. Naturally, my glory and chastity as a protoss will belong to him. It's just that I now judge that the repair of the world axis must be done. more important."

"You hesitated?"

"Nonsense and stalking!"

"Since ancient times, you have always been the one who has been messing around, okay? I don't know who it is. After losing to us in the Sun Sovereignty War, I can't let go until now."

"...White, let me confirm again, I really don't like you."

"Each each other, golden."

The tip of the needle between the two never gave in to Maimang.

Luo Pei's smile was no longer as easy as it was before, and gradually became more subtle.

Shiroyasha also seemed to know how tough his mortal enemy was, so he turned to the black-haired youth for advice.

"What do you think, Rope?"


"Will the Queen of Halloween be allowed to prioritize the affairs of the world axis?" Bai Yasha said: "We can't give that woman a chance to breathe. Hakoniwa Center's judgment can't be faked, but it doesn't mean she can't delay. If she slips away now, It will definitely delay your reward with various excuses - such as repairing the world axis."

"I won't!"

Halloween queen roaring yell.

Immediately, the blond protoss realized his gaffe, coughed lightly, and calmed down his annoyed mood.

She smiled again.

"Bai Yasha, your words now don't seem to be words for Mr. Luo Pei's benefit."


"You are discrediting Lord Vientiane, as the existence of the two-digit "full power domain", Lord Luo Pei must clearly distinguish which is more important at the moment. If you rely on your own words, wouldn't it be to confirm Mr. Luo Pei's bad reputation for being anxious? "

Saying that, the Queen of Halloween gave Luo Pei a gentle and trusting look.

So, don't pull me when you two are in a passionate match... The most annoying thing is this kind of women who are fighting each other...

Luo Pei tidied up his collar, and also gave the Queen of Halloween a gentle look.

The blond girl was overjoyed.

Immediately, Rope spoke.

"I support Bai Ye's statement. Miss Halloween, there is no rush to restore the world axis. Come with me now."


The Halloween Queen's smile froze on her face.

Bai Yasha laughed loudly, knelt on the ground and kept patting the ground.

"Wait, wait, Luo Pei, because of the game between the two of us, a large number of existences linked to winter are in danger in Hakoniwa. You don't have to be so anxious. With the binding power of Hakoniwa's center, I won't run away or deliberately delay. ..."

The Queen of Halloween panicked in a rare way.

Luo Pei was very new to her like this, and it seemed that she had never seen this protoss of gold and realm flustered.

The brunette youth strides towards the Halloween Queen.

"Things have become so bad that they can't get any worse. As you said, repairing the world axis is not a one-time job. Instead of working alone, why don't we act together? Wouldn't that be faster?"

"No, this..."

"Or is it true that Bai Ye said that you plan to use the deceitful procrastination formula?"


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